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Programme Rural Development Programme
Priority Axis Basic services and village renewal in rural areas
Procedure Енергийна ефективност „Реконструкция, ремонт, оборудване и/или обзавеждане на общински сгради, в които се предоставят обществени услуги, с цел подобряване на тяхната енергийна ефективност“ по подмярка 7.2. „Инвестиции в създаването, подобряването или разширяването на всички видове малка по мащаби инфраструктура“ от мярка 7 „Основни услуги и обновяване на селата в селските райони“ от Програмата за развитие на селските райони за периода 2014 – 2020 г.
Starting Year (from)
Starting Year (to)
End Year (from)
End Year (to)
Project Name
Project proposal number


Programme Beneficiary Company type Company legal type Company legal status Address Location Project proposal number Project Name Total Grant Self-financing by the Beneficiary Actual amounts paid Duration (months) Status of Implementation of the Contract/Order of the Grant
2014BG06RDNP001 Rural Development Programme 000093385 OBSHTINA AKSAKOVO State administration Municipal administration Public Bulgaria, Aksakovo, 9154, ул. Г.ПЕТЛЕШЕВ, номер 58Б Aksakovo BG06RDNP001-7.020-0082 Introduction of energy efficiency measures in municipal buildings - "Detstvo moe" kindergarten and "Druzhba" kindergarten in the town of Aksakovo 732 027.52 732 027.52 0.00 0.00 30 Contracted
2014BG06RDNP001 Rural Development Programme 000235750 MUNICIPALITY OF ARDINO State administration Municipal administration Public Bulgaria, Ardino, 6750, ул. "Бели брези" №31 Ardino BG06RDNP001-7.020-0022 Renovation of the buildings of the Ardino municipal administration in order to improve their energy efficiency 964 431.86 964 431.86 0.00 0.00 30 Contracted
2014BG06RDNP001 Rural Development Programme 000852544 Balchik Municipality State administration Municipal administration Public Bulgaria, Balchik, 9600, пл.21-ВИ СЕПТЕМВРИ, номер 6 Obrochishte BG06RDNP001-7.020-0108 "Increasing the energy efficiency of "Hristo Smirnenski" Secondary School, Obrochishte village, Balchik municipality" 890 533.67 890 533.67 0.00 0.00 30 Contracted
2014BG06RDNP001 Rural Development Programme 000024663 BANSKO MUNICIPALITY State administration Municipal administration Public Bulgaria, Bansko, 2770, Пл. "НИКОЛА ВАПЦАРОВ" №1 Bansko BG06RDNP001-7.020-0034 "Improving the energy efficiency of educational buildings and buildings with a social purpose in the municipality of Bansko" 212 393.95 212 393.95 0.00 0.00 30 Contracted
2014BG06RDNP001 Rural Development Programme 000024688 Belica municipality Other Other legal entity Public Bulgaria, Belene, 2780, „Георги Андрейчин” № 15 Gorno Kraishte BG06RDNP001-7.020-0117 "R"Reconstruction, rehabilitation and implementation of energy efficiency measures in Peyo Kr. Yavorov" -p. Gorno Kraishte, municipality of Belitsa" 943 494.68 943 494.68 0.00 0.00 30 Contracted
2014BG06RDNP001 Rural Development Programme 000093403 OBSHTINA BELOSLAV State administration Municipal administration Public Bulgaria, Beloslav, 9178, ул. ЦАР СИМЕОН ВЕЛИКИ, номер 23 Beloslav BG06RDNP001-7.020-0063 "Increasing the energy efficiency of municipally owned buildings in the Municipality of Beloslav" 972 904.86 972 904.86 0.00 486 452.42 10 Contracted
2014BG06RDNP001 Rural Development Programme 000776071 BOZHURISHTE MUNICIPALITY State administration Municipal administration Public Bulgaria, Bozhurishte, 2227, бул. ЕВРОПА, номер 85 Herakovo BG06RDNP001-7.020-0099 Improvement of energy efficiency in the school building "St. St. Cyril and Methodius", the village of Herakovo, Bozhurishte municipality 973 300.00 973 300.00 0.00 0.00 30 Contracted
