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Благодарение на потребителите на ИСУН бяха спасени 56 779 дървета

Програма: Правосъдие

Район за планиране: Всички


С настоящото проектно предложение ще бъде изграден Младежки център в гр. Монтана. Той ще предоставя комплексни услуги за младите хора, свързани с иновативни, образователни и неформални обучения; психологическа помощ и подкрепа; форуми по проблемите и предизвикателствата на младежите; културни, граждански и спортни инициативи. Фокусът е поставен върху широк набор от обучителни модули, тренинги и клубове, базирани на неформалната методология. А крайната цел е изграждане на ключови компетенции и умения за личностното и професионално развитие. Планираните дейности са насочени към младежи между 15 и 29 г.; ученици, застрашени от отпадане или отпаднали от образователната система; младежи в риск от етническите малцинства; младежи в риск, живеещи в малки и отдалечени населени места или в икономически по-слабо развити райони; млади хора, които са извън заетост, образование или обучение (т. нар. NEETs); ученици и младежи с един родител; ученици и младежи от семейства с ниско ниво на образование; младежи, борещи се с различни зависимости; медиатори, работещи с младежи от уязвимите групи (включително роми); младежки работници; служители на МЦ – Монтана; общински служители; деца, родители, учители и др. представители на общността. Очакваните общи и специфични резултати са свързани с 1. подобряване на социалното и икономическо развитие на община Монтана поради инвестиране и развитие на потенциала на всяко дете; 2. подобрен и разширен достъп на младите хора от общината до разнообразни и отговарящи на съвременните очаквания услуги; 3. изградено ползотворно сътрудничество с партньорите от Исландия; 4. привличане на млади хора и хора от различни възрасти; 5. изграждане на капацитет на служителите на МЦ.
Дейност Договорена стойност Отчетена стойност
Project Management: This activity creates a project management team in order to successfully complete all project activities and achieve the general and specific set of goals. It consists of a Project Manager, Project Coordinator, Accountant and Technical Assistant for the whole project period, Co-operation and Good Practice Coordinator for 36 months and two experts - Construction, Equipment and Equipment and Public Procurement, for the first 14 months of the project. The need to include specialists with a general and specific profile is a result of the structure and scope of the project proposal. The common positions relate to the realization of the project as a whole, in its completeness and consistency. The separate position of coordinator responsible for cooperation and exchange of experience and good practices is required due to the specifics of the project related to building successful relationships and good communication with the Icelandic partner organization, supporting the implementation of national and international initiatives and youth exchanges. The inclusion in the project management team of an expert in the field of construction and equipment is dictated by the fact that a completely new building is to be built, which is accompanied by a number of permits for construction and commissioning. In addition, the scope and variety of activities of the future youth center entails the purchase of specific equipment and furnishings - for example, professional presentation, sound and translation systems, the specifics of the indoor combined tennis court and badminton court, the specifics of the bowling alley, etc. The involvement of a public procurement expert is linked to the large number of pending contracts under the external outsourcing plan. The team plans and manages all the different stages necessary for the quality implementation of the project activities and their logical and unbroken sequence. The whole team is responsible for ensuring effective communication and coordination with all stakeholders involved in the project implementation - program operator, staff at the youth center, external contractors, lecturers, municipal administration staff, media, general public. Develops fruitful and successful cooperation with the partner organization from Iceland in order to realize the specifics of the project and to improve the overall vision of the municipality for youth work and policy at the local level. The effective implementation of the activity is related to expenses for salaries, business trips, necessary stationery. According to the requirements of the Regulation of the Financial Mechanism (FM) of the ُEuropean Economic Area (EEA) 2014 - 2021, the project is implemented in accordance with the principles of good governance, including efficient and effective financial implementation, transparent and open to the community implementation of project activities. The implementation of the project is subject to the respect and implementation of horizontal policies affecting the fundamental principles of equal opportunities and non-discrimination, gender equality and sustainable development. In order to respect the principles of equal opportunities and non-discrimination and gender equality, the project team will treat equally all applicants involved in the Youth Center staff selection process, regardless of gender, race, skin color, ethnicity or social origin, genetic characteristics, language, religion or beliefs, political or other opinions, wealth, origin, disability, age or sexual orientation. These principles will also be respected by YC staff in their work with young people and their inclusion in individual programs, trainings and trainings. The sustainability of the project activities will be fulfilled by maintaining the purpose of the YC, its equipment and the necessary staffing to develop, expand and validate the individual programs. 272 367.00 212 167.37
