
Name Address
130182549 Delphin proekt Ekotechnika OOD България, гр.София, 1202, Тимок 4

List of projects in which the organization is involved as a contractor

Project Name UMIS Number Contracts amount Reported amount
"Design and construction of a waste water treatment plant, inlet manifold and partial rehabilitation of the water supply and sewerage network in the city of Elhovo" BG16M1OP002-1.009-0004-C03 29 970.00 40 617.73
"Civil Initiative for Transparency in the Environmental Monitoring Process as part of the effective implementation of environmental and sustainable development policies" BG05SFOP001-2.009-0185-C02 13 920.00 13 920.00
Support to the Regional Investment Planning of the Water and Sewerage sector - stage 2 BG16M1OP002-1.018-0001-C01 0.00 0.00