Saved trees

Programme: Rural Development Programme

Planning region: All


This investment project has been prepared on behalf of the applicant - "ACCOUNTING OFFICE ZORA" Ltd. from Polski Trambesh, under procedure BG06RDNP001-19.361 of "LAG Pavlikeni - Polski Trambesh" under Measure 6.4 "Investments in support of non-agricultural activities" for the implementation of SVOM of sub-measure 19.2 of the RDP for the period 2014-2020 and is in connection with the delivery / installation / placement of multifunctional containers / office structures - 3 pieces with dimensions 300x550x330 / 250 cm. WxDxH and 3 pieces with dimensions 300x650x330 / 250 cm. WxDxH in PI with identifier 57354.300.26 under CC and CoR on the land of the town of Polski Trambesh.
For the property a Notary Deed has been issued for establishing the right to build on real estate №102 volume 4 reg. №4598 case 310 from 2020 to which an amendment has been issued - with Notary Deed №132 volume 4 reg. №4769 case 330 from 2020 for a gratuitous, unlimited right to place multifunctional containers for commercial activity / accounting services /.
For the project a Permission for placement CA-01-09-7689-1 / 09.09.2020 has been issued by Ch. arch. of Polski Trambesh municipality, as well as an investment project prepared in parts.
The property is located at 1 Oborishte Street in the town of Polski Trambesh, it is designated for low construction, due to which the office containers will be installed / placed in it, as can be seen from the attached Sketch of PI №15-721024 from 10.08.2020. property has an area of ​​659 m2 and office containers will occupy 108 m2.
The provision of quality accounting services requires a good and cozy working environment, provided premises for office activities, archives, a room for rest and relaxation, a room for receiving clients, a meeting room. Well-kept accounting is one of the best decisions that any business manager could make when you start it.
Activity Contracted Amount Reported Amount
Доставка, монтаж и поставяне на офисни контейнери за извършване на счетоводна дейност.: Инвестиционният проект е изготвен по задание на възложителя-кандидат, по процедура BG06RDNP001-19.361 на „МИГ Павликени – Полски Тръмбеш” по Мярка 6.4 „Инвестиции в подкрепа на неземеделски дейности“ , с който ще бъдат доставени/монтирани/поставени офисни конструкции- 3 броя с размери 300х550х330/250 см. ШхДхВ и 3 броя с размери 300х650х330/250 см. ШхДхВ в ПИ с идентификатор 57354.300.26 по кадастралната карта и кадастралните регистри на землището на гр. Полски Тръмбеш. За имота има издаден Нотариален Акт за учредяване право на строеж върху недвижим имот №102 том 4 рег. №4598 дело 310 от 2020 г. с поправка- Нотариален Акт №132 том 4 рег. №4769 дело 330 от 2020 г. за безвъзмездно, неограничено право на поставяне на многофункционални контейнери за извършване на счетоводни услуги. За проекта има издадено Разрешение за поставяне СА-01-09-7689-1/09.09.2020 г. от Гл. арх. на община Полски Тръмбеш-арх. Станимир Величков, както и изготвен инвестиционен проект по части, свързани с поставяемите конструкции /офисни контейнери-6 броя, а именно: Арх., Ел и ВиК част, които са включени в цената на конструкцията и Част Конструкции, вкл. бетонова площадка и комуникации. 66 570.00 0.00


Elements in light blue allow detailed view when selected
All amounts are in Bulgarian lev (BGN) / 1 EUR = 1,95583 BGN
The project is financed by the Operational Programme "Technical Assistance" and co-financed by the European Union through the European Regional Development Fund.
In implementing the project № 0115-CCU-2.1 "Information system for management and monitoring of EU funds in 2014-2020 - UMIS 2020" (BG161PO002-2.1.01-0007-C0001).