Construction Works and Supervision: This activity is related to the construction of an entirely new building for the needs of the Youth Center - Montana, the implementation of construction supervision, the taking of the obligatory state / municipal fees related to the building tax, the garbage fee, various permits for construction and joining of operating companies, insurance on the building. The chosen site for the construction of the youth center is next to Ogosta Park and in the immediate vicinity of Kaleto Fortress, Kaleto Forest Park, Ogosta Stadium and Hadji Dimitar cycle lane. The terrain is municipal property with an area of ​​3352 sq. m. Its proximity to all these public spaces, a favorite for walking, relaxation and rest for all citizens, makes it part of a common urban area, easily and quickly accessible, pedestrian accessible and offering a variety of activities and activities for outdoor youth - street fitness, skate playground, basketball, volleyball, football, etc., as a youth center is a natural and necessary addition. According to the feasibility study prepared (attached in section 12), the building must meet the modern requirements for a modern, safe and secure space that will become a space for public events, meetings, discussions and non-formal learning for all young people, including the vulnerable groups from the municipality and the district as a whole. The built-up area is estimated to be approximately 672 square meters and the total built-up area is approximately 1400 square meters. The preliminary plan of the building provides access from two entrances and the separation of separate zones located on several levels (floors). They comply with the mandatory requirements of the procedure for providing accommodation, feeding and segregation of zones and / or halls for carrying out various activities and services intended for the core target group of the project. The accommodation area includes 15 rooms with a total of 36 beds and 1 double room for disadvantaged youth. A dining area including 1 dining room with 36 seats. Training area - 1 seminar hall with a capacity of 20 seats, 1 smart cabinet on new technologies and robotics with a capacity of 12 seats, 1 Multifunctional hall with a small stage (podium) with a capacity of 80 seats for conferences and concert performances, with professional presentation systems, sound and translation (booth for simultaneous translation). Free activity zone with 1 modern dance/gym/aerobics hall with 15 seats capacity, karaoke hall/area, reading and board games area, noisy games area - an air hockey, a pool table and darts and two table tennis. Indoor sports area - bowling. outdoor sports area - a combined court for tennis and badminton. The administrative area includes several types of offices. On the floors where administrative offices and premises for activities, training and sports are located, toilet and storage facilities are provided. The reception is located on the first floor, followed by a spacious lobby where exhibitions, competitions, competitions, awards, celebrations and more can be organized. The yard includes cable car and a playground for petanque. 3 625 330.63 1 619 096.51
Delivery of Equipment and Furnishing, necessary to complete the project activities: This activity is related to the supply of suitable equipment and furnishings to carry out specific project activities and to achieve the end results. It is in compliance with the types of premises intended for separation in the building of the youth center according to the attached feasibility study, as well as the mandatory requirements of the procedure for providing accommodation and catering and segregation of halls / areas offering a wide range of activities and activities. services for children and young people, including vulnerable groups, at risk and / or disadvantaged. The administrative area provides office furniture and equipment for the administrative and operational implementation of the project activities and for the quality performance of the work responsibilities of the Youth Center staff. The furniture includes standard office furniture representing work desks and chairs, office document shelves, office containers for stationery and supplies, and more. for each work space used by Youth Center staff. The administrative and business meeting room will have modular meeting tables, visitor chairs, bookcases and materials, and more. The individual work office, which will host motivational meetings and consultations, will be furnished with a desk and visitor chairs, a bookcase with open booklet shelves, supplies and upholstered furniture (sofas). Office equipment includes the necessary functional equipment - laptops, a printer, a camera, a TV for the workroom and more. The project equipment envisages the purchase of a car for the needs of the Youth Center in the field work, meetings with young people at risk and disadvantaged, consultations with parents, informal training in the field. In connection with the provision of accommodation and catering for national and international youth exchanges - furnishing of 15 rooms (double and triple) for an overnight stay, including minimal furniture from a bed, mattress, bedside table and wardrobe, as well as the required amount of linen, towels , blankets, bedding, etc.; furnishing of 1 dining room with an appropriate number of tables and chairs allowing up to 36 people to eat together; and a place for their hygienic storage; equipping the kitchen with the necessary minimum appliances such as a stove, refrigerator, dishwasher, microwave, electric kettle, coffee maker, etc. In connection with the provision of complex services and activities for the target group offered in the separate zones/halls, there is a possibility of furnishing for a seminar room - tables, visitor chairs, etc.; smart cabinet - tables, chairs, interactive whiteboard, special table and floor for demonstration of robots, etc., hall for modern dance/gymnastics/aerobics - mirrors, ballet machine, special floor, etc.; multifunctional hall - equipment for automatic multimedia presentation, conference table, department, chairs, signboards, etc.; combined court for tennis and badminton - nets, stands, ball baskets, refereeing, etc.; reception - countertop with three cabinets with doors; a spacious area for leisure and recreational activities - for noisy games area - table tennis, darts, billiards table, air hockey table, and for the reading area - bookcases, sofas, board games, poufs, sheaf frames, etc. The equipment provides for the seminar hall - TV and portable presentation equipment; for smart office - automatic presentation equipment, training and mobile robots, laptops/tablets, etc., for the multifunction hall - professional presentation, sound and translation equipment, etc.; for bowling - suitable system for three tracks, etc., for the combined playground - electric board, tennis machines for knitting and feeding balls, etc., for the lobby - professional background sound system. For the yard is provided a gazebo, a special flooring for rooster and rope path. The activity also includes statutory fees, taxes and insurance. 795 542.00 105 218.23
