Saved trees

Programme: Rural Development Programme

Planning region: All


The current investment intention is aimed at creating an opportunity to increase the competitiveness and improve the economic status of a livestock farm specializing in beef cattle. The candidate - Trifon Petrov Poplalov has been a registered farmer for over 7 years and has directed his efforts entirely in the "Livestock" sector, raising animals in his own livestock farm, registered under Art. 137 of the ZVD with registration No. 3537-0102, located on the territory of the village of Yagodovo, municipality Berkovitsa. On the basis of the available livestock farm and the matured about 21 animals - cattle for meat, the applicant has decided to apply under the current procedure.
The main motive for applying under the procedure is the lack of agricultural machinery, with which he can carry out independent economic activity and basic operations in the livestock facility - unloading feed, cleaning the barn and removing the fertilizer waste, arranging, unloading and transporting materials to the farm and animal feed. Precisely in order to be able to automate these processes, reduce time-consuming and increase the efficiency of the work process, the candidate has included the following assets:
1. Front loader
2. Combined bucket
3. Cab for a tractor purchased under measure 4.1 of the PRSR 2014-2020. 
The farmer has no such assets. By implementing them in the office, it will be possible to automate part of the processes, improve working conditions, increase work efficiency and reduce the time required to perform a certain activity. The planned investment costs fall within the scope of point 1.7. Technological and ecological modernization of the individual phases of production processes for animal husbandry. It is extremely important for the applicant to purchase a cabin for the tractor, thus it will be independent of external temperatures and precipitation, but will also upgrade the achieved and reported results under measure 4.1.
Activity Contracted Amount Reported Amount
Закупуване на земеделска техника: Дейността предвижда да бъде закупена и доставена заявената земеделска техника, а именно: 1. Челен товарач 2. Комбинирана кофа 3. Кабина за трактор закупен по мярка 4,1 от ПРСР 2014-2020г. 46 740.00 0.00
Дейност за организиране, изпълнение и отчитане на проекта: Дейността ще започне след подписване на административен договор с УО. Предвижда се да се стартира процедура за избор на изпълнител на база 2 оферти за закупуване на заявената техника. Сле одобрение от страна на УО ще се пристъпи към изпълнение на догорова и доставка на техниката. След заплащане и доставяне се предвижда да бъде подготвена заявка за плащане. Предвижда се да бъдат изпълнение всички изисквания по информиране и публичност. 0.00 0.00


Elements in light blue allow detailed view when selected
All amounts are in Bulgarian lev (BGN) / 1 EUR = 1,95583 BGN
The project is financed by the Operational Programme "Technical Assistance" and co-financed by the European Union through the European Regional Development Fund.
In implementing the project № 0115-CCU-2.1 "Information system for management and monitoring of EU funds in 2014-2020 - UMIS 2020" (BG161PO002-2.1.01-0007-C0001).