2014BG06RDNP001 Rural Development Programme 000351565 Municipality Bratsigovo State administration Municipal administration Public Bulgaria, Bratsigovo, 4579, Атанас Кабов № 6А Bratsigovo BG06RDNP001-7.020-0020 Introduction of energy-saving measures in the municipal administration building in Bratsigovo, Bratsigovo municipality 704 537.50 704 537.50 0.00 19 531.25 30 Contracted
2014BG06RDNP001 Rural Development Programme 000931625 OBSHTINA VELIKI PRESLAV State administration Municipal administration Public Bulgaria, Veliki Preslav, 9850, ул. БОРИС СПИРОВ, номер 58 Veliki Preslav BG06RDNP001-7.020-0094 "Energy -saving measures in two municipal buildings - repair activities, equipment and construction of FVC in the kindergarten" Snejanka "in the village of Trinitsa and the mayoralty in the village of Mostich on the territory of Veliki Preslav municipality" 381 506.55 381 506.55 0.00 0.00 30 Contracted
2014BG06RDNP001 Rural Development Programme 000530504 VETOVO MUNICIPALITY State administration Municipal administration Public Bulgaria, Vetovo, 7080, ул. "Трети март" №2 Vetovo BG06RDNP001-7.020-0127 "ENERGY EFFICIENCY OF ADMINISTRATIVE BUILDINGS IN THE TERRITORY OF VETOVO MUNICIPALITY" 965 902.91 965 902.91 0.00 0.00 30 Contracted
2014BG06RDNP001 Rural Development Programme 000093474 OBSHTINA VALCHI DOL State administration Municipal administration Public Bulgaria, Valchi Dol, 9280, пл. ХРИСТО БОТЕВ, номер 1 Valchi Dol BG06RDNP001-7.020-0008 Major repair and improvement of the energy efficiency of the Kinder garden "Zdravets", Valchi dol 976 616.23 976 616.23 0.00 0.00 30 Contracted
2014BG06RDNP001 Rural Development Programme 000565380 Municipality of Glavinitsa State administration Municipal administration Public Bulgaria, Glavinitsa, 7630, ул. ”Витоша” № 44 Glavinitsa BG06RDNP001-7.020-0097 "ENERGY EFFICIENCY OF MUNICIPALLY OWNED BUILDINGS OF THE TERRITORY OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF GLAVINICA" 975 846.87 975 846.87 0.00 0.00 30 Contracted
2014BG06RDNP001 Rural Development Programme 000413691 GULIANTSI MUNICIPALITY State administration Municipal administration Public Bulgaria, Gulyantsi, 5960, ул. "Васил Левски" № 32 Gulyantsi BG06RDNP001-7.020-0074 "Introduction of measures for energy efficiency of a municipal building, with the aim of achieving the criteria "Building with close to zero energy consumption" - Nezabravka Kindergarten, Struma Street No. 8, Gulyantsi, Pleven Region" 951 304.46 951 304.46 0.00 0.00 30 Contracted
2014BG06RDNP001 Rural Development Programme 000024752 Municipality of Garmen State administration Municipal administration Public Bulgaria, Garmen, 2960, Първа 35 Garmen BG06RDNP001-7.020-0029 CONSTRUCTION WORKS ON THE BUILDING OF SECONDARY SCHOOL (SU) "SAINT SAINT CYRIL AND METHODIUS", VILLAGE GARMEN, MUNICIPALITY GARMEN, TO ACHIEVE ENERGY EFFICIENCY CLASS A UP TO THE TRANSFORMATION AND IN A BUILDING WITH NEAR TO ZERO ENERGY CONSUMPTION 927 018.77 927 018.77 0.00 0.00 30 Contracted
2014BG06RDNP001 Rural Development Programme 000235831 Dzhebel Municipality State administration Municipal administration Public Bulgaria, Dzhebel, 6850, ул. "Еделвайс" №19 Dzhebel BG06RDNP001-7.020-0064 Increasing energy efficiency, construction of RES and repair of municipal buildings - town halls on the territory of Jebel Municipality 874 188.35 874 188.35 0.00 0.00 30 Contracted
2014BG06RDNP001 Rural Development Programme 000852188 MUNICIPALITY OF DOBRICHKA State administration Municipal administration Public Bulgaria, Dobrich, 9300, "Независимост" № 20 Batovo BG06RDNP001-7.020-0055 INTRODUCTION OF ENERGY EFFICIENCY MEASURES OF THE BUILDING OF PRIMARY SCHOOL "FATHER PAISIUS" IN THE VILLAGE OF BATOVO, MUNICIPALITY OF DOBRICHKA 806 220.31 806 220.31 0.00 0.00 30 Contracted
