Saved trees

Programme: Environment

Planning region: All


Total count of contracts 391
Total amount of grant 3 209 058 616.87 BGN
Total amount 3 497 623 340.04 BGN
Total count of beneficiaries 228

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Programme Beneficiary Company type Company legal type Company legal status Address Location Project proposal number Project Name Total Grant Self-financing by the Beneficiary Duration (months) Status of Implementation of the Contract/Order of the Grant
2014BG16M1OP002 Environment 000697371 MINISTRY OF ENVIRONMENT AND WATER, Directorate General "Operational Programme "Environment", Department "Coordination, communication and technical assistance" State administration ACM/ ministry Public Bulgaria, Sofia, 1000, бул. КНЯГИНЯ МАРИЯ ЛУИЗА № 22
  • Sofia
BG16M1OP002-6.002-0019 Transport and technical support in support of the implementation of activities under Priority Axis 3 "Natura 2000 and Biodiversity" 359 040.00 359 040.00 0.00 15 Closed (completion date)
2014BG16M1OP002 Environment 000697371 Ministry of environment and water, DG "Operational programme Environment", department "Coordination, communication and technical assistance" State administration ACM/ ministry Public Bulgaria, Sofia, 1000, БУЛ. "МАРИЯ ЛУИЗА" № 22
  • Bulgaria
BG16M1OP002-6.002-0020 Providing the salaries of the human resources involved in the management and implementation of the Operational Program "Environment" 8 696 599.56 8 696 599.56 0.00 17 Closed (completion date)
2014BG16M1OP002 Environment 000697371 MINISTRY OF ENVIRONMENT AND WATER Water management directorate State administration ACM/ ministry Public Bulgaria, Sofia, 1000, бул. КНЯГИНЯ МАРИЯ ЛУИЗА № 22
BG16M1OP002-4.005-0001 FRMP - second cycle 2022-2027 13 601 233.69 13 601 233.69 0.00 70 Closed (completion date)
2014BG16M1OP002 Environment 000697371 Ministry of Environment and Water, Water Management Department State administration ACM/ ministry Public Bulgaria, Sofia, 1000, бул. КНЯГИНЯ МАРИЯ ЛУИЗА № 22
BG16M1OP002-4.002-0001 Establishment of a Water Management System for the Iskar river basin (WMS-IBR) as Phase I of the National Real Time Water Management System (NRTWMS) 4 917 137.74 4 917 137.74 0.00 80 Closed (completion date)
2014BG16M1OP002 Environment 831661388 Ministry of Regional Development and Public Works State administration ACM/ ministry Public Bulgaria, Sofia, 1202, ул. "Св. Св. Кирил и Методий" № 17-19
BG16M1OP002-1.001-0001 Support for the Regional Investment Planning in the Water and Sanitation Sector 43 440 533.61 43 440 533.61 0.00 52 Closed (completion date)
2014BG16M1OP002 Environment 831661388 Ministry of Regional Development and Public Works State administration ACM/ ministry Public Bulgaria, Sofia, 1202, ул. "Св. Св. Кирил и Методий 17-19"
BG16M1OP002-4.003-0003 Preventive activities by building/restoring monitoring systems in registered landslide areas 2 074 407.39 2 074 407.39 0.00 31 Closed (completion date)
2014BG16M1OP002 Environment 831661388 Ministry of Regional Development and Public Works State administration ACM/ ministry Public Bulgaria, Sofia, 1202, ул. "Св.Св. Кирил и Методий" 17-19
  • Bulgaria
BG16M1OP002-1.018-0001 Support to the Regional Investment Planning of the Water and Sewerage sector - stage 2 20 834 083.45 20 834 083.45 0.00 42 Closed (completion date)
2014BG16M1OP002 Environment 831661388 Ministry of regional development and public works - "Water supply and Sewerage" Directorate State administration ACM/ ministry Public Bulgaria, Sofia, 1202, ул. "Св. Св. Кирил и Методий" №17-19
BG16M1OP002-1.003-0001 Effectiveness, management and institutional capacity support for WSS sector 12 226 740.38 12 226 740.38 0.00 60 Closed (completion date)
