UMIS Number | BG16RFOP001-2.001-0167-C03 |
Project Name | Improvement of energy efficiency of buildings with identificators: 65231.906.92.1, 65231.914.46.1, 65231.909.296.1 and 65231.909.296.2, 65231.914.149.1 and 65231.914.149.2, 65231.910.144.1, 65231. 905.49.1, 65231.907.42.1, 65231.911.234.1, 65231.910.141.1, 65231.905.11.2 and 65231.905.11.1, 65231.903.62.1 and 65231.903.62.2, 65231.905.86.1, 65231.909.359.1 |
Beneficiary | 000776491 Municipality of Samokov |
Funding | ERDF ==> Regions in Growth |
Date of the Contract/Order | 02.11.2016 |
Start Date | 02.11.2016 |
End Date | 23.04.2020 |
Status of Implementation of the Contract/Order of the Grant | Closed (completion date) |
Location of Performance |
Brief description |
Проектът предвижда внедряване на мерки за енергийна ефективност в 13 сгради-2 жилищни блока, 1 жилищна кооперация и 10 бр. къщи |
Activities |
Partners | None |
Contractors |
Subcontractors | None |
Members of the Consortium |
Notes: * The projected contract value may be lower than the reported one because of any of the following reasons:
** This column represents the amount of costs claimed by the beneficiary |
Indicator 1 | Estimated annual decrease of GHG, Measure Unit: тонове CO2 екв., Base Value: 0.00 , Target amount: 269.79 , Reached amount: 277.59 |
Indicator 2 | Number of households with improved energy consumption classification, Measure Unit: домакинства, Base Value: 0.00 , Target amount: 79.00 , Reached amount: 86.00 |
Indicator 3 | Енергийна ефективност: Брой обновени сгради, Measure Unit: Number, Base Value: 0.00 , Target amount: 13.00 , Reached amount: 13.00 |
Total Project cost | 1 069 027.35 BGN |
Grant | 1 069 027.35 BGN |
Self amount | 0.00 BGN |
Total actual amounts paid | 1 069 027.35 BGN |
Percentage of EU co-financing | 85.00 % |
Notes: 1 The quoted value represents the maximum amount of the imposed financial correction. Depending on the performance of the contract, the actual amount of the deducted financial correction may be lower. 2 A financial correction with a zero total value means that it has been canceled as a result of a court judgment. |
Procedure 1 |
Subject to due process: Дейности по инженеринг /проектиране, СМР и авторски надзор/,
Estimated Amount: 871 998.68
Procedure 2 |
Subject to due process: Екип по проекта,
Estimated Amount: 0.00
Procedure 3 |
Subject to due process: Избор на изпълнител за изпълнение на строителен надзор и ОСИП,
Estimated Amount: 15 666.67
Procedure 4 |
Subject to due process: Избор на изпълнител на информация и публичност,
Estimated Amount: 1 666.67
Procedure 5 |
Subject to due process: Избор на фирма за независим финансов одит,
Estimated Amount: 2 083.33
Procedure 6 |
Subject to due process: Изготвяне на обследвания за установяване на техническите характеристики, свързани с изискванията на чл.169, ал.1 и ал. 3 от ЗУТ и съставяне на технически паспорт на съществуващите строежи и обследване за енергийна ефективност на 54 жилищни сгради на територията на община Самоков,
Estimated Amount: 237 615.00
All amounts are in Bulgarian lev (BGN) / 1 EUR = 1,95583 BGN