2014BG06RDNP001 Rural Development Programme 000413725 MUNICIPALITY DOLNA MITROPOLIA State administration Municipal administration Public Bulgaria, Dolna Mitropolia, 5855, ул. "Св. Св. Кирил и Методий" № 39 Dolna Mitropolia BG06RDNP001-7.020-0046 "Repair activities, renovation and equipment of the building fund of the municipal administration - Municipality of Dolna Mitropolia, to improve the energy efficiency of the buildings" 849 785.85 849 785.85 0.00 0.00 30 Contracted
2014BG06RDNP001 Rural Development Programme 000093517 MUNICIPALITY DOLNI CHIFLIK State administration Municipal administration Public Bulgaria, Dolni Chiflik, 9120, пл. ТИЧА, № 1 Dolni Chiflik BG06RDNP001-7.020-0053 "Increasing the energy efficiency of municipally owned buildings in the Municipality of Dolni Chiflik" 908 810.24 908 810.24 0.00 0.00 30 Contracted
2014BG06RDNP001 Rural Development Programme 000215729 OBSHTINA DRYANOVO State administration Municipal administration Public Bulgaria, Dryanovo, 5370, ул. БАЧО КИРО, номер 19 Dryanovo BG06RDNP001-7.020-0044 "IMPLEMENTATION OF ENERGY EFFICIENCY MEASURES IN THE DRYANOVO MUNICIPAL ADMINISTRATION BUILDING" 676 875.00 676 875.00 0.00 338 437.00 28 Contracted
2014BG06RDNP001 Rural Development Programme 000093524 OBSHTINA DALGOPOL State administration Municipal administration Public Bulgaria, Dalgopol, 9250, ул. Г.ДИМИТРОВ, номер 105 Dalgopol BG06RDNP001-7.020-0107 "Repair activities, renovation and equipment of buildings of the municipality of Dulgopol, with the aim of improving the energy efficiency of the buildings" 223 953.25 223 953.25 0.00 0.00 30 Contracted
2014BG06RDNP001 Rural Development Programme 000776259 Municipality of Etropole State administration Municipal administration Public Bulgaria, Etropole, 2180, пл. "Девети септември" № 1 Etropole BG06RDNP001-7.020-0071 Introduction of energy-saving measures in accordance with the predictions of the energy efficiency survey of the "Zvanche" DG, "Slanchitse" DG and "Edelvais" DG in the city of Etropole, municipality of Etropole 827 270.21 827 270.21 0.00 0.00 30 Contracted
2014BG06RDNP001 Rural Development Programme 000614938 ZLATOGRAD MUNICIPALITY State administration Municipal administration Public Bulgaria, Zlatograd, 4980, ул. СТЕФАН СТАМБОЛОВ, номер 1 Startsevo BG06RDNP001-7.020-0057 Improving the Energy Efficiency of SU "St. Prince Boris I", Startsevo village, commune. Zlatograd 961 964.41 961 964.41 0.00 0.00 30 Contracted
2014BG06RDNP001 Rural Development Programme 000530536 OBSHTINA IVANOVO State administration Municipal administration Public Bulgaria, Ivanovo, 7088, ул. “Олимпийска“75 Ivanovo,Shtraklevo BG06RDNP001-7.020-0070 Construction of photovoltaic power plants for own needs on roof structures of buildings - owned by the municipality of Ivanovo 915 941.52 915 941.52 0.00 0.00 30 Contracted
2014BG06RDNP001 Rural Development Programme 000776299 Ihtiman Municipality State administration Municipal administration Public Bulgaria, Ihtiman, 2050, ул. „Цар Освободител“ № 123 Ihtiman BG06RDNP001-7.020-0040 "Improving the energy efficiency of the buildings of the town halls in the village of Borika, the village of Mirovo and the village of Stambolovo, Ihtiman municipality" 928 174.28 928 174.28 0.00 0.00 30 Contracted
2014BG06RDNP001 Rural Development Programme 000471340 OBSHTINA KALOYANOVO State administration Municipal administration Public Bulgaria, Kaloyanovo, 4173, пл. ВЪЗРАЖДАНЕ, номер 6 Kaloyanovo BG06RDNP001-7.020-0128 Repair and reconstruction of municipal buildings on the territory of Kaloyanovo Municipality in order to improve their energy efficiency 867 986.53 867 986.53 0.00 0.00 30 Contracted
2014BG06RDNP001 Rural Development Programme 000193243 OBSHTINA KNEZHA State administration Municipal administration Public Bulgaria, Knezha, 5835, ул. МАРИН БОЕВ, номер 69 Knezha BG06RDNP001-7.020-0102 Implementation of Energy Efficiency measures in the building of "Father Paisiy" Primary School, Knezha 977 199.00 977 199.00 0.00 488 599.00 28 Contracted
