
Name Address
000056814 Burgas Municipality България, гр.Бургас, 8000, гр. Бургас, ул. АЛЕКСАНДРОВСКА, 26

List of projects in which the organization is involved as a Partner

Project Name Home Duration (months) Status of Implementation of the Contract/Order of the Grant
Equal Start - Successful Students 27.07.2016 г. 30 Closed (completion date)
Social inclusion and development of the youth in Burgas Municipality 14.05.2018 г. 11 Closed (completion date)
Find Me In Sports 01.08.2018 г. 17 Closed (completion date)
Project №3 "Implementing innovative measures to mitigate and adapt to climate change in municipalities in Bulgaria" 03.02.2021 г. 42 Contracted
Together today, together tomorrow - local communities in support of improved early childhood education and care 18.04.2022 г. 24 In execution (starting date)
Pilot initiative for connectivity in the South-Eastern region - Improving the connectivity of the secondary and tertiary road network in the Burgas region with the Trans-European transport network for goods and passengers through the reconstruction of roads, incl. construction, reconstruction, rehabilitation and repair (main and/or ongoing) of republican, forest and municipal roads 06.11.2023 г. 3 In execution (starting date)
Construction of a center for excellence in the professional direction "Computer Sciences" at the Vocational High School for Computer Programming and Innovation - Burgas. 14.12.2023 г. 35 In execution (starting date)
Repair and rehabilitation of the dormitory building of the Yuri Gagarin Sports School, Zornitsa, Burgas 14.12.2023 г. 31 In execution (starting date)
ИЗГРАЖДАНЕ НА МЛАДЕЖКИ ЦЕНТЪР - гр. ПОМОРИЕ 10.01.2024 г. 37 In execution (starting date)