
Name Address
121311436 Svoboda Katanova ET България, гр.София, 1510, ж.к. Хаджи Димитър, бл. 103

List of projects in which the organization is involved as a contractor

Project Name UMIS Number Contracts amount Reported amount
Support for the development of the scientific capacity in the University of Forestry. BG05M2OP001-2.009-0034-C04 12 432.96 11 449.54
Overcoming the shortage of funding and the lack of liquidity caused by the epidemic outbreak of COVID-19 BG16RFOP002-2.073-4432-C01 0.00 3 978.61
Overcoming the shortage of funding and the lack of liquidity caused by the epidemic outbreak of COVID-19 BG16RFOP002-2.073-17852-C01 0.00 7 725.60