2014BG06RDNP001 Rural Development Programme 000776349 Kostenets municipality State administration Municipal administration Public Bulgaria, Kostenets, 2030, ул. Иван Вазов № 2 Kostenets BG06RDNP001-7.020-0106 Implementation of energy efficiency measures in the buildings of "Konstantin Kostenechki" elementary school, Kostenets village and "Hristo Smirnenski" elementary school, Momin prohod, Kostenets municipality. 881 917.88 881 917.88 0.00 16 570.00 30 Contracted
2014BG06RDNP001 Rural Development Programme 000776363 Kostinbrod municipality State administration Municipal administration Public Bulgaria, Kostinbrod, 2230, Охрид № 1 Kostinbrod BG06RDNP001-7.020-0069 "Introduction of energy efficiency measures in the building of Kostinbrod Municipality with number 38978.900.7393.1, in PI with number 38978.900.7393., ul. " Ohrid" No1, gr. Kostinbrod" 626 123.45 626 123.45 0.00 0.00 30 Contracted
2014BG06RDNP001 Rural Development Programme 000590540 Kotel Municipality State administration Municipal administration Public Bulgaria, Kotel, 8970, пл. Възраждане № 1 Kotel BG06RDNP001-7.020-0104 Reconstruction, repair and construction of installations for the use of energy from RES in municipal buildings in order to improve their energy efficiency 506 683.44 506 683.44 0.00 0.00 30 Contracted
2014BG06RDNP001 Rural Development Programme 000235913 Krumovgrad municipality State administration Municipal administration Public Bulgaria, Krumovgrad, 6900, пл. "България" №5 Tokachka BG06RDNP001-7.020-0112 Renovation of the building of the "Slantse" kindergarten, Tokachka village, Krumovgrad Municipality, in order to improve energy efficiency 507 241.75 507 241.75 0.00 0.00 30 Contracted
2014BG06RDNP001 Rural Development Programme 000505846 Municipality of Kubrat State administration Municipal administration Public Bulgaria, Kubrat, 7300, ул. "Княз Борис I" №1 Kubrat BG06RDNP001-7.020-0061 "Construction of Photovoltaic installations for the production and storage of electrical energy and improvement of energy efficiency, by replacing the windows of educational institutions and a municipal building on the territory of the Kubrat Municipality" 977 188.74 977 188.74 0.00 0.00 30 Contracted
2014BG06RDNP001 Rural Development Programme 000413814 Municipality of Levski State administration Municipal administration Public Bulgaria, Levski, 5900, бул.”България” №58 Levski BG06RDNP001-7.020-0019 Energy efficiency in "Maksim Gorki" Primary School, city Levski 959 005.00 959 005.00 0.00 0.00 30 Contracted
2014BG06RDNP001 Rural Development Programme 000505853 OBSHTINA LOZNITSA State administration Regional administration Public Bulgaria, Loznitsa, 7290, ул. ВАСИЛ ЛЕВСКИ, номер 6 Loznitsa BG06RDNP001-7.020-0078 "Increasing the energy efficiency of municipally owned buildings in the Municipality of Loznitsa" 779 002.76 779 002.76 0.00 0.00 30 Contracted
2014BG06RDNP001 Rural Development Programme 000291602 OBSHTINA LUKOVIT State administration Municipal administration Public Bulgaria, Lukovit, 5770, Възраждане № 73 Lukovit BG06RDNP001-7.020-0005 The Introduction of energy efficiency measures to the building of the Vocational School of Agriculture "Sergey Rumyantsev", Lukovit 974 319.99 974 319.99 0.00 0.00 30 Contracted
2014BG06RDNP001 Rural Development Programme 000614984 obshtina MADAN State administration Municipal administration Public Bulgaria, Madan, 4900, ул. ОБЕДИНЕНИЕ, номер 14 Srednogortsi BG06RDNP001-7.020-0119 Improving the energy efficiency of "Petko Rachov Slaveykov" Primary School, Srednogortsi village, Madan municipality 976 609.50 976 609.50 0.00 0.00 30 Contracted
2014BG06RDNP001 Rural Development Programme 000472182 Municipality Maritsa State administration Municipal administration Public Bulgaria, Plovdiv, 4003, бул. "Марица" 57А Maritsa BG06RDNP001-7.020-0028 Improving energy efficiency through the production of green energy in part of the public buildings in Maritsa Municipality 974 570.00 974 570.00 0.00 0.00 30 Contracted
