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Programme: Innovations and Competitiveness

Planning region: All


Machines are becoming smarter and more productive than ever. The possibility for a piece of equipment, a production facility or even an entire plant to work automatically with minimum or no human interaction is becoming more and more real. These developments are making the future of systems for centralized monitoring and remote management feasible. The subject of the current project is the development of a web-based platform for remote management of “things”, called Things Monitor, enabling users to monitor and manage their machine parks remotely. The system will not be limited to specific types of production or specific models. The implementation of the system will enable customers to significantly reduce machine downtime and drastically increase the time for unmanned machine operation. Things Monitor will collect, exchange and analyze data in real time to support important business critical decisions. The Platform’s essence is pursuit of utilization of the capital investments of organizations in relation with the rising costs of labour and the growing autonomy of machines. The innovative platform will provide continuity and predictability for all types of capital intensive infrastructure. As a result of its scientific research a team of InterConsult Bulgaria(ICB) has developed the basic requirements for its development, allowing the monitoring, analysis and visualization of large amount of parameters from different sources. The Platform will be accessible by mobile devices, the production assets will be visualized on maps and could be connected to one another to form production lines. The Platform architecture will provide convenient scalability and customization for the specific customer needs. The product will be available as a cloud service (cloud of things), which will provide additional cost reduction to prospective clients. In order to position the product as a cloud solution, ICB will develop the required infrastructure in a newly-founded commercial entity.
Activity Contracted Amount Reported Amount
Придобиване на ново оборудване, необходимо за внедряване на иновативния продукт: След провеждане на необходимите процедури за избор на изпълнители ще бъдат закупени предвидениете по проекта активи. Стъпки за реализация на дейността: 1. Избор на изпълнител (1-3 месец); 2. Сключване на договор (3-4 месец); 3. Доставка на активите (5-12) месец 4. Подписване на приемо-предавателен протокол 585 668.72 585 465.00
Придобиване/разработване на специализиран софтуер, необходим за внедряването на иновативния продукт: След провеждане на необходимата процедура за избор на изпълнител ще бъде възложено разработването на необходимите софтуерни функционалности на избрания изпълнител. Стъпки за реализация на дейността: 1. Избор на изпълнител (1-3 месец); 2. Сключване на договор (3-4 месец); 3. Доставка на разработените функционалности (5-18) месец 4. Подписване на приемо-предавателен протокол Доставените софтуерни функционалности ще бъдат имплементирани и тествани от екип на "Интерконсулт България" ООД 558 800.00 558 800.00


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All amounts are in Bulgarian lev (BGN) / 1 EUR = 1,95583 BGN
The project is financed by the Operational Programme "Technical Assistance" and co-financed by the European Union through the European Regional Development Fund.
In implementing the project № 0115-CCU-2.1 "Information system for management and monitoring of EU funds in 2014-2020 - UMIS 2020" (BG161PO002-2.1.01-0007-C0001).