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Programme: Science and Education for Smart Growth

Planning region: All


Bulgaria occupies the last place in the EU in the areas "Internationalization" and "Skills and Innovations” despite the various measures taken in the individual priority areas. Micro and small enterprises have a very low degree of innovation, which places them under strong competitive pressures in terms of prices and marketed products. There is also a very low degree of internationalization of SMEs and difficulty accessing to international markets. The project will address these rising challenges and the need for a stronger response to analyses and identify gaps and needed actions directly contributing to or exploring the introduction of an innovative combined support measures for supporting innovation and technological development of the enterprises and promotion of the internationalization of SMEs. The project aims at supporting BSMEPA to learn through exchange of know-how and best practices from Norway and the Norwegian innovation system. The exchange will focus on the institutional set-up of the innovation system in Norway, including the competence, advisory, promotional and network services offered to Norwegian enterprises. The project will allow participants from Bulgaria and Norway to cooperate on the design and implementation of a strong monitoring framework and measures (schemes and/or instruments) for supporting innovation and technological development of existing and emerging innovators and companies in Bulgaria. The project activities will entail provision of formal knowledge exchange and enhancing the collaboration via participation in a transnational, interdisciplinary networking and learning partnership consortium, among the two beneficiary-countries, expert consultations with cooperation and engagement with Norwegian entities (public, private, NGOs, etc.) where necessary, contributing to the implementation of innovative combined measures to support innovation and technological development and promote the internationalization of Bulgarian SMEs.
Activity Contracted Amount Reported Amount
Activity 1: Exchange of good practices on planning, monitoring and implementation of measures (schemes and instruments) for supporting innovation and technological development of existing and emerging innovators and companies: The purpose of this activity is to review and assess the capacity of BSMEPA for planning, monitoring and implementing measures (schemes and tools) to support innovation and technological development of existing and emerging innovators and companies; This project activity will include providing expert advice with collaboration and engagement with Norwegian entities (public, private, NGOs, etc.) where necessary to maximize the functionality of the BSMEPA support tools to create more connected and effective innovation ecosystems for new product development for existing and emerging innovators and companies. Activity 1 of the project will focus on providing expert/technical assistance to IANMSMEs in the design and testing of supporting tools for implementation and identification of creative solutions - methodology and training aimed at developing SMEs and creating more connected and effective innovation ecosystems . The results of activity 1 will serve to identify creative solutions - methodology and training to strengthen the capacity of the agency (BSMEPA) to support existing and emerging innovators and companies and to create more connected and efficient innovation ecosystems. Innovation Norway and BSMEPA will commit capacity to work in broad cooperation to implement Activity 1. Where necessary, cooperation and expertise from other Norwegian entities (public, private, NGOs, etc.) will be included. 110 071.70 36 820.33
Activity 2.Provision of expert consultations to identify measures to reinforce the project promoter (BSMEPA) capacity to support the promotion of internationalization of SMEs: Activity 2: The aim of this activity is to improve the capacity of BSMEPA for planning, monitoring and implementing measures to promote the internationalization of SMEs; Activity 2 has a main focus on the implementation of a set of components, combining a review and impact assessment of the effectiveness of measures already implemented by BSMEPA to promote the internationalization of SMEs in Bulgaria and providing expert consultations to maximize the functionality of BSMEPA in order to optimize process management and significantly improve the quality and relevance of support and measures for SMEs. The activity will provide expert collaboration, networking and trainings to maximize the functionality of BSMEPAE to develop a process management methodology for optimization, containing an upgraded set of practical measures and improved analytical approaches to significantly improve the quality and relevance of support and measures for SMEs, which are supported in their internationalization activities. Project Activity 2 will involve providing expert advice with collaboration and engagement with Norwegian entities (public, private, NGOs, etc.) where necessary to maximize the functionality of the BSMEPA, as well as collaboration, knowledge exchange and training within the framework of the partner organizations between the two countries, including study visits and thematic seminars to strengthen the capacity of BSMEPA. Objective(s) of the activity: 1. Review, assessment and evaluation of the impact of the effectiveness of measures already implemented by BSMEPA to promote the internationalization of SMEs in Bulgaria: - Provision of expert consultations: Analysis and identification of gaps and necessary actions to maximize the functionality of BSMEPA, which will directly contribute to or explore the introduction of potential measures for start-ups and SMEs that want to expand their activities in international markets - Provision of information for the market, consulting, marketing and mentoring services in matters of SME internationalization; 2. Capacity building, technical feedback as well as evaluation support activities to identify measures to strengthen the capacity of IANMSMEs in the activity of supporting the promotion of internationalization of SMEs. 3. Exchange of knowledge and experience between the two countries, including working/study visits and thematic seminars, events and meetings to share good practices in order to analyze, directly contribute or study the introduction of measures for start-ups and SMEs that want to expand its activities in international markets - Provision of market information, consulting, marketing and mentoring services on issues of internationalization, etc. Innovation Norway and BSMEPA will commit capacity to work in broad cooperation to implement Activity 2. Where necessary, cooperation and expertise from other Norwegian entities (public, private, NGOs, etc.) will be included. 70 206.70 5 987.02


Elements in light blue allow detailed view when selected
All amounts are in Bulgarian lev (BGN) / 1 EUR = 1,95583 BGN
The project is financed by the Operational Programme "Technical Assistance" and co-financed by the European Union through the European Regional Development Fund.
In implementing the project № 0115-CCU-2.1 "Information system for management and monitoring of EU funds in 2014-2020 - UMIS 2020" (BG161PO002-2.1.01-0007-C0001).