2014BG06RDNP001 Rural Development Programme 000193371 OBSHTINA MEZDRA State administration Municipal administration Public Bulgaria, Mezdra, 3100, ул.ХРИСТО БОТЕВ, номер 27 Zverino BG06RDNP001-7.020-0041 "Energy efficiency in SU "St. Kliment Ohridski", a new building in the village of Zverino, Mezdra municipality" 972 342.00 972 342.00 0.00 0.00 24 Contracted
2014BG06RDNP001 Rural Development Programme 000235984 Municipality of Momchilgrad State administration Municipal administration Public Bulgaria, Momchilgrad, 6800, ул. "26-ти декември" №12 Momchilgrad BG06RDNP001-7.020-0065 "IMPROVING THE ENERGY EFFICIENCY OF THE BUILDING OF THE "HAPPY CHILDHOOD" KINDERGARDEN, MOMCILGRAD" 912 852.14 912 852.14 0.00 0.00 30 Contracted
2014BG06RDNP001 Rural Development Programme 000817867 OBSHTINA MAGLIZH State administration Municipal administration Public Bulgaria, Maglizh, 6180, пл. "Трети март" №32 Dabovo BG06RDNP001-7.020-0060 Renovation of the building of the "Detelina" Kindergarten in the village of Dabovo, commune. Fog to improve its energy efficiency 951 562.05 951 562.05 0.00 0.00 30 Contracted
2014BG06RDNP001 Rural Development Programme 000875817 OBSHTINA OMURTAG State administration Municipal administration Public Bulgaria, Omurtag, 7900, ул. АЛЕКСАНДЪР СТАМБОЛИЙСКИ, номер 2А Omurtag BG06RDNP001-7.020-0098 "Introduction of energy efficiency measures of Nikola Vaptsarov Primary School, Vrani Kon village, Simeon Velchev Profiled High School, Omurtag and Hristo Botev Primary School, Kamburovo, Omurtag Municipality. 977 899.32 977 899.32 0.00 0.00 30 Contracted
2014BG06RDNP001 Rural Development Programme 000193414 OBSHTINA ORYAHOVO State administration Municipal administration Public Bulgaria, Oryahovo, 3300, ул.АНДРЕЙ ЧАПРАЗОВ, номер 15 Oryahovo BG06RDNP001-7.020-0093 "Implementation of energy efficiency measures in municipal educational infrastructure with sites: DG "Druzhba" Oryahovo and DG "Prolet" Oryahovo ." 974 596.49 974 596.49 0.00 0.00 30 Contracted
2014BG06RDNP001 Rural Development Programme 000133901 Municipality of Pavlikeni State administration Municipal administration Public Bulgaria, Pavlikeni, 5200, бул. Руски № 4 Byala Cherkva BG06RDNP001-7.020-0062 Energy efficiency in the building of the "Atanas Nedelchev" DG, Byala cherkva, Pavlikeni Municipality 608 286.35 608 286.35 0.00 0.00 30 Contracted
2014BG06RDNP001 Rural Development Programme 000133933 Municipality of Polski Trumbesh State administration Municipal administration Public Bulgaria, Polski Trambesh, 5180, улица Черно море 4 Polski Trambesh BG06RDNP001-7.020-0038 Improving energy efficiency by introducing active and passive measures in the municipal administration building, town of Polski Trumbesh 676 355.14 676 355.14 0.00 0.00 30 Contracted
2014BG06RDNP001 Rural Development Programme 000057179 OBSHTINA POMORIE State administration Municipal administration Public Bulgaria, Pomorie, 8200, ул.СОЛНА, номер 5 Galabets,Poroy BG06RDNP001-7.020-0056 Energy efficiency "Reconstruction, repair, equipment and/or furnishing of municipal buildings in which public services are provided, with the aim of improving their energy efficiency" on the territory of the Municipality of Pomorie 975 425.00 975 425.00 0.00 0.00 30 Contracted
2014BG06RDNP001 Rural Development Programme 000093638 OBSHTINA PROVADIYA State administration Municipal administration Public Bulgaria, Provadia, 9200, ул. ДУНАВ, номер 39 Provadia BG06RDNP001-7.020-0122 "Introduction of measures to improve the energy efficiency of the Municipality of Provadia" 976 559.90 976 559.90 0.00 0.00 30 Contracted
