
Name Address
202142954 NIYAMAR KONTROL LTD България, гр.Плевен, 5800, ул. АСЕН ХАЛАЧЕВ, номер 18, вx. А, ет. 2, ап. 3

List of projects in which the organization is involved as a contractor

Project Name UMIS Number Contracts amount Reported amount
Repair for improvement of the energy efficiency of the administrative building of the municipal administration in the town of Krivodol" BG06RDNP001-7.008-0037-C05 2 500.00 2 500.00
"Repair and rehabilitation of a street network in Krivodol" BG06RDNP001-7.001-0121-C08 3 000.00 3 000.00
mprovement of the energy characteristics of buildings for administrative services on the territory of the municipality of Topolovgrad BG-RRP-4.020-0060-C01 0.00 0.00