
Name Address
203650343 SPECIALIZED HOSPITAL FOR CONTINUOUS TREATMENT AND REHABILITATION MINERAL BANI - POLSKI TRAMBESH България, гр.Полски Тръмбеш, 5180, град Полски Тръмбеш, ул."Търговска" № 92 Специализирана болница за продължително лечение и рехабилитация/СБПЛР/ "Минерални бани"-Полски Тръмбеш

List of projects in which the organization is involved as a beneficiary

Project Name Home Total Grant Self-financing by the Beneficiary Actual amounts paid Duration (months) Status of Implementation of the Contract/Order of the Grant
For better health and working capacity of the employed persons in Specialized Hospital for long-term treatment and rehabilitation "Mineral Baths" Polski Trambesh 01.06.2020 г. 27 723.30 27 723.30 0.00 27 703.39 6 Closed (completion date)