UMIS Number | BG06RDNP001-19.273-0006-C02 |
Project Name | "Repair, equipment and furnishing of" House of Traditions "in Staro Zhelezare village, Hisarya municipality" |
Beneficiary | 000471671 Municipality Hissarya |
Funding | EZFRSR ==> Rural Development Programme |
Date of the Contract/Order | 05.04.2021 |
Start Date | 05.04.2021 |
End Date | 30.06.2023 |
Status of Implementation of the Contract/Order of the Grant | Terminated (termination date) |
Location of Performance |
Brief description |
Проектното предложение предвижда да бъде направен ремонт на покрив / подмяна на керемиди, и поставяне на нови старобългарски керемиди, летви, улуци и водосточни тръби/, измазване и боядисване на съществуващата ограда, ремонт на навес /подова замазка, измазване и боядисване на стени/, закупуване на климатици, закупуване на оборудване в това число мултимедия с екран и закупуване и поставяне на пос пано за снимки на открито и други. |
Activities |
Partners | None |
Contractors | None |
Subcontractors | None |
Members of the Consortium | None |
Notes: * The projected contract value may be lower than the reported one because of any of the following reasons:
** This column represents the amount of costs claimed by the beneficiary |
Indicator 1 | Брой развити туристически атракции/обекти, Measure Unit: Number, Base Value: 3.00 , Target amount: 3.00 , Reached amount: 0.00 |
Indicator 2 | Брой посетители на подкрепените атракции, Measure Unit: Number, Base Value: 1 000.00 , Target amount: 1 200.00 , Reached amount: 0.00 |
Indicator 3 | Удовлетвореност на посетителите от атракциите и информационните услуги, Measure Unit: %, Base Value: 100.00 , Target amount: 100.00 , Reached amount: 0.00 |
Indicator 4 | Население, облагодетелствано от инвестициите в туризма, Measure Unit: Number, Base Value: 10 500.00 , Target amount: 12 000.00 , Reached amount: 0.00 |
Total Project cost | 0.00 BGN |
Grant | 0.00 BGN |
Self amount | 0.00 BGN |
Total actual amounts paid | 23 265.28 BGN |
Percentage of EU co-financing | 0.00 % |
None | |
Notes: 1 The quoted value represents the maximum amount of the imposed financial correction. Depending on the performance of the contract, the actual amount of the deducted financial correction may be lower. 2 A financial correction with a zero total value means that it has been canceled as a result of a court judgment. |
There are no tender procedures |
All amounts are in Bulgarian lev (BGN) / 1 EUR = 1,95583 BGN