Financial Implementation by the Priority Axes

Priority Axis Budget Contracted Amounts Actual amounts paid
Total EU Funding NF Funding Total EU Funding NF Funding Self-financing by the Beneficiary % of Implementation Total EU Funding NF Funding % of Implementation
Support for LEADER local development (CLLD – community-led local development) 272 408 439.08 245 167 595.17 27 240 843.91 278 748 796.48 193 865 404.80 21 548 561.57 63 334 830.11 79.08 111 523 507.97 100 035 183.65 11 488 324.32 40.94
Knowledge transfer and information actions 52 612 390.72 47 351 151.64 5 261 239.08 11 788 793.06 10 609 913.75 1 178 879.31 0.00 22.41 978 357.09 880 521.38 97 835.71 1.86
Advisory services, farm management and farm relief services 41 212 322.28 35 030 473.94 6 181 848.34 11 883 505.27 9 739 875.57 1 718 801.58 424 828.12 27.80 4 524 935.98 3 846 195.64 678 740.34 10.98
Investments in physical assets 1 665 998 691.31 1 320 126 672.20 345 872 019.11 2 584 788 616.48 1 172 397 814.85 194 670 838.59 1 217 719 963.04 82.06 438 979 242.91 365 009 399.60 73 969 843.31 26.35
Farm and business development 560 754 265.85 484 567 089.90 76 187 175.95 277 768 644.80 194 702 668.47 20 741 086.80 62 324 889.53 38.42 174 364 490.75 157 838 524.12 16 525 966.63 31.09
Basic services and village renewal in rural areas 1 296 375 680.14 1 101 919 328.12 194 456 352.02 654 798 251.61 556 221 477.19 98 156 732.52 420 041.90 50.48 372 403 660.39 316 543 112.73 55 860 547.66 28.73
Investments in forest area development and improvement of the viability of forests 131 615 684.69 109 963 597.42 21 652 087.27 82 010 574.92 49 973 067.51 8 838 568.66 23 198 938.75 44.68 36 894 613.79 31 360 422.02 5 534 191.77 28.03
Setting-up of producer groups and organisations 16 151 601.65 14 536 441.49 1 615 160.16 12 084 360.10 10 875 924.12 1 208 435.98 0.00 74.82 6 836 940.61 6 153 246.59 683 694.02 42.33
Agri-environment-climate 462 728 465.40 347 046 349.05 115 682 116.35 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Organic farming 314 070 496.09 235 552 872.07 78 517 624.02 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Natura 2000 and Water Framework Directive payments 289 380 086.11 217 035 064.58 72 345 021.53 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Payments to areas facing natural or other specific constraints 570 996 328.44 428 247 246.33 142 749 082.11 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Animal welfare 117 801 237.68 100 131 052.03 17 670 185.65 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Forest environmental and climate services and forest conservation 18 128 204.38 13 596 153.29 4 532 051.09 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Co-operation 67 486 070.19 60 737 463.19 6 748 607.00 19 987 417.29 16 831 514.22 1 870 023.35 1 285 879.72 27.71 6 066 457.94 5 459 811.74 606 646.20 8.99
Technical assistance Member States 91 386 317.22 77 678 369.64 13 707 947.58 95 465 395.82 81 145 586.42 14 319 809.40 0.00 104.46 75 984 939.03 64 587 198.33 11 397 740.70 83.15
Възстановяване на селскостопански производствен потенциал и въвеждане на подходящи превантивни мерки 31 471 445.00 26 750 690.00 4 720 755.00 45 580 771.99 23 720 140.91 4 185 907.22 17 674 723.86 88.67 8 453 518.14 7 185 490.55 1 268 027.59 26.86