
Name Address
204427425 "MASTAR-PIK" JSC България, гр.София, 1113, Незабравка No 25, бл. Парк хотел Москва, ет. 3, ап. офис311

List of projects in which the organization is involved as a beneficiary

Project Name Home Total Grant Self-financing by the Beneficiary Actual amounts paid Duration (months) Status of Implementation of the Contract/Order of the Grant
Training for employees in Master-Pick JSC. 27.04.2018 г. 165 907.50 165 907.50 0.00 0.00 21 Terminated (termination date)
Trainings for success 21.06.2018 г. 507 000.00 304 200.00 202 800.00 300 101.29 18 Closed (completion date)
Improving the working environment in "Mastar-pik” ltd. by providing good and safe working conditions for employees 09.07.2018 г. 122 933.00 122 933.00 0.00 105 487.71 6 Closed (completion date)
Supporting medium-sized enterprises to overcome the economic impact of the COVID-19 pandemic 18.02.2021 г. 144 000.00 144 000.00 0.00 144 000.00 3 Closed (completion date)