2014BG06RDNP001 Rural Development Programme 000471536 OBSHTINA PARVOMAY State administration Municipal administration Public Bulgaria, Parvomay, 4270, ул. БРАТЯ МИЛАДИНОВИ, номер 50 Parvomay BG06RDNP001-7.020-0087 Delivery and installation of an autonomous photovoltaic power plant for own needs with an installed capacity of 129.15 kWp at a Municipal building in the town of Parvomai 848 900.93 848 900.93 0.00 0.00 30 In execution (starting date)
2014BG06RDNP001 Rural Development Programme 000817956 Municipality of Radnevo State administration Municipal administration Public Bulgaria, Radnevo, 6260, ул."Митьо Станев" 1 Radnevo BG06RDNP001-7.020-0090 Implementation of energy efficiency measures and renovation of the building of kindergarten No. 2 Radost; the city of Radnevo 976 147.21 976 147.21 0.00 0.00 30 Contracted
2014BG06RDNP001 Rural Development Programme 000386776 OBSHTINA RADOMIR State administration Municipal administration Public Bulgaria, Radomir, 2400, пл. СВОБОДА, номер 20 Radomir BG06RDNP001-7.020-0032 Improving the energy efficiency of Radomir Municipality 948 424.86 948 424.86 0.00 0.00 30 Contracted
2014BG06RDNP001 Rural Development Programme 000024948 Municipality of Razlog State administration Municipal administration Public Bulgaria, Razlog, 2760, ул. Стефан Стамболов 1 Bachevo,Gorno Draglishte BG06RDNP001-7.020-0030 Energy efficiency in Bachevo village town hall and Gorno Draglishte village town hall 732 678.08 732 678.08 0.00 0.00 30 Contracted
2014BG06RDNP001 Rural Development Programme 000351795 OBSHTINA RAKITOVO State administration Municipal administration Public Bulgaria, Rakitovo, 4640, ул. ИВАН КЛИНЧАРОВ, номер 57 Rakitovo BG06RDNP001-7.020-0086 Introduction of energy efficiency measures at Sofia University "St. Kliment Ohridski", Rakitovo, municipality. Rakitovo 970 020.00 970 020.00 0.00 485 010.00 30 Contracted
2014BG06RDNP001 Rural Development Programme 000471543 Municipality of Rakovski State administration Municipal administration Public Bulgaria, Rakovski, 4150, пл. "България" 1 Rakovski BG06RDNP001-7.020-0089 "Implementation of energy efficiency measures in municipal public buildings" 962 562.40 962 562.40 0.00 0.00 30 Contracted
2014BG06RDNP001 Rural Development Programme 000472200 OBSHTINA RODOPI State administration Municipal administration Public Bulgaria, Plovdiv, 4000, ул. „Софроний Врачански“ №1А Brestovitsa BG06RDNP001-7.020-0110 Renovation, reconstruction and implementation of energy efficiency measures in the Kindergarten "First of June", Brestovitsa village, Rodopi Municipality 976 120.28 976 120.28 0.00 0.00 30 Contracted
2014BG06RDNP001 Rural Development Programme 000615075 OBSHTINA RUDOZEM State administration Municipal administration Public Bulgaria, Rudozem, 4960, бул. България №15 Rudozem BG06RDNP001-7.020-0116 ENERGY EFFICIENCY IN KINDERGARTEN S. ELHOVETS AND S. CHEPINTSI, RUDOZEM MUNICIPALITY 977 826.74 977 826.74 0.00 0.00 30 Contracted
2014BG06RDNP001 Rural Development Programme 000057211 Ruen municipality State administration Municipal administration Public Bulgaria, Ruen, 8540, ул. "Първи май" № 18 Ruen BG06RDNP001-7.020-0081 "ENERGY EFFICIENCY OF ADMINISTRATIVE BUILDINGS IN THE TERRITORY OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF RUEN" 977 026.21 977 026.21 0.00 0.00 30 Contracted
2014BG06RDNP001 Rural Development Programme 000471582 OBSHTINA SADOVO State administration Municipal administration Public Bulgaria, Sadovo, 4122, ул. ИВАН ВАЗОВ, номер 2 Bogdanitsa BG06RDNP001-7.020-0033 Improvement of energy efficiency and implementation of renewable energy sources at the Primary School in the village of Bogdanitsa, Sadovo municipality, Plovdiv region 951 110.26 951 110.26 0.00 0.00 30 Contracted
