
UMIS Number BGLD-1.002-0001-C04
Project Name Grow through Activating Local Potential
Beneficiary 121399226 National Association of Municipalities in the Republic of Bulgaria (NAMRB)
Funding EEA FM ==> Local Development, Poverty Reduction and Enhanced Inclusion of Vulnerable Groups
Date of the Contract/Order 26.06.2019
Start Date 26.06.2019
End Date 07.06.2024
Status of Implementation of the Contract/Order of the Grant Closed (completion date)
Location of Performance
  • България


Brief description
Докато големите общини в България имат опит в успешното използване на местния потенциал и разчитат на редица Европейски  инструменти за насърчаване на своето социално-икономическо развитие, по-малките общини и населени места все още се нуждаят от подкрепа и добри практики как да експлоатират и да се облагодетелстват от своите исторически, природни и културни ресурси. 
За да активизират и използват успешно своите териториални ресурси, общините се нуждаят от доказани модели и добри практики, които да приложат.  Ето защо, надграждайки чудесното си взаимодействие между НСОРБ и KS, двете организации планираха нова поредица от съвместни дейности с цел подкрепа на местното развитие и капацитет за идентифициране и активно включване на местните ресурси в общинските планове за развитие. 
Уменията и опитът на НСОРБ и KS ще гарантират задълбочено проучване на успешните примери от България и Норвегия и определяне на най-ефективните от тях; идентифициране на неоползотворения потенциал в 10 общини и изработване на приложими стратегии за развитие, базирани на този потенциал; подготовка на специфични  проекти въз основа на стратегиите за ефективно местно развитие; развитие и разширяване на сътрудничеството между местните власти, насочено към насърчаване на социално-икономическия напредък в необлагодетелстваните общини. В допълнение проектът ще способства обмена на добри практики и ще създаде партньорства между общините от двете страни чрез организация на двустранни форуми, учебни посещения и обмен на опит. Той ще спомогне диалога между местните и национални власти в България чрез извеждане и обосноваване на необходимите регулаторни промени в полза на местното социално-икономическо развитие.
  • Activity: ACTIVITY 1: STUDY OF SUCCESSFUL PRACTICES FROM BULGARIA AND NORWAY USING THE LOCAL POTENTIAL AND RESOURCES TO STIMULATE ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AND EMPLOYMENT: Most Bulgarian municipalities have unused potential for economic growth that can be activated by implementation of good practices on how to exploit and benefit from their historical, natural and cultural resources. Activity 1 is designed to study and present best practices from Bulgaria and Norway that could stimulate the economic development of disadvantaged municipalities and settlements. , Contracted Amount: 101 634.76 , Reported Amount: 101 634.76
  • Activity: ACTIVITY 2: SELECTION OF 10 PILOT MUNICIPALITIES (OR GROUPS OF MUNICIPALITIES) ON THE BASIS OF AN OPEN INVITATION : Within this activity 10 pilot municipalities/groups of municipalities shall be selected that will benefit from the envisaged development strategies to be designed under project Activity 3. , Contracted Amount: 330 832.25 , Reported Amount: 273 440.96
  • Activity: ACTIVITY 3: DESIGN OF 10 STRATEGIES FOR EFFECTIVE LOCAL DEVELOPMENT THROUGH ACTIVATING THE EXISTING TERRITORIAL RESOURCES IN PARTNERSHIP WITH THE LOCAL COMMUNITY, NGO AND BUSINESS STAKEHOLDERS AND PREPARATION OF BUSINESS PLANS FOR THE IMPLEMENTATION OF STRATEGIES: After the selection of 10 pilot municipalities/groups of municipalities, specific development strategies for their project concepts will be designed, along with business plans for their implementation. The results of Activity 1 and Activity 2 will be taken into consideration as to how most effectively to mobilise the existing territorial resources. The design of these strategies requires the full involvement of a wide range of stakeholders - local communities, NGOs, businesses. Therefore, in the course of preparatory activities up to 10 local partnership forums (e.g. discussion forums, roundtables, focus groups) will be organized for presentation and discussion of the proposed development strategies and business plans. , Contracted Amount: 197 544.41 , Reported Amount: 197 099.75
  • Activity: ACTIVITY 4: SUPPORTING MUNICIPALITIES, NGOs AND BUSINESSES IN THE PREPARATION OF PROJECT PROPOSALS FOR FUNDING FROM THE SMALL GRANTS SCHEME (SGS): This project activity will be implemented by the staff of NAMRB and aims at providing technical support and consultations to the selected pilot municipalities in preparation of project proposals to apply for funding under the Small Grant Scheme, which is aimed at supporting the local development and creating jobs in target areas. , Contracted Amount: 53 409.34 , Reported Amount: 53 409.34
  • Activity: ACTIVITY 5: PREPARATION OF SAMPLE DEVELOPMENT MODELS, BASED ON ACTIVATING LOCAL CAPACITIES; PROMOTION OF THE MODELS AND SUPPORT FOR THEIR TRANSFER TO OTHER MUNICIPALITIES: This activity is targeted to further deepening and expanding the intra-municipal and inter-municipal cooperation through promotion and dissemination of development models based on local capacities and resources activation. The knowledge and most effective (transferable) best practices gained in the course of the project will be described in detail and and made available on the NAMRB’s website. Additional focus will be placed on advanced practices in attracting investors and stakeholders. , Contracted Amount: 172 393.59 , Reported Amount: 143 443.79
