Saved trees

Programme: Rural Development Programme

Planning region: All


This project proposal aims at modernization and automation of the agricultural holding of ASKENT EOOD through the introduction of innovative and modern technologies in order to increase the competitiveness of its activities by updating the available production assets. ASKENT EOOD develops its activity in the field of animal husbandry. Currently, more than 530 cattle are raised on the farm. With the present project proposal of ASKENT EOOD is applying for the purchase of equipment for the existing livestock farm in the village of Elhovo, Nikolaevo municipality, Stara Zagora district.
The project makes an economic assessment of the sale of cow's milk, reflecting the prospects for their production, indicating the economic condition of the applicant and a comprehensive report on its activities and opportunities for the development of the farm.
The investments under the project are the following:
1. System for animal identification, management and monitoring of the herd with automatic detection of stray animals and software, Brand: Afimilk, 1 pc.
2. Automated ventilation system for electronic control and control of the micro climate in barn 1 for cows, Brand: CMP Model: VS, 1 pc.
3. Automated ventilation system for electronic control and control of the micro climate in barn 2 for cows, Brand: CMP Model: VS, 1 pc.
4. Scraper system for cleaning fertilizer mass in barn 2 - rope, Brand: Beerepoot, 1 pc.
5. Pump for thick liquids (fertilizer mass) and homogenizer for liquid fertilizer mass, Brand: Eissele, Germany, 1 pc.
6. Tank for liquid fertilizer mass, Brand: BOSSINI model: B4 400, 1 pc.
7. Automated system for production of concentrated fodder for cows, 1 pc.
8. Automation and software for central control of the system, incl. electrical panel, 1 pc.
9. Zootechnical equipment for stables for dairy cows, Brand: Rota Guido, 1 pc.
Activity Contracted Amount Reported Amount
Закупуване на оборудване за съществуващото животновъдно стопанство в село Елхово, община Николаево, област Стара Загора: Инвестициите по проекта са следните: 1. Система за идентификация на животните, управление и наблюдение на стадото с автоматично откриване на разгонени животни и софтуер, Марка: Afimilk, 1 бр. 2. Автоматизирана вентилационна система за електронно управление и контрол на микро климата в обор 1 за крави , Марка: CMP Модел: VS, 1 бр. 3. Автоматизирана вентилационна система за електронно управление и контрол на микро климата в обор 2 за крави , Марка: CMP Модел: VS, 1 бр. 4. Скреперна система за почистване на торова маса в обор 2 – въжена, Марка: Beerepoot , 1 бр. 5. Помпа за гъсти течности (торова маса) и хомогенизатор за течна торова маса, Марка: Eissele, Germany, 1 бр. 6. Цистерна за течна торова маса, Марка: BOSSINI модел: B4 400, 1 бр. 7. Автоматизирана система за производство на концентриран фураж за крави, 1 бр. 8. Автоматизация и софтуер за централно управление на системата, вкл. електрическо табло, 1 бр. 9.Зоотехническо оборудване за обор за дойни крави , Марка: Rota Guido, 1 бр. 1 896 842.18 0.00


Elements in light blue allow detailed view when selected
All amounts are in Bulgarian lev (BGN) / 1 EUR = 1,95583 BGN
The project is financed by the Operational Programme "Technical Assistance" and co-financed by the European Union through the European Regional Development Fund.
In implementing the project № 0115-CCU-2.1 "Information system for management and monitoring of EU funds in 2014-2020 - UMIS 2020" (BG161PO002-2.1.01-0007-C0001).