2014BG06RDNP001 Rural Development Programme 000024962 Satovcha municipality State administration Municipal administration Public Bulgaria, Satovcha, 2950, ул. „Тодор Шопов“ № 37 Satovcha BG06RDNP001-7.020-0118 "Improving energy efficiency, construction and implementation of installations for the production of energy from RES for own consumption in municipal buildings and major repair of the roof: Site - building of SU "Hristo Botev", Valkosel village, Valkosel village, Satovcha municipality; Site - building of the "Kiril and Metodiy" elementary school, Tuhovishta village, Satovcha municipality. 940 237.15 940 237.15 0.00 0.00 30 Contracted
2014BG06RDNP001 Rural Development Programme 000776502 SVOGE MUNICIPALITY State administration Municipal administration Public Bulgaria, Svoge, 2260, ул.”Ал.Стамболийски” № 7 Svoge BG06RDNP001-7.020-0124 "Implementation of energy efficiency and renovation of the administrative building in the municipality of Svoge" 977 253.75 977 253.75 0.00 0.00 30 Contracted
2014BG06RDNP001 Rural Development Programme 000351825 OBSHTINA SEPTEMVRI State administration Municipal administration Public Bulgaria, Septemvri, 4490, ул. АЛЕКСАНДЪР СТАМБОЛИЙСКИ, номер 37А Septemvri BG06RDNP001-7.020-0045 "Improving the energy efficiency of buildings in which public services are provided in the municipality of Septemvri" 976 813.62 976 813.62 0.00 0.00 24 Contracted
2014BG06RDNP001 Rural Development Programme 000903729 OBSHTINA SIMEONOVGRAD State administration Municipal administration Public Bulgaria, Simeonovgrad, 6490, пл. ШЕЙНОВСКИ, номер 3 Simeonovgrad BG06RDNP001-7.020-0083 Renovation to improve the energy efficiency of the municipal administration building - Simeonovgrad Municipality with address: Simeonovgrad, Sheinovski Square No. 3 976 628.25 976 628.25 0.00 0.00 30 Contracted
2014BG06RDNP001 Rural Development Programme 000024987 Simitli Municipality State administration Municipal administration Public Bulgaria, Simitli, 2730, ул. ХРИСТО БОТЕВ, номер 27 Dolno Osenovo,Krupnik,Simitli BG06RDNP001-7.020-0111 "Construction of photovoltaic systems for the production of electrical energy for the own needs of municipal buildings on the territory of the municipality of Simitli, in which public services are provided" 513 130.63 513 130.63 0.00 0.00 30 Contracted
2014BG06RDNP001 Rural Development Programme 000776517 Municipality of Slivnitsa State administration Municipal administration Public Bulgaria, Slivnitsa, 2200, пл. Съединение № 1 Slivnitsa BG06RDNP001-7.020-0042 Introduction of energy efficiency measures through reconstruction, repair and equipment in Secondary School "St. St. Cyril and Methodius", RLP V - School, district 45, town of Slivnitsa, Municipality of Slivnitsa 973 241.25 973 241.25 0.00 0.00 30 Contracted
2014BG06RDNP001 Rural Development Programme 000530657 OBSHTINA SLIVO POLE State administration Municipal administration Public Bulgaria, Slivo Pole, 7060, пл.ДЕМОКРАЦИЯ, номер 1 Slivo Pole BG06RDNP001-7.020-0103 Improving the energy efficiency of municipal buildings on the territory of Slivo Pole municipality 915 941.52 915 941.52 0.00 0.00 30 Contracted
2014BG06RDNP001 Rural Development Programme 000056878 Sredec Municipality State administration Municipal administration Public Bulgaria, Sredets, 8300, ПЛ. БЪЛГАРИЯ №8 Sredets BG06RDNP001-7.020-0017 Reconstruction, repair, equipment of a building of the municipality of Sredets at Bulgaria Square No. 8, in which public services are provided, with the aim of improving their energy efficiency 976 880.05 976 880.05 0.00 0.00 30 Contracted
2014BG06RDNP001 Rural Development Programme 000970432 OBSHTINA STRALDZHA State administration Municipal administration Public Bulgaria, Straldzha, 8680, ул. ХЕМУС, номер 12 Straldzha BG06RDNP001-7.020-0101 Improvement of the energy efficiency of the Zimnitsa and Irechekovo mayoralty, municipality. Straldzha 837 769.22 837 769.22 0.00 0.00 30 Contracted
