
Name Address
202825850 BULGARIAN ORGANIC FOODS Ltd България, с.Кьосевци, 7951, ул. "Генерал Заимов" №22

List of projects in which the organization is involved as a beneficiary

Project Name Home Total Grant Self-financing by the Beneficiary Actual amounts paid Duration (months) Status of Implementation of the Contract/Order of the Grant
Business development of "Bulgarian Organic Foods" Ltd as a recognized organization of producers in the sector of honey and bee products 11.01.2019 г. 211 768.04 211 768.04 0.00 111 870.43 45 Contracted
Construction and equipment of a processing and storage facility organic bee honey and bee products 05.11.2019 г. 689 305.00 344 652.49 344 652.51 340 080.29 36 Contracted
Investments in processing facility for organic honey and apiculture products of Producer organization BULGARIAN ORGANIC FOODS OOD 22.08.2023 г. 255 549.00 127 774.50 127 774.50 0.00 36 Contracted