Saved trees

Programme: All

Planning region: Burgas


The project proposal is aimed at holding "Maritime Fest Burgas" in Burgas, Kraimorie beach. The festival is educational, cultural and industry-oriented, in order to increase the culture of exploring and protecting the sea. The opportunities for cultural and historical tourism will be presented - "St. Anastasia" and the monastery on it. It will give also a modern look to the attractive entertainment which will actually be part of a complete tourist package "Where the past meets the present." To this end, water attractions and sports will be presented as an opportunity for entertainment. In addition to history, modern sports and entertainment, the package will also focus on marine fish and will cover the entire process - from fishing to preparation and consumption. Fishermen from the fishing village "Chengene Skele" are expected to demonstrate fishing skills, as well as to participate in a culinary competition for the best prepared fish dish. Culinary temptations, exhibitions of local products and training for young fishermen will be organized in order to promote fish dishes and encourage the consumption of fish. In order to have a festive mood, a guest performer will be invited who will join in with performances.  Several local amateur dance and singing groups will also be invited. In parallel with the culinary festival on the beach, there will be demonstrations of water attractions and free trainings in water sports. The instructors will be professional competitors in flyboard, jet surfing, sailing yachts, jets and more. After the training, a trip will be made to the island of St. Anastasia to get acquainted with its history and landmarks. A monastery fish soup will be prepared and distributed for all visitors. At the end of the day there will be demonstrations by the participants in the water sport trainings. The offering of different types of entertainment in one place will allow to engage more people in the activities. 
Activity Contracted Amount Reported Amount
Организиране и провеждане на "Рибен Конкурс" с дегустации и концерт : Фестът е с образователна, културна и браншова насоченост, с цел повишаване на културата към опознаване и опзване на морето, запознаване с местните културни забележителности остров "Света Анастасия" и манастира в него.. Фестът имам за цел повишаване привлекателността на района като туристическа дестинация за различни видове алтернативен туризъм, но и за опазване на водите и биоразнообразието. Ще бъда поставен акцент върху риболова, както и върху едно формиране на отношение към консумацията на риба и рибни продукти. 28 300.00 0.00
Провеждане на демонстрации и обучение водни атракции, водомоторни спортове, подводно гмуркане и риболов: Проекта предвижда и запознаване с водните атракции, които предлага района, както и обучение във водомоторни спортове и ветроходство.. Идеята е този фест да стане ежегоден и традиционен за района, което ще доведе до устойчивост на проекта, както и ще привлече много туристи от страмата.. а. 29 400.00 29 400.00


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All amounts are in Bulgarian lev (BGN) / 1 EUR = 1,95583 BGN
The project is financed by the Operational Programme "Technical Assistance" and co-financed by the European Union through the European Regional Development Fund.
In implementing the project № 0115-CCU-2.1 "Information system for management and monitoring of EU funds in 2014-2020 - UMIS 2020" (BG161PO002-2.1.01-0007-C0001).