Functioning of the Youth Center - Montana: This activity is related to the effective administrative and resource functioning of the Montana Youth Center. According to the requirements, the center must have its own staff working in support of the project activities and services, as well as for the development of the youth sector and youth policy at the local level. TThat's why 10 full-time jobs are being created to allow the hiring of 11 employees - 1 manager, 1 educational advisor and youth worker, 1 psychologist, 5 youth workers, 2 full staff and ½ half-staff positions for educational mediators; as well as when the construction of the bulding finished two half-staff positions - 1 host of building and 1 janitor. They will be selected through a competitive procedure conducted by the project beneficiary through the management team. The specific requirements to be met by the YC staff, as well as the individual job descriptions, are developed by the project management team prior to the personnel selection process. For the normal functioning of the center and in order to adequately offer all planned activities and services to the main target group, expenses for office supplies, utilities and external services are foreseen. Utilities include the monthly provision of electricity, gas, water, the Internet (for offices and training and activity areas) and telephone (a package of a single landline and mobile phones). The planned external services are related to the security of the building, ongoing repairs on separate premises, offices and zones, etc. Dry cleaning and laundry service to ensure compliance with the hygiene standards and requirements for the use of accommodation and accommodation rooms, which for the Montana Youth Center - related to youth exchanges held nationally and internationally, are also a necessary external service. and other visits to individuals / groups from the main target group. 579 500.00 234 700.27
Topic Trainings, International Initiatives and Good Practices Exchange: This activity is aimed at the staff of the Montana Youth Center, which is also a target group for the project. Specifically, it is related to capacity building of the hired team, which should build skills for qualitative and adequate provision of the various activities and services planned for the project for children and young people with different social status, as well as to know the standards and requirements in the field of youth work at national and European level. This will be achieved through: 1. trainings; 2. participation in international and national initiatives organized and implemented by youth centers for exchange of experience; 4. organizing and promoting youth exchanges. Within the project, two trainings are planned - an introductory one, with indicative topics concerning the development of teamwork skills, internal communication and social media, and a second one related to the knowledge of the specifics of the main target group and work with young people at risk and in disadvantages, with the methods for their motivation, involvement and involvement in training, training and campaigns offered by the Youth Center. These trainings should complement those planned by the Program Operator. The working visits to Iceland partners, working together and working with them aim at learning about the different methods and practices of working with at-risk youths that they have been using and improving since 1987. According to the requirements of the procedure, Youth Center staff will also be able to get acquainted with the experience gained and to exchange good ideas and practices and in centers with the Council of Europe Quality Mark and others. European Youth Policy Centers for the implementation of various international initiatives. The Youth Center team exchanges ideas, good practices and successful methods of working with the main target group and by participating in meetings and trainings with representatives of existing and newly established youth centers in the country, which are united in a national network. As part of this activity, Youth Center staff will be able to promote and organize youth exchanges based on transnational cooperation. The aim is to bring young people from different countries together to participate in different discussions and forums and to get to know one another in order to reap the benefits of multicultural dialogue, build tolerance and respect, seek new approaches and methods for shared learning. In order to successfully implement these exchanges of groups of young people from the country and abroad, we need to provide meals/catering, accommodations when is necessary and before establishing of Youth Center. These exchanges may include participation of other Youth centers. After construction work accomodations and training activitiea will be carried out in the Youth Center itself, which has the necessary material base for this. 74 678.49 51 435.13