  • Activity: ACTIVITY 6: EXCHANGE OF EXPERIENCE ON FACILITATING SUCCESSFUL COMMUNICATION WITH INVESTORS, NON-GOVERNMENTAL SECTOR, CITIZENS AND MEDIA: Within this activity good Norwegian practices and experience will be transferred on how to facilitate the municipal communication with potential investors, non-governmental sector, citizens and media. KS will present examples and means for successful interaction with different stakeholders groups, for promotion of the local potential to attract investments in small municipalities, for tried and tested ways to putting them on the map. , Contracted Amount: 86 466.91 , Reported Amount: 60 976.89
  • Activity: ACTIVITY 7: ASSURING SUSTAINABILITY OF PROJECT RESULTS BY SYSTEMATIZED PROPOSALS FOR AMENDMENTS IN THE LEGAL FRAMEWORK : The overall goal of the project is to design and present sustainable development models that will permanently lead to improved employment opportunities and poverty reduction in small settlements, as well as to change the framework conditions and mind-sets in this regard. Therefore, in the course of the project implementation the need for specific amendments in the legal framework, aimed at activation of local potential and support for local initiatives and innovations, will be identified and assessed. To ensure sustainability of the project achievements, a package of systematized proposals for regulatory amendments shall be initiated and further advocated by NAMRB before the Bulgarian central authorities. To help change mind-sets 2 study trips will be organized for up to 40 local leaders that can put into practice the designed local development models. In accordance with the organization of the trip jointly planned with KS, NAMRB shall provide the air flight tickets and daily allowances, as well as interpretation, while KS shall provide the accommodation, meeting venues, internal transport and lecturers. The required funds for these are provided for in the respective budget allocations of the two partners under the Activity. It is envisaged that the participants in the first trip shall comprise of representatives of the 10 municipalities/groups of municipalities selected to prepare local development strategies as well as 2 key experts from NAMRB. The second trip shall be for representatives of the management organs of NAMRB (the Management and Control boards, the chairpersons of permanent working committees) as well as up to 3 key experts from NAMRB staff. , Contracted Amount: 350 360.38 , Reported Amount: 273 253.13
  • Activity: ACTIVITY 8: PROVISION OF INFORMATION, PUBLICITY AND INTERNET ACCESS TO PROJECT RESULTS AND INVESTMENT PROFILES OF MUNICIPALITIES : The project partners shall implement the following publicity actions in accordance with the EEA Communication amp; design manual: 1. Organization of publicity events The partners shall organize an opening and closing publicity events with the participation of experts from both NAMRB and KS. In addition to these, all other events and forums under the project implementation schedule will be used for the purposes of information provision and results publicity. 2. Use of Internet NAMRB will establish a thematic webpage, dedicated on GALOP. The page will contain all important information related to project implementation and results. The page will be used to publicize the invitations and guidelines for the surveys of good practices and unused local assets, for the competitive procedure for pilot municipalities, for the partnership forums and workshops, and for all similar forthcoming project activities and events. In addition to such current information on project implementation, the webpage shall also contain the key project results, such as the identified Norwegian and Bulgarian good practice cases, the data base of local assets, the synopses of the prepared detailed strategies for effective local development, the sample development models based on local potential, as well as the collected advance practices in attracting investors. Interactive mapping with rich background information on good practices and development model partners will also be provided. The page will provide links to the website of the EEA FM 2014-2021 and the page of the Programme “Local Development, Poverty Reduction and Enhanced Inclusion of Vulnerable Groups” and publicize its support in accordance with the EEA Communication amp; design manual. 3. Provision of information and publicity materials Targeted information and publicity materials shall also be prepared and circulated. They shall be used as handouts for the publicity and partnership forums related to project implementation. They shall also be circulated at the regular forums of NAMRB’s expert networks, which will be engaged in the implementation of key project activities, such as survey on good practices, design of sample development models, exchanges on communication with investors, etc. 4. Use of other information means and social media Project results, activities and events shall also be publicized through the current available information means, employed by partners: electronic and printed digests, and social media. , Contracted Amount: 234 798.90 , Reported Amount: 173 686.40
  • Activity: ACTIVITY 9: PROJECT AUDITS: Provision of audit of project parties expenditures in conformity with the requirements of the Regulation of the EEA FM, the Guidelines for beneficiaries of the PO and the Partnership agreement. , Contracted Amount: 22 491.70 , Reported Amount: 15 783.44
  • Activity: ACTIVITY 10: PROJECT MANAGEMENT AND INDIRECT COSTS: The project management shall include the overall administration of the technical, expert and financial implementation, including the organization of expert tasks among partners and their teams, the delivery and management of public procurement of external consultancy, the timely communication with the PO and the correct financial management of project costs, the necessary technical and financial reporting, the coordination of communications and publicity measures. Indirect costs shall be in accordance with the applicable Regulation. , Contracted Amount: 194 641.36 , Reported Amount: 194 103.21

