Saved trees

Programme: Transport and Transport Infrastructure

Planning region: All


The project provides for the purchase of new specialized dental center equipment. The project will be purchased intraoral scanner, diode laser, dental microscope and vertical condensation system with hot gutta-percha. In order to determine the marginal value of each of these instruments, a market survey based on three offers was conducted. For each device, an inquiry was prepared according to its specificity and sent to different companies according to their capacity to supply dental equipment. The limit value for each appliance is determined by the "Lowest price" criterion.
For preparing the application documents and the AF, as well as for the project management, a company offering consultancy services in the field of preparation and management of projects under European programs was selected. The consultancy firm's choice is based on the "lowest price" criterion.
The purchased equipment will be delivered after the procedure "Selection of a contractor with public invitation", according to the requirements of the OCM 160 and the instructions of the MA of the RDP.
As a result of the implementation of the project in the dental center:
- two innovative treatment methods will be implemented,
- the quality of the dental services will be improved,
- patients' discomfort will be reduced in some of the treatment activities,
- the range of services offered will be expanded, some of which are new to the territory, incl. and correction of speech problems and swallowing problems in young children.
- Provides the ability to track the status of each patient in time, which allows for early detection of problems and their timely treatment. This saves a lot of pain, time and resources for the patient.
- Reduction of chemical substances used during treatment will be achieved.
- will create 2.5 new jobs
As a final result, the project will lead to an increase in the beneficiary's competitiveness as well as to the expansion of its activities.
Activity Contracted Amount Reported Amount
Развитие на услуги във всички сектори: здравни услуги – извън публичните/общински и държавни/ здравни услуги (ще бъде изпълнена чрез закупуване и пускане в експлоатация на: интраорален скенер - 1бр; диоден лазер - 1бр, система за вертикална кондензация с топла гутаперка - 1 бр. к-кт, дентален микроскоп-1бр.): Като част от дейността ще бъдат закупени и пуснати в експлоатация: 1. интраорален скенер - 1бр на стойност с ДДС: 100 124,40 лева 2. диоден лазер - 1бр, на стойност с ДДС: 9 300,00 лева 3. система (комплект апарати) за вертикална кондензация с топла гутаперка - 1 бр. к-кт, на стойност с ДДС: 4 500,00 лева 4. дентален микроскоп-1бр на стойност с ДДС: 48 740,00 лева Посочените материални активи ще бъдат използвани за предоставяне нови стоматологични услуги за населението, а посредством интраоралния скенер ще бъдат внедрени и два иновативни метода за лечение на дентални проблеми. - подробна информация за предвидените нови услуги, които ще бъдат предоставяни за населението след закупуване на посочените материални активи е посочена в т.11 "Допълнителна информация за оценка на проектното предложение" от Формуляра за кандидатстване. 162 664.40 0.00


Elements in light blue allow detailed view when selected
All amounts are in Bulgarian lev (BGN) / 1 EUR = 1,95583 BGN
The project is financed by the Operational Programme "Technical Assistance" and co-financed by the European Union through the European Regional Development Fund.
In implementing the project № 0115-CCU-2.1 "Information system for management and monitoring of EU funds in 2014-2020 - UMIS 2020" (BG161PO002-2.1.01-0007-C0001).