
UMIS Number BG06RDNP001-4.012-1722-C03
Project Name Modernization of the agricultural holding through investments in innovations and environment
Beneficiary 204111021 "Kasameri" Ltd
Funding EZFRSR ==> Rural Development Programme
Date of the Contract/Order 03.02.2023
Start Date 03.02.2023
End Date 15.06.2025
Status of Implementation of the Contract/Order of the Grant Contracted
Location of Performance
  • България, Северна и югоизточна България (BG3), Северозападен (BG31), Ловеч (BG315), Ловеч, с.Александрово


Brief description
This project will be implemented by "KASAMERI" Ltd. - an agricultural producer registered in the Municipal Service "Agriculture" - Lovech, region. Lovech.
The applicant develops his main activity in the field of plant growing and in particular - growing of perennial apple and cherry plantations with a total area of ​​68 decares. For the purpose of the project, "KASAMERI" EOOD has pledged to build an automated system for drip irrigation for 67.65 decares of perennial cherries and apples and purchase of specialized agricultural machinery for the needs of the farm meeting the principles of conservation agriculture and environmental protection. Wednesday. The land on which the investments in the current project will be made is own, rented and leased agricultural land in the lands of the village of Alexandrivi, municipality. Lovech, region Lovech.
The investments under this project are aimed at expansion and development of the farm, modernization of the machinery and equipment of the applicant in order to optimize costs, increase the efficiency of the farm and improve the quality of production and facilitate the work process by investing in innovative the farm agricultural machinery and equipment in unison with all tillage techniques related to the principles of efficient conservation agriculture and helping to protect natural resources.
  • Activity: Закупуване на земеделска техника и оборудване и изграждане на система за подкоронно и надкоронно дъждуване на 67.65 дка трайни насаждения: Съвкупното действие на планираните положителни резултати ще доведе до постигане на основната цел на проекта: • повишаване конкурентоспособността на кандидата и осигуряване на условия за дългосрочно устойчиво развитие на стопанството чрез инвестиции в автоматизирано капково напояване и земеделска техника и оборудване, водещи до дейности, осигуряващи опазване на компонентите на околната среда и иновации, с цел спазване на принципите за ефективно консервационно земеделие. Планира се, проектната цел да бъде постигната чрез инвестиции в следната земеделска техника, оборудване и градини: • Модулна хладилна камера за охлаждане на пресна продукция 40' HC RF Thermo King / Plus– 1 бр. • Трактор марка LAMBORGHINI, модел RF. 80.4 TREND с допълнително оборудване – 1 бр. • Челен товарач HAUER POM-VX 70 с допълнително оборудваен - 1.бр. • Хоризонтален мулчер марка OSTRATICKY,модел HM4220P– 1 бр. • Навигационна система марка AGROGLOBAL,модел AGN AT5 • Култиватор марка AGROMASZ,модел AU 36 с доп.оборудване – 1 бр. • Платформа за беритба на плодове марка Zagroda, модел AS 350 – 1 бр. • Метеорологична станция ECO 2 – 1бр. • Пръскачка вентилаторна,прикачна марка PROJET,модел COMPACT AIR SYSTEM 2200 – 1 бр. • Машина мулчираща марка PERUZZO,модел BULL SUPER 1600 доп.оборудване – 1 бр. • Комплект ноживи за обслужване на стопанствот – INFACO – 1 бр. • Система за капково напояване за 67,65 дка. , Contracted Amount: 578 720.76 , Reported Amount: 0.00

Participating Organizations

Partners None
Contractors None
Subcontractors None
Members of the Consortium None


* The projected contract value may be lower than the reported one because of any of the following reasons:

  • For physical person, the contracted value does not include the employer expenses, which are admissible expenses and are accounted under the project
  • The Beneficiary has reported expense only with an invoice without a contract with the selected contractor
  • The beneficiary has reported over again expenses to the MA

** This column represents the amount of costs claimed by the beneficiary



Financial Information

Total Project cost 607 581.01 BGN
Grant 303 790.47 BGN
Self amount 303 790.54 BGN
Total actual amounts paid 0.00 BGN
Percentage of EU co-financing 88.05 %

Financial Corrections



1 The quoted value represents the maximum amount of the imposed financial correction. Depending on the performance of the contract, the actual amount of the deducted financial correction may be lower.

2 A financial correction with a zero total value means that it has been canceled as a result of a court judgment.


There are no tender procedures


All amounts are in Bulgarian lev (BGN) / 1 EUR = 1,95583 BGN