Participating Organizations

  • Partner: Norwegian Association of Local and Regional Authorities (KS), Contracted Amount*: 0.00 , Reported Amount: 562 050.91
  • Contractor: DIALOGUE PLUS, Contracted Amount*: 95 848.60 , Reported Amount**: 46 143.84
  • Contractor: DZZD "EURO BUL PRO", Contracted Amount*: 215 988.00 , Reported Amount**: 215 988.00
  • Contractor: CONSORTIUM "CIELA - AERO" DZZD, Contracted Amount*: 78 830.40 , Reported Amount**: 54 574.44
  • Contractor: Horizont USA LTD, Contracted Amount*: 0.00 , Reported Amount**: 330.00
  • Contractor: BULGARIA AIR AND POSOKA DZZD, Contracted Amount*: 120 281.70 , Reported Amount**: 87 982.67
  • Contractor: AM AUDIT LTD, Contracted Amount*: 2 800.00 , Reported Amount**: 2 800.00
  • Contractor: Atlas Travels LTD, Contracted Amount*: 79 170.80 , Reported Amount**: 30 934.80
  • Contractor: PRINTING HOUSE, Contracted Amount*: 27 120.00 , Reported Amount**: 27 120.00
  • Contractor: KC CONSULTING, Contracted Amount*: 48 895.00 , Reported Amount**: 40 200.00
Subcontractors None
Members of the Consortium
  • Member of the Consortium: BULGARIA AIR , Contracted Amount*: 0.00
  • Member of the Consortium: CIELA NORMA, Contracted Amount*: 0.00
  • Member of the Consortium: POSOKA COM LTD, Contracted Amount*: 0.00
  • Member of the Consortium: BUL PRO CONSULTING, Contracted Amount*: 0.00
  • Member of the Consortium: EUROCONSULTANTS BULGARIA S.A., Contracted Amount*: 0.00
  • Member of the Consortium: PROINFRACONSULT, Contracted Amount*: 0.00
  • Member of the Consortium: AEROTOUR MM, Contracted Amount*: 0.00


* The projected contract value may be lower than the reported one because of any of the following reasons:

  • For physical person, the contracted value does not include the employer expenses, which are admissible expenses and are accounted under the project
  • The Beneficiary has reported expense only with an invoice without a contract with the selected contractor
  • The beneficiary has reported over again expenses to the MA