2014BG16M1OP002 Environment 176789478 Ministry of Tourism State administration ACM/ ministry Public Bulgaria, Sofia, 1000, ул. "Съборна" 1
  • Bulgaria
BG16M1OP002-7.001-0001 Supporting the provision of basic needs of the Ukrainian refugees 30 320 200.00 30 320 200.00 0.00 14 Closed (completion date)
2014BG16M1OP002 Environment 176677828 NATIONAL CENTER FOR DISASTER AND EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT Non-profit organization Public benefit foundation Private Bulgaria, Dryanovo, 5370, ул. НИКОЛА МУШАНОВ, номер 4
  • Gabrovo (BG322)
  • Veliko Tarnovo (BG321)
BG16M1OP002-3.031-0001 Support for Natura 2000 in Gabrovo and Veliko Tarnovo regions 0.00 0.00 0.00 14 Terminated (termination date)
2014BG16M1OP002 Environment 176677828 NATIONAL CENTER FOR DISASTER AND EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT Non-profit organization Public benefit foundation Private Bulgaria, Dryanovo, 5370, ул. НИКОЛА МУШАНОВ, номер 4
  • Dryanovo
  • Tryavna
BG16M1OP002-3.032-0001 "Improvement of the conservation status of Natura 2000 species through the CLLD approach on the territory of the LIG Dryanovo - Tryavna - in the heart of the Balkan mountain" 415 285.88 415 285.88 0.00 22 Closed (completion date)
2014BG16M1OP002 Environment 1766778280016 NATIONAL CENTER FOR DISASTER AND EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT - Troyan branch Non-profit organization Public benefit foundation Private Bulgaria, Troyan, 5600, бул./ул. Васил Левски № 184
  • Lovech (BG315)
BG16M1OP002-3.031-0006 Support for Natura 2000 in Lovech region 0.00 0.00 0.00 14 Terminated (termination date)
2014BG16M1OP002 Environment 176491108 National Association “Bulgarian Black Sea” Non-profit organization Public benefit association Private Bulgaria, Pomorie, 8200, кв. Свобода, бл. 15, вx. А, ет. партер
  • Burgas (BG341)
BG16M1OP002-3.019-0017 Shared vision on Natura 2000 ecological network in Burgas region 50 726.51 50 726.51 0.00 9 Closed (completion date)
2014BG16M1OP002 Environment 121229811 Union of hunters and anglers in Bulgaria (UHAB) Non-profit organization Public benefit association Private Bulgaria, Sofia, 1040, бул. ВИТОША №31-33
  • Bulgaria
BG16M1OP002-3.020-0006 Preparation of the Action Plan for the Rock partridge (Alectoris graeca graeca, Meisner) 260 633.35 260 633.35 0.00 32 Closed (completion date)
2014BG16M1OP002 Environment 121229811 Union of hunters and anglers in Bulgaria (UHAB) Non-profit organization Public benefit association Private Bulgaria, Sofia, 1040, бул. ВИТОША №31-33
  • Bulgaria
BG16M1OP002-3.016-0001 Improving the conservation status of the Black Vulture (Aegypius monachus) by implementing measures envisaged in the Species Action Plan. 1 887 628.79 1 887 628.79 0.00 42 Closed (completion date)
2014BG16M1OP002 Environment 000057086 MUNICIPALITY MALKO TARNOVO State administration Municipal administration Public Bulgaria, Malko Tarnovo, 8162, ул. "Малкотърновска комуна " № 3
  • Malko Tarnovo
BG16M1OP002-2.010-0024 Closure and recultivation of municipal landfills for non-hazardous waste in area Raykov Chukar and Valkovo makulishte, Malko Turnovo municipality 1 335 516.24 1 335 516.24 0.00 18 Closed (completion date)
2014BG16M1OP002 Environment 000818022 Stara Zagora Municipality Other Other legal entity Public Bulgaria, Stara Zagora, 6000, ул. ЦАР СИМЕОН ВЕЛИКИ № 107
  • Stara Zagora
BG16M1OP002-5.004-0002 Implementation of measures to improve the quality of life in the city of Stara Zagora 41 063 150.51 41 063 150.51 0.00 47 Closed (completion date)
2014BG16M1OP002 Environment 000818022 Municipality of Stara Zagora State administration Municipal administration Public Bulgaria, Stara Zagora, 6000, ул. ЦАР СИМЕОН ВЕЛИКИ № 107
  • Stara Zagora
