Saved trees

Programme: Rural Development Programme

Planning region: All


NORDIBG EOOD is a company operating in the Fisheries sector,has a valid commercial fishing permit under the Fisheries andAquaculture Act (FRA) and a Certificate of Acquired Right toAssimilate Resources from Fish and Other Aquatic Organisms. Thecompany operates in the Fisheries sector in the segment defined assmall-scale fishing. The investments envisaged in the projectproposal will contribute to additional income from other types ofeconomic activity and will help increase the applicant's income.The project proposal envisages the purchase of equipment for theequipment of two commercial sites / coffee aperitif and bistro /,which will turn the sites into modern and sought after by tourists,and the local population on the territory of FLAG Pomorie. Thefacilities will be located in sites that have good logistics and closeto the intensive flow of people. The facilities provided for purchaseare technical devices, equipment and external mobile awnings forequipment of two commercial sites. It is planned to create threenew jobs that will be sustainable for the monitoring period. Byfinancing the project proposal NORDIBG EOOD will be morecompetitive and sustainable in economic terms, and throughdiversification of economic activities, will cover the full cycle ofsales from fisheries to the final consumer and consumer. Theimplementation of the project proposal is an example ofsustainability and connectivity in the various sectors of theeconomy - fishing and services. The project proposal correspondsto the listed eligible activities in the Conditions for applicationunder the Measure, namely "Diversification of economic activitiesof the fisheries sector, including the launch of new services relatedto the tourism sector and the development of existing services, etc.;" and "Support for infrastructure and services related to small-scale fisheries and tourism for the benefit of small-scale fishingcommunities."
Activity Contracted Amount Reported Amount
Доставка и монтаж на слънцезащитни съоръжения - стъклопакети и стъклени системи: По проекта се предвижда да бъдат доставени и монтирани слънцезащитни съоръжения -стъклопакети и стъклени системи на двата обекта - обект бистро находящ се в гр. Поморие на ул.Нео Анхеало 10, и на обект кафе аператив, находящ се в гр. Поморие, ул. Нео Анхеало 6. Слънцезащитни съоръжения - стъклопакети и стъклени системи ще превърнат обектите в модерни и търсени от туристите, и местното население на територията на МИРГ Поморие. Съоръженията ще бъдат разположени в обекти, които са с добра логистика и в близост до интензивен поток на хора.Предвидените за закупуване съоръжения, представляват технически уреди, оборудване и външнимобилни тенти за оборудване на два търговски обект. За предвидените за поставяне съоръжения има издадени разрешения за поставяне от община Поморие. 127 069.00 66 400.00
Закупуване на професионтално кухненско оборудване: По проекта са предвижда закупуване на професионално кухненско оборудване за 2-та обекта -бистро и кафе-аператив 239 358.42 238 890.65


Elements in light blue allow detailed view when selected
All amounts are in Bulgarian lev (BGN) / 1 EUR = 1,95583 BGN
The project is financed by the Operational Programme "Technical Assistance" and co-financed by the European Union through the European Regional Development Fund.
In implementing the project № 0115-CCU-2.1 "Information system for management and monitoring of EU funds in 2014-2020 - UMIS 2020" (BG161PO002-2.1.01-0007-C0001).