** This column represents the amount of costs claimed by the beneficiary


Indicator 1 Partnership agreement signed between project promoter and entities in donors states (disaggregates by Donor State), Measure Unit: Брой, Base Value: 0.00 , Target amount: 1.00 , Reached amount: 1.00
Indicator 2 Number of NAMBR staff that took part in the study trip (disaggregated by gender, Donor State), Measure Unit: Брой, Base Value: 0.00 , Target amount: 10.00 , Reached amount: 7.00
Indicator 3 Number of staff from Donor states participating in exchanges with Bulgarian projects (disaggregated by gender, Donor state), Measure Unit: Брой, Base Value: 0.00 , Target amount: 20.00 , Reached amount: 15.00
Indicator 4 Level of satisfaction with the partnership, Measure Unit: Scale 1-7, Base Value: 0.00 , Target amount: 6.00 , Reached amount: 6.00
Indicator 5 Number of strategies for effective local economic development drafted, Measure Unit: Брой, Base Value: 0.00 , Target amount: 10.00 , Reached amount: 10.00
Indicator 6 Number of individuals from beneficiary country participating in exchanges with donor countries, Measure Unit: Брой, Base Value: 0.00 , Target amount: 50.00 , Reached amount: 57.00
Indicator 7 Study of successful economic local development practices conducted, Measure Unit: Брой, Base Value: 0.00 , Target amount: 1.00 , Reached amount: 1.00

Financial Information

Total Project cost 1 486 831.67 BGN
Grant 1 486 831.67 BGN
Self amount 0.00 BGN
Total actual amounts paid 1 486 831.67 BGN
Percentage of EU co-financing 85.00 %

Financial Corrections



1 The quoted value represents the maximum amount of the imposed financial correction. Depending on the performance of the contract, the actual amount of the deducted financial correction may be lower.

2 A financial correction with a zero total value means that it has been canceled as a result of a court judgment.


Procedure 1 Subject to due process: „Организация на присъствени, дистанционни и хибридни форуми и семинари“ - РАМКОВО СПОРАЗУМЕНИЕ, Estimated Amount: 0.00
  • Differentiated position 1: ВКИ 5 "Организиране на форуми, събития и обучение"
    Contract total funded value: 78 830.40
Procedure 2 Subject to due process: Консултантски услуги във връзка с подготовка, провеждане на процедури и възлагане на обществени поръчки за нуждите на Национално сдружение на общините в Република България, Estimated Amount: 200 000.00
  • Differentiated position 1: Консултантски услуги във връзка с подготовка, провеждане на процедури и възлагане на обществени поръчки за нуждите на Национално сдружение на общините в Република България
    Contractor: KC CONSULTING
    Contract total funded value: 48 895.00
Procedure 3 Subject to due process: Логистика на форуми и обучения, Estimated Amount: 129 728.23
  • Differentiated position 1: Организиране на форуми и обучение - Обособена позиция 2
    Contractor: Atlas Travels LTD
    Contract total funded value: 50 850.80
  • Differentiated position 2: „Организиране на обучения (семинари) и форуми”- Обособена позиция №5
    Contractor: Atlas Travels LTD
    Contract total funded value: 28 320.00
Procedure 4 Subject to due process: Осигуряване на самолетни билети за служебните пътувания в страната и чужбина и предоставяне на съпътстващи услуги за нуждите на НСОРБ, Estimated Amount: 0.00
  • Differentiated position 1: Осигуряване на самолетни билети за служебните пътувания в страната и чужбина и предоставяне на съпътстващи услуги за нуждите на НСОРБ
    Contract total funded value: 120 281.70
Procedure 5 Subject to due process: Предоставяне на преводачески услуги за нуждите на Националното сдружение на общините в Република България, Estimated Amount: 95 848.60
  • Differentiated position 1: Предоставяне на преводачески услуги за нуждите на Националното сдружение на общините в Република България
    Contractor: DIALOGUE PLUS
    Contract total funded value: 95 848.60
Procedure 6 Subject to due process: Разработване на 10 стратегии за ефективно местно развитие чрез активизиране на съществуващите териториални ресурси в партньорство с местната общност, граждански структури и бизнес и разработване на модели за развитие чрез активизиране на местните ресурс, Estimated Amount: 352 044.00
  • Differentiated position 1: Разработване на 10 стратегии за ефективно местно развитие чрез активизиране на съществуващите териториални ресурси в партньорство с местната общност, граждански структури и бизнес и разработване на модели за развитие чрез активизиране на местните ресурс
    Contractor: DZZD "EURO BUL PRO"
    Contract total funded value: 215 988.00
Procedure 7 Subject to due process: Услуги по дизайн, отпечатване и доставка на печатни издания и информационни материали, Estimated Amount: 60 000.00
  • Differentiated position 1: Услуги по дизайн, отпечатване и доставка на печатни издания и информационни материали“
    Contractor: PRINTING HOUSE
    Contract total funded value: 27 120.00


All amounts are in Bulgarian lev (BGN) / 1 EUR = 1,95583 BGN