Saved trees

Programme: Local Development, Poverty Reduction and Enhanced Inclusion of Vulnerable Groups

Planning region: All


The project proposal includes the purchase of technological equipment for the existing wine cellar "Lozenets", located in the village of Lozenets, Straldzha municipality, Yambol district.
The newly purchased technological equipment is in accordance with a technological project developed by a qualified person and will include:
- Device for microfiltration - 2 pieces;
- Semi-automatic filler B and B - 1 piece;
- Desktop Label for self-adhesive labels - 1 piece;
- Semi-automatic Filling-Closing monoblock - 1 piece;
- Semi-automatic Labeling machine - 1 piece;
- Manual Rinsing Machine - 1 piece;
- Reservoir (vessel) universal V = 1 m3 - 4 pieces;
- Reservoir (vessel) universal thermally insulated V = 1 m3 - 4 pieces;
- Reservoir (vessel) universal V = 2 m3 - 3 pieces;
- Tank (vessel) universal thermally insulated V = 2 m3 - 3 pieces;
- Reservoir (vessel) universal V = 3 m3 - 1 piece;
- Reservoir (vessel) universal thermally insulated V = 3 m3 - 1 piece;
- Cover with washing head - 1 piece;
- Refrigeration plant - 1 piece;
- Reservoir (vessel) for glycol solution V = 0.5 m3 - 1 piece;
- Centrifugal main pump from the refrigeration plant to the container for glycol solution - 1 piece
- Centrifugal pumps - from the container for glycol solution to the consumers - 2 pieces
- Control of the pump by pressure and speed - 1 piece
The realized investments are for improvement of the material base for the production of the wine enterprise, which will lead to increase of the competitiveness of and improvement of the overall activity of the enterprise.
In general, the implementation of the project forms a well-constructed and closed production cycle and the optimization of the technological process will increase the efficiency and profitability of production.
Activity Contracted Amount Reported Amount
Доставка и монтаж на технологично оборудване: Дейността включва доставка и монтаж на технологично оборудване, както следва: - Уред за микрофилтриране – 2 броя; - Полуавтоматична пълначка Bamp;B - 1 брой; - Настолна Етикетирка за самозалепващи етикети - 1 брой; - Полуавтоматичен Пълначно-Затварачен моноблок - 1 брой; - Полуавтоматична Етикетираща машина- 1 брой; - Ръчна Изплакваща машина - 1 брой; - Резервоар (съд) универсален V = 1 м3 - 4 броя; - Резервоар (съд) универсален термоизолиран V = 1 м3 - 4 броя; - Резервоар (съд) универсален V = 2 м3 - 3 броя; - Резервоар (съд) универсален термоизолиран V = 2 м3 - 3 броя; - Резервоар (съд) универсален V = 3 м3 - 1 брой; - Резервоар (съд) универсален термоизолиран V = 3 м3 - 1 брой; - Капак с измиваща глава - 1 брой; - Хладилна централа- 1 брой; - Резервоар (съд) за глюколов разтвор V = 0,5 м3 - 1 брой; - Главна помпа центробежна от хладилната централа до съда за глюколов разтвор- 1 брой - Помпи центробежни – от съда за глюколов разтвор към консуматорите - 2 броя - Управление на помпата по налягане и скорост - 1 брой 140 956.67 140 956.48
Отчитане на проекта: Отчитане на проекта: изготвяне и подаване на искане за плащане 0.00 2 500.00


Elements in light blue allow detailed view when selected
All amounts are in Bulgarian lev (BGN) / 1 EUR = 1,95583 BGN
The project is financed by the Operational Programme "Technical Assistance" and co-financed by the European Union through the European Regional Development Fund.
In implementing the project № 0115-CCU-2.1 "Information system for management and monitoring of EU funds in 2014-2020 - UMIS 2020" (BG161PO002-2.1.01-0007-C0001).