BG16M1OP002-2.010-0020 "Closure and reclamation of the old municipal solid waste landfill in Stara Zagora" 6 815 177.31 6 815 177.31 0.00 18 Closed (completion date)
2014BG16M1OP002 Environment 000818086 Municipality of Chirpan State administration Municipal administration Public Bulgaria, Chirpan, 6200, пл. СЪЕДИНЕНИЕ № 1
BG16M1OP002-1.009-0003 Construction of a waste water treatment plant in the town of Chirpan and main sewer collectors 10 476 282.89 9 153 092.76 1 323 190.13 47 Closed (completion date)
2014BG16M1OP002 Environment 000056764 Municipality Aytos State administration Municipal administration Public Bulgaria, Aytos, 8500, ул. ЦАР ОСВОБОДИТЕЛ № 3
BG16M1OP002-1.009-0001 "Wastewater treatment plant of town Aytos" 14 305 450.21 12 688 756.48 1 616 693.73 47 Closed (completion date)
2014BG16M1OP002 Environment 000471059 ASENOVGRAD MUNICIPALITY State administration Municipal administration Public Bulgaria, Asenovgrad, 4230, пл. акад. НИКОЛАЙ ХАЙТОВ № 9
BG16M1OP002-1.006-0001 "Project for rehabilitation of water supply and sewerage network and construction of WWTP, Assenovgrad, Bulgaria" 79 704 488.57 71 497 509.96 8 206 978.61 36 Closed (completion date)
2014BG16M1OP002 Environment 000471059 Asenovgrad Municipality State administration Municipal administration Public Bulgaria, Asenovgrad, 4230, пл. акад. НИКОЛАЙ ХАЙТОВ № 9
BG16M1OP002-5.002-0009 Update municipal program to reduce contaminant levels and reach the established norms in the air in Asenovgrad Municipality 125 546.58 125 546.58 0.00 23 Closed (completion date)
2014BG16M1OP002 Environment 000471059 Municipaliti Asenovgrad State administration Municipal administration Public Bulgaria, Asenovgrad, 4230, пл. акад. НИКОЛАЙ ХАЙТОВ № 9
BG16M1OP002-2.006-0001 Second combined procedure for design and construction of composting installations and pre-treatment faciliities installations for municipal weste "under Axis 2 of OPE 2014-2020 of RAWM - Assenovgrad Region" 7 069 358.25 6 281 124.82 788 233.43 63 Closed (completion date)
2014BG16M1OP002 Environment 000024663 Municipality of Bansko State administration Municipal administration Public Bulgaria, Bansko, 2770, пл. НИКОЛА ВАПЦАРОВ № 1
BG16M1OP002-1.005-0003 Second phase on project "Rehabilitation of the water supply and sewerage system in town of Bansko with construction of a WWTP 23 312 982.68 22 602 738.42 710 244.26 26 Closed (completion date)
2014BG16M1OP002 Environment 000351540 Batak municipality State administration Municipal administration Public Bulgaria, Batak, 4580, пл. "Освобождение" 5
  • Batak
BG16M1OP002-2.010-0054 "Reclamation of a municipal landfill for non-hazardous waste located in the area of" Raleva Kushla "in the territory of the town of Batak, which does not meet the regulatory requirements and is subject to the implementation of the judgment of the Court of Justice of the European Union of 16 July 2015 in case C-145 /14 " 1 679 806.90 1 679 806.90 0.00 18 Closed (completion date)
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Elements in light blue allow detailed view when selected
All amounts are in Bulgarian lev (BGN) / 1 EUR = 1,95583 BGN
Project cost information in the regions based on the latest update of the Grant contract
The information about the actually paid project amounts is not related to the respective region, but is for the whole project. It is visible when accessing each individual project, and for all projects in the sample - when exporting the data.
The project is financed by the Operational Programme "Technical Assistance" and co-financed by the European Union through the European Regional Development Fund.
In implementing the project № 0115-CCU-2.1 "Information system for management and monitoring of EU funds in 2014-2020 - UMIS 2020" (BG161PO002-2.1.01-0007-C0001).