
Name Address
206109528 "IDEI ZA RAZVITIE" ASSOCIATION България, гр.Самоков, 2000, Търновска No 46

List of projects in which the organization is involved as a beneficiary

Project Name Home Total Grant Self-financing by the Beneficiary Actual amounts paid Duration (months) Status of Implementation of the Contract/Order of the Grant
"Clean sea - clean future" 30.03.2021 г. 196 305.00 196 305.00 0.00 194 120.29 12 In execution (starting date)
Preservation of the local identity by popularizing the natural and cultural-historical heritage on the territory of FLAG Samokov 10.11.2022 г. 50 000.00 50 000.00 0.00 50 000.00 12 Contracted