Saved trees

Programme: Foods

Planning region: All


The present project is directly related to information campaigns on the territory of Shabla Municipality as a result of the fact that the population, as a consumer of fishery and aquaculture products, does not have the practical knowledge of the importance of these products to the health of The idea is to raise the interest of the population in fish and aquaculture products through various information and advertising approaches, which should be an important ingredient in the people's diet because they are insured m securities and health components - proteins, minerals and vitamins.
Raise public awareness of fishery and aquaculture products and raise awareness and promote its fisheries community. Direct and indirect stakeholders in the Fisheries sector should be given greater opportunity to promote products resulting from their work and skills, often passed on from child to child for generations. In the information campaigns-seminars will be obligatory lecturers specialists in the field of nutrition, aquaculture.
It is planned to organize a total of two Information-Promotional Campaigns-Seminars on the territory of the Municipality of Shabla and to organize a "Fish Festival" event in the town of Shabla. The first information and promotional campaign-seminar will take place at the Assen Zlatarov Secondary School in the town of Shabla and the second will be held at "Kliment Ohridski" Primary School in the village of Durankulak, Shabla. It is envisaged that 2 lecturers will be hired according to the established schedule, with 3 lectures in each of the following lectures: 1 lecture - for students from 3rd and 4th grade, 2nd lecture for students from 5-6 class and 3rd lecture - for students of 7th and 8th grade.
The fish festival will be one day and will take place in the Shabla City Park, which will also be filled with a themed quiz, performer, themed brochures, t-shirts and hats, magnets so that it remains and reminds everyone involved in the event.
Activity Contracted Amount Reported Amount
Информационно-промоционална кампания- 6 семинари в : училище СОУ "Асен Златаров"- гр. Шабла и в училище ОУ "Климинт Охридски""- с. Дуранкулак - 2 семинара за 3 и 4 клас през месец 05.2019 г. и 2 семинара през месец 06.2019 г.: 1 за учениците от 5 и 6 клас и 1 семинар за учениците от 7 и 8 клас .: Пранира се да се проведат 2 семинара с ученици от 3 и 4 клас в СОУ "Асен Златаров"- гр. Шабла и в ОУ "Климинт Охридски""- с. Дуранкулак през м 05 .2019г . През месец 06.2019 г. ще се проведат 2 семинара "1 за ученици от 5 и 6 клас и 1 семинара за ученици от 7 и 8 клас. Лекциите ще включват по 2 теми -"Полезна храна ли е рибата" и "Риби и аквакултури в България". 3 000.00 0.00
Провеждане на еднодневен Рибен фестивал в градския парк на гр. Шабла.: Ще бъде нает гост кулинар, ще бъдат доставени и монтирани шатри, ще бъде осигурен кетъринг за жителите и гостите на града, ще има двама промоутъри и водещ, който ще забавлява гостите. Ще има викторина с награди и маси и пейки за събитието. 26 730.00 0.00


Elements in light blue allow detailed view when selected
All amounts are in Bulgarian lev (BGN) / 1 EUR = 1,95583 BGN
The project is financed by the Operational Programme "Technical Assistance" and co-financed by the European Union through the European Regional Development Fund.
In implementing the project № 0115-CCU-2.1 "Information system for management and monitoring of EU funds in 2014-2020 - UMIS 2020" (BG161PO002-2.1.01-0007-C0001).