Innovative, Educational, and Non-Formal Trainings: This activity targets young people between the ages of 15 and 29, including at risk of poverty and social exclusion, from ethnic minorities, from single parent or low-level families, but also representatives of groups different from young people, namely children, students, teachers, parents, youth workers and municipal staff. This activity will look for ways to make young people aware of the challenges of the 21st century, namely to be prepared to learn throughout their lives and to be engaged in society. The activity provides innovative, educational and non-formal training. The Robotics and New Technologies Club will be established as an innovative, interesting and attractive method for exploring the world of new technologies, robotics, physics, mathematics and programming. Students over the age of 12 and young people attending robotics activities will have the opportunity to visit or participate in regional/national exhibitions of robotics, electronics and new technologies with their own students development. Youth Center - Montana will also have a Polyglot Club, which can include children, young people, teachers, parents, youth workers, municipal employees and more. It will seek and implement innovative and informal ways and initiatives to promote literacy and increase the motivation of children and young people to learn foreign languages. It is fully in line with the European Commission's vision of building a European area of ​​education, one of its goals being to become bilingual in addition to the mother tongue. Through the dedicated seminar venue and the provided facilities for the Polyglot Club, youth workers will be able to carry out informal activities for geographical and historical exploration of different countries, which will complement the diversity of services offered. In the field of non-formal learning, various topics have been identified related to the preparation of job application documents and conduct during interviews, skills for free presentation and speaking to the public, digital and media literacy, security and safety on the Internet, civic and social activity and financial literacy. They should be presented and discussed with the youth by the youth workers / educational mediators in the framework of 30 youth trainings conducted throughout the district. Young people and these who are neither in employment, nor in training, nor in education, the so-called NEETs, will have the opportunity to participate in key competencies 2 "Foreign Language Communication" and 4 "Digital Literacy". There are 2 groups planned in two different foreign languages ​​and 3 digital competence groups. This will seek to reduce youth unemployment, prevent youth migration and effectively engage and involve young people in the local labor market. These are also some of the key problems of the target group that were identified in the analysis in the Center's Development Strategy for a 10-year period. Young people involved in language training and digital competence will be identified by educational mediators and youth workers. 44 950.00 2 209.37
Cultural, Civil, and Sports Initiatives for Poverty Decrease, Re-Integration, and Social Inclusion: The activity is aimed at children, students, young people, parents; students and young people at risk of dropping out or dropping out of the education system, who are of ethnic minorities and/or at risk. It offers cultural, civic and sports initiatives and a variety of general and specific services that promote physical activity and create the conditions for successful and independent personal and professional development. The end result of all initiatives is to create the conditions for poverty reduction, reintegration and prevention of dropping out of children and young people from school. Sports activities are related to the formation of tennis, badminton and aerobics clubs. They will be led by external specialists who are professionals who are knowledgeable about the rules, requirements and specifics of the respective sport. It is recognized that pupils and young people are easily and permanently reached through various sports activities, in addition they are related to the identified need for more physical activity, indicated in the analysis of the problems of the main target group in the Strategy. The entire sports area allows you to play bowling, billiards, darts, air hockey, table tennis, padel, picball, petanque (outdoors), to host mini music events in the karaoke area, which adds to the variety of activities with free access. Civic initiatives include the creation of a Parents Club to hold various forums, discussions and collaborations on the problems and challenges of students and young people locally. Two workshops - Young Parent and How to Communicate with the Child - will be organized and held. The aim is to provide them with specific knowledge and information about the first care for the youngest and the communication and development of the child, presented by specialists in the respective fields. Workshops are conducted in the form of trainings, carried out within three months, offering knowledge on individual topics, grouped into modules. Some of the participants in the workshops will be parents of children and young people at risk of social exclusion, disadvantaged, from ethnic minorities. Other workshops with or without paid external specialists also can be planned for young people. They are selected with the help of youth workers/educational mediators. The YC also offers activities for children for whom the Bulgarian is not a mother, through three consecutive summer schools. They include training in Bulgarian language and sports activities in a specially designed program. The aim is to reduce the gaps in the acquisition of basic language skills necessary for successful completion, to support reintegration and to prevent the risk of dropping out of school. These activities also correspond to the difficulties reported by the ethnic minorities in the analysis of the Strategy, incl. Roma, they encounter in compulsory learning material. Each summer school ends with a trip to a nearby destination. The specific children will be from the Montana municipality and will be selected with the help of educational (Roma) mediators. Cultural initiatives aim to involve the whole community in the activities of the YC. This will be achieved by organizing a youth art festival, youth sporting festivals and a youth photo contest to offer attractive ways to attract, engage and engage children and young people in grassroots and community events. In the field of services, young people will be able to receive information on health, education, work and social issues, as well as individual counseling, motivational training and work with a psychologist. Educational moderators will also conduct fieldwork to present the center's services and the opportunities it provides to children and young people at risk, in order to give them a better chance of development. In addition, youth workers will organize summer workshops for students and young people according to their interests, age and desires. 92 390.00 43 346.38
