
Name Address
000707577 KONFEDERATSIYA NA TRUDA "PODKREPA" България, гр.София, 1000, ул. Ангел Кънчев №2

List of projects in which the organization is involved as a beneficiary

Project Name Home Total Grant Self-financing by the Beneficiary Actual amounts paid Duration (months) Status of Implementation of the Contract/Order of the Grant
SUPPORT FOR ENHANCING THE ADAPTIVITY OF EMPLOYEES AND ENTERPRISES TO MODIFYING ECONOMIC CONDITIONS 03.02.2020 г. 2 317 171.74 2 317 171.74 0.00 2 317 171.74 29 Closed (completion date)
DIGITAL SUPPORT 01.10.2021 г. 1 714 266.11 1 714 266.11 0.00 1 714 266.11 20 Closed (completion date)
Support for partnership 01.02.2024 г. 6 650 184.28 6 650 184.28 0.00 130 443.66 48 In execution (starting date)