The project proposal envisages investments in non-agricultural activities aimed at the development of photographic services. The main goal of the project proposal is: development of a competitive economy based on stimulation of entrepreneurship and diversification of the activity of the company "TELBOD" EOOD. The goal will be achieved by purchasing the following photographic equipment: camera, adapter and lens. Expected results: After the implementation of the project proposal, the following results will be achieved: Supported investments in non-agricultural activities, aimed at the development of new services, in the territory of the municipality of Lyaskovets. The promotion of investment activities in the project proposal will support the creation of employment and accelerate the diversification of non-agricultural activities on the territory of the LAG.
Activity | Contracted Amount | Reported Amount |
Закупуване на фотографско оборудване: Проектното предложение предвижда инвестиции в неземеделски дейности, които са насочени към развитие на фотографски услуги. Основна цел на проектното предложение е: развитие на конкурентноспособна икономика, базирана на стимулиране на предприемачеството и разнообразяване на дейността на фирма „ТЕЛБОД“ ЕООД. Целта ще бъде постигната, чрез закупуване на следното фотографско оборудване: фотоапарат, адаптер и обектив. | 11 905.83 | 12 480.83 |
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All amounts are in Bulgarian lev (BGN) / 1 EUR = 1,95583 BGN
All amounts are in Bulgarian lev (BGN) / 1 EUR = 1,95583 BGN