Bilateral Relations: This activity includes the organization and holding of a regional youth forum, a two-day training seminar and the exchange of experience through working visits and visits by staff from the partner organization of the Iceland project. The organization was found by researching the internet and conducting official correspondence about its ability and desire to be involved in the project. The choice is specific to this organization, as its publicly available data show years of experience - more than 30 years, and the high success of the programs and methods used to work with at-risk youth or low social status. The purpose of this activity is to build fruitful bilateral relations, to exchange good practices and to use the experience of the professional and educational center Hringsjá, Iceland. It has been working with adults and young people over 18 since its inception in 1987, meeting the needs of the target group of education and vocational training in a supportive and safe environment. The main goal of the organization is to become independent and independent through its programs through quality and accessible education, personal acquaintance and improvement of personal development. The organization's data shows that between 70% and 80% of the youth services and programs benefit from successful reintegration into society by completing compulsory formal education and entering the labor market. But most of all they achieve an overall improvement in their quality of life. The Hringsjá Vocational and Educational Center, Iceland works with young people with health problems, illnesses and educational difficulties left over from their school years. Hringsjá is a small educational environment with approximately 70 students who complete a full-time education program within 3 semesters. But about 400 other students go through shorter courses and counseling in just one year. The organization has developed various programs related to gaining basic reading, writing and computer skills. They offer personal development and self-assessment services provided by a psychologist and social counselor. They also provide professional advice. All programs and services are aimed at people over 18 who have not made the right choice of education, profession or have not had the chance and opportunity to develop their full potential. The aspiration is for the Municipality of Montana, the Youth Center - Montana and local structures and organizations to use all this experience and knowledge and apply it locally. For this purpose, a regional youth forum in Montana is planned to present the experience of the organization and the state as a whole in its work with young people, with a view to publicly presenting and discussing best and successful youth work practices, especially disadvantaged. The forum is planned for at least 80 people, with representatives from the Vidin, Vratsa and Montana districts included. It is also planned to use Hringsjá's experience by organizing a training seminar for representatives of organizations in the Montana District working with young people to provide closer expertise. The aim is to increase the professional competence of local structures and authorities. Within the seminar are planned 4 tematic small groups with participation of young people and representatives from all youth centers in Bulgaria. 67 285.07 41 658.79
Information and Publicity: This activity involves providing information and publicity on the project. It will promote and raise public awareness at local level of the financial assistance received from the European Economic Area (EEA) Financial Mechanism 2014-2021 and the donor countries - the Republic of Iceland, the Principality of Liechtenstein and the Kingdom of Norway, through Local Development, Poverty Reduction and Improved Inclusion of Vulnerable Groups Program, Building bilateral cooperation with a non-governmental organization from Iceland, Building and offering diverse activities and and services provided by the Montana Youth Center, the goals and results of the project. All this will be achieved through direct and indirect communication with all stakeholders at the local level - public organizations working with and for young people, cultural, sports and educational institutions, the media, the general public. There are planned 3 press conferences, 2 public events, paid publications in regional and national publications. Developing a website and maintaining a Facebook page to reach the most active part of society. For the purpose of adequate and quality presentation of the project, its goals, activities and results, the following advertising and information materials will be prepared - posters, bilingual brochures, stickers, business notebooks, pens, flash drives, backpacks, T-shirts, hats, banner, information plate, commemorative plate, branding of the car and an illuminated nameplate. The Communication Plan developed and implemented describes all communication tools and tools, as well as the ways of analyzing the communication information messages through the preparation of monthly monitoring of local publications concerning the project and activities of the Youth Center. By designing a website for the project, it will be possible to specify in particular all the activities and services offered by the Youth Center, as well as the contribution of the EEA FM. At the same time, the website will be a source of fast and timely information for young people and the community about upcoming events and initiatives offered at the Youth Center. 115 400.00 80 260.50
Project Audit: This activity will ensure the requirement for regular financial audits of the project. The purpose is to carry out timely and independent evaluation of the expenditure foreseen in the project budget and to check the documents prepared in connection with its implementation. The auditor commits to audit the project in accordance with the requirements of applicable national legislation, International Auditing Standards and the EEA FM Regulation 2014 - 2021. 11 826.85 3 000.00


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