Saved trees

Programme: Science and Education for Smart Growth

Planning region: All


Subject to due process: Инвеститорски контрол - Светлана Владимировна Орлова, Estimated Amount: 13 632.00
  • Differentiated position 1: Светлана Владимировна Орлова
    Contractor: Svetlana
    Contract total funded value: 13 632.00
Subject to due process: Координатор проект - Весна Тирчо Балтина, Estimated Amount: 13 504.00
  • Differentiated position 1: Весна Тирчо Балтина
    Contractor: Vesna
    Contract total funded value: 13 504.00
Subject to due process: Координатор проект - Деница Темелкова Маджарова, Estimated Amount: 13 504.00
  • Differentiated position 1: Деница Темелкова Маджарова
    Contractor: Denitsa
    Contract total funded value: 13 504.00
Subject to due process: Реконструкция, ремонт и обновяване, внедряване на мерки за енергийна ефективност в Културен дом на Лукойл Нефтохим – гр. Бургас, Estimated Amount: 6 464 277.27
  • Differentiated position 1: Реконструкция, ремонт и обновяване, внедряване на мерки за енергийна ефективност в Културен дом на Лукойл Нефтохим – гр. Бургас
    Contractor: DZZD" BM"
    Contract total funded value: 4 019 217.00
Subject to due process: Ръководител проект- Симеон Симеонов Коцев, Estimated Amount: 52 219.20
  • Differentiated position 1: Симеон Симеонов Коцев
    Contractor: Simeon
    Contract total funded value: 52 219.20
Subject to due process: Финансов експерт -Деница Костова Георгиева , Estimated Amount: 13 936.00
  • Differentiated position 1: Деница Костова Георгиева
    Contractor: Denitsa
    Contract total funded value: 13 936.00


Elements in light blue allow detailed view when selected
All amounts are in Bulgarian lev (BGN) / 1 EUR = 1,95583 BGN
The project is financed by the Operational Programme "Technical Assistance" and co-financed by the European Union through the European Regional Development Fund.
In implementing the project № 0115-CCU-2.1 "Information system for management and monitoring of EU funds in 2014-2020 - UMIS 2020" (BG161PO002-2.1.01-0007-C0001).