2014BG06RDNP001 Rural Development Programme 000590704 OBSHTINA TVARDITSA State administration Municipal administration Public Bulgaria, Tvarditsa, 8890, пл. СВОБОДА, номер 1 Tvarditsa BG06RDNP001-7.020-0085 "ENERGY EFFICIENCY OF MUNICIPALLY OWNED BUILDINGS OF THE TERRITORY OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF TVARDITSA" 975 029.20 975 029.20 0.00 0.00 30 Contracted
2014BG06RDNP001 Rural Development Programme 000852925 OBSHTINA TERVEL State administration Municipal administration Public Bulgaria, Tervel, 9450, ул. СВ.СВ. КИРИЛ И МЕТОДИЙ, номер 8 Tervel BG06RDNP001-7.020-0036 "Increasing the energy efficiency of residential municipal property in Tervel Municipality" 927 691.74 927 691.74 0.00 0.00 30 Contracted
2014BG06RDNP001 Rural Development Programme 000291698 Municipality of Teteven State administration Municipal administration Public Bulgaria, Teteven, 5700, пл. Сава Младенов №9 Teteven BG06RDNP001-7.020-0067 "Renovation of kindergarten "Izgrev" in the village of Glogovo" 915 806.94 915 806.94 0.00 0.00 30 Contracted
2014BG06RDNP001 Rural Development Programme 000215946 MUNICIPALITY TRYAVNA State administration Municipal administration Public Bulgaria, Tryavna, 5350, ул. АНГЕЛ КЪНЧЕВ, номер 21 Tryavna BG06RDNP001-7.020-0077 Implementation of energy efficiency measures in the building of the kindergarten Svetlina Tryavna 900 244.59 900 244.59 0.00 0.00 30 Contracted
2014BG06RDNP001 Rural Development Programme 000970457 Municipality "Tundzha" State administration Municipal administration Public Bulgaria, Yambol, 8600, пл. ОСВОБОЖДЕНИЕ, номер 1 Veselinovo BG06RDNP001-7.020-0021 Major renovation for the introduction of energy-efficient measures of the building of the "Dechka Syulemezova" DG, located in UPI II, quarter 24 under the PUP of the village of Veselinovo, Tundzha Municipality 785 823.80 785 823.80 0.00 0.00 30 Contracted
2014BG06RDNP001 Rural Development Programme 000025014 HAJIDIMOVO MUNICIPALITY State administration Municipal administration Public Bulgaria, Hadzhidimovo, 2933, пл. “Димо Хаджидимов” № 46 Hadzhidimovo BG06RDNP001-7.020-0084 "Implementation of energy efficiency measures and renovation of an administrative building in Hadjidimovo" 972 399.58 972 399.58 0.00 0.00 30 Contracted
2014BG06RDNP001 Rural Development Programme 000057097 OBSHTINA TSAREVO State administration Municipal administration Public Bulgaria, Tsarevo, 8260, ул. ХАН АСПАРУХ, номер 36 Tsarevo BG06RDNP001-7.020-0037 INTRODUCTION OF ENERGY EFFICIENCY MEASURES AND CONSTRUCTION OF A PHOTOVOLTAIC INSTALLATION FOR OWN NEEDS IN "ALEN MAK" KINDERGARTEN IN THE TOWN OF TSAREVO - MAIN BUILDING AND BRANCH OF THE "ALEN MAK" KINDERGARTEN IN THE TOWN OF TSAREVO 880 469.07 880 469.07 0.00 0.00 30 Contracted
2014BG06RDNP001 Rural Development Programme 000414154 RED BEACH MUNICIPALITY State administration Municipal administration Public Bulgaria, Cherven Bryag, 5980, ул."Антим" I № 1 Glava BG06RDNP001-7.020-0095 "Implementation of energy efficiency measures and renovation of the town hall in the village of Glava, municipality Red Beach" 615 113.19 615 113.19 0.00 0.00 30 Contracted
2014BG06RDNP001 Rural Development Programme 000818086 MUNICIPALITY OF CHIRPAN State administration Municipal administration Public Bulgaria, Chirpan, 6200, пл. "Съединение" №1 Chirpan BG06RDNP001-7.020-0113 "ENERGY EFFICIENCY OF CHIRPAN MUNICIPAL ADMINISTRATION BUILDING" 977 526.39 977 526.39 0.00 0.00 30 Contracted
2014BG06RDNP001 Rural Development Programme 000025039 YAKORUDA MUNICIPALITY State administration Municipal administration Public Bulgaria, Yakoruda, 2790, ул. Васил Левски №1 Yakoruda BG06RDNP001-7.020-0091 "ENERGY EFFICIENCY OF BUILDINGS MUNICIPAL PROPERTY OF THE TERRITORY OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF YAKORUDA" object: ODZ Yakoruda 956 740.27 956 740.27 0.00 0.00 30 Contracted