Saved trees

Programme: Good Governance

Planning region: All


This business plan considers the possibility of receiving a subsidy under Procedure № BG06RDNP001-4.008 "Targeted admission for farmers in the livestock sector" under sub-measure 4.1 "Investment in agricultural holdings" of measure 4 "Investment in tangible assets" of the Rural Development Program for the period 2014 - 2020. The presented project envisages construction of an agricultural building for storage of fodder and purchase of agricultural machinery. A new building will be built in property XXV, district 132 according to the plan of the town of Saedinenie, Saedinenie municipality, Plovdiv district. In the animal breeding building there is a food path with sufficient width for moving mobile feed distribution equipment.
The investment is in the direction of animal nutrition. Increasing the efficiency of feeding is associated with better absorption of feed and reducing their spillage and leads to a reduction in production costs, of which 75-80% are for feed. The provision of feeding equipment gives the result that each cow is fed according to their individual needs and the risk of malnutrition is minimal.
This method of breeding has its advantages associated with avoiding stress in animals, which in turn has a beneficial effect on the quantity and quality of milk. Feed and machinery for its production should become part of the methods of preventing animal diseases. Quality and safe food prevents the spread of animal diseases. Self-produced feed contributes to the health of each individual animal. The farmer raises his animals with food that he produces himself, and it not only contributes to the growth and productivity of the animal, but also to its health and well-being. The assets provided under this project will provide food that meets their nutritional needs at each stage of their development. The mechanized system for food preparation and distribution leads to high productivity and lower labor costs.
Activity Contracted Amount Reported Amount
Внедряване на нови продукти, процеси и технологии и обновяване на наличните производствени материални и/или нематериални активи: Представеният проект предвижда изграждане на селскостопанска сграда за съхранение на фураж и закупуване на селскостопанска техника. Ще се изгради нова сграда в имот УПИ XXV, кв. 132 по плана на гр. Съединение, общ. Съединение, обл. Пловдив. В сградата за отглеждане на животните е оформена хранителната пътека с достатъчна ширина за придвижване на мобилна фуражораздаваща техника. Предвижда се закупуване на ремарке миксер вагон вертикално 12 м3 марка İZELMAK, модел SX120TF. Ремаркето е самонатоварващо се и се агрегатира към новия трактор. С използването на такова ремарке ще се постигне висока степен на усвояване на храната. Земеделският стопанин отглежда животните си не само със закупена, но и със собствено произведена храна, която не само спомага за растежа и продуктивността на животното, но и за неговото здраве и добро състояние. За извършването на отделни агротехнически операции ще закупи някои селскостопански машини - обръщателен плуг с шила с 4+1 тела, марка ALPLER, модел DPА 145, универсален дисков агрегат – Арагон - 3 м İLGİ, модел: MX 24, стърнищен култиватор İLGİ, модел APL300, телескопичвн товарач JCB 532-70 AGRI, палетни вилици, ремарке за суха оборска тор – 15 м3 марка OZSAN-INTERMIX, тракторът HATTAT, модел Т4110 DT. 977 620.32 346 100.72


Elements in light blue allow detailed view when selected
All amounts are in Bulgarian lev (BGN) / 1 EUR = 1,95583 BGN
The project is financed by the Operational Programme "Technical Assistance" and co-financed by the European Union through the European Regional Development Fund.
In implementing the project № 0115-CCU-2.1 "Information system for management and monitoring of EU funds in 2014-2020 - UMIS 2020" (BG161PO002-2.1.01-0007-C0001).