
Name Address
130213546 Association “National Association Legal Initiative for Open Government” България, гр.Монтана, 3400, ул. " Свети Климент Охридски" 5А ет. 5 ап. офис 510 обл.Монтана общ.Монтана гр/с.Монтана

List of projects in which the organization is involved as a contractor

Project Name UMIS Number Contracts amount Reported amount
Daily center for adults with disabilities - a chance for active involvement BG05M9OP001-2.005-0098-C02 6 166.66 0.00
Regional information campaign for Natura 2000 sites in the Montana region BG16M1OP002-3.031-0020-C02 29 041.20 29 041.20
Establish a Youth Centre in the city of Montana BGLD-2.001-0004-C04 39 405.60 22 710.96
Integrated approaches for inclusion and empowerment of the Roma ethnos in Montana and Boychinovtsi BGLD-3.002-0018-C01 35 767.20 35 485.44