Saved trees

Programme: Regions in Growth

Planning region: All


The main scope of activity of SPYRO Ltd. is: KID 2008 - 16.24 16.24 Production of wood packaging, the company specializing in the production of euro pallets, wooden crates and riding sports equipment for extreme climbing.
The project "Improvement of production capacity in Spyro" will be purchased machines related to the production process of the company, which will lead to the expansion of the capacity of an existing business site. Through the implementation of the SPYRO Ltd. project, it will be able to produce a larger number of euro pallets, as well as sports facilities for extreme climbing, and the production will be significantly better than the currently offered.The implementation of the project "Improving production capacity in Spyro" will not change the basic production process but will only increase the capacity of the products offered by the company.
Acquired tangible assets under the Spiro Production Improvement Project will aim at improving the production processes in the company as well as improving the products offered, improving and accelerating the cutting processes of the boards from which manufactures our products, and to improve the quality of these products.
The equipment acquired through the project will lead to an improvement in the production capacity of the company as the implementation of the project will greatly extend the technical resources, which will provide the opportunity to produce (produced) a larger number of euro pallet as well as sports facilities from for extreme climbing to existing customers and to potential customers.
Activity Contracted Amount Reported Amount
Въвеждане в еклсплоатация на ново оборудване: С изпълнението на дейноста в производствения процес на СПИРО ЕООД ще бъдат въведени нови машини: - Хоризонтален банциг - 1бр.; - Линия за коване на палети - 1 бр.; Основен предмет на дейност на „ СПИРО” ЕООД е: КИД 2008 - 16.24 16.24 Производство на опаковки от дървен материал, като фирмата е специализирана в производството на евро палет, дървени съндъци и дървени спортни съоръжения за екстремно катерене. С проект “Подобряване на производствения капацитет в СПИРО” ще бъдат закупени машини, свързани с производствения процес на фирмата, което ще доведе до производството на по-голям брой произведени продукти - евро палет (посредством линията за коване на палети) и спортни съоръжения за екстремно катерене (посредством хоризонталния банциг). Стъпки за изпълнение на дейността: 1. Сформиране на екип (1 м) 2. Провеждане на процедура по избор на изпълнител (3-4 м) 3. Подписване на договор за доставка на оборудване с избран изпълнител (5 м) 4. Приемане на доставката (8-10 м) 5. Прилагане на мерки за публичност (1-12 м). 670 000.00 669 915.00


Elements in light blue allow detailed view when selected
All amounts are in Bulgarian lev (BGN) / 1 EUR = 1,95583 BGN
The project is financed by the Operational Programme "Technical Assistance" and co-financed by the European Union through the European Regional Development Fund.
In implementing the project № 0115-CCU-2.1 "Information system for management and monitoring of EU funds in 2014-2020 - UMIS 2020" (BG161PO002-2.1.01-0007-C0001).