
Name Address
108693002 MESSI Ltd България, гр.Момчилград, 6800, ул. "ГЮМЮРДЖИНСКА" №54, ет.3

List of projects in which the organization is involved as a beneficiary

Project Name Home Total Grant Self-financing by the Beneficiary Actual amounts paid Duration (months) Status of Implementation of the Contract/Order of the Grant
New possibility for employment at MESSI Ltd 12.08.2016 г. 183 777.00 183 777.00 0.00 181 018.94 15 Closed (completion date)
Improving the productivity, enhancing the export potential and ensuring the sustainable market competitiveness of MESSI Ltd. 05.09.2018 г. 233 300.00 209 970.00 23 330.00 209 923.20 10 Closed (completion date)
Support for Small Enterprises with Turnover above 500 000 BGN to Overcome the Economic Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic 02.11.2021 г. 50 000.00 50 000.00 0.00 50 000.00 3 Closed (completion date)
Solutions in the field of Information and Communication Technologies and Cybersecurity in SMEs 03.07.2023 г. 19 995.00 19 995.00 0.00 19 995.00 10 Closed (completion date)