
Номер от ИСУН BGLD-1.003-0003-C02
Наименование на проекта International youth centre - think locally, act globally!
Бенефициент 000818022 ОБЩИНА СТАРА ЗАГОРА
Източник на финансиране ФМ на ЕИП ==> Местно развитие, намаляване на бедността и подобрено включване на уязвимите групи
Дата на сключване на договора/заповедта 01.07.2020
Дата на стартиране 01.07.2020
Дата на приключване 30.04.2024
Статус на изпълнение на договора/заповедта за БФП В изпълнение (от дата на стартиране)
  • България, Северна и югоизточна България (BG3), Югоизточен (BG34), Стара Загора (BG344), Стара Загора


Кратко описание на проекта
Чрез реализирането на проектното предложение ще се създаде възможност да се надгради и разшири дейността на Международния младежки център в град Стара Загора като се оптимизират условията за реализиране на социално включване на уязвими групи. В периода на изпълнение на дейностите ще бъде разширен териториалният обхват, както и обхватът на целевата група. Чрез младежки дейности, реализирани на база методите на неформалното образование ще се достигне до градове и села в областта, в които постоянно пребивават млади хора в риск и техните семейства. По този начин ще се осигури достъп до дейностите на младежкия център на контингент от хора, който поради териториални, социокултурни или икономически причини изпитват невъзможност за пряко участие в активността на центъра. Във фокуса на екипа от младежки работници и медиатори са деца, младежи и възрастни хора от етнически малцинства, застрашените и отпадналите от системата на формалното образование, настанените в социални услуги от резидентен тип, застрашените от бедност и социално изключване. Основна цел в дейността на младежкия център е приобщаване и създаване на условия за подкрепа, социално включване и личностно развитие на целевата група. Постигането на заложената цел ще бъде осъществено чрез информиране, консултиране, организиране на занимания за свободното време, обучения, тренинги и други. С оглед осигуряването на по - качествени и разнообразни дейности екипите за управление на проекта и на младежкия център, заедно с представители на целевата група ще участват в обмен на опит и добри практики с партньорски организации от страната, от страните - донори на програмата и други страни от ЕС.
  • Дейност: Project management costs: Project management includes coordination of all project implementation activities, financial management and control, internal monitoring. The organization and management of the project is carried out by a team consisting of representatives of the Municipal Administration in Stara Zagora. It includes a manager, a coordinator, an accountant and a technical assistant with proven administrative and operational capacity. With regard to the project management team, the goal is to coordinate people's efforts and use of resources, to improve interaction among project team members by developing people's individual and group skills and competencies for the project implementation. In the framework of the Project Management Costs activities, control over the implementation of the planned activities will be performed to achieve the expected results and indicators. The project management team is committed to: - Performance reporting - preparation and dissemination of regular project status reports; - Integrated change control - coordinating all necessary modifications throughout the project in scope, timetable or the costs incurred due to changes in requirements or due to external factors and conditions during the implementation of the project; - Quality control - monitoring project-specific outputs and evaluating their compliance with the standards adopted by the funding authority, identifying ways to eliminate the causes for poor performance; - Risk control - monitoring of identified risk factors and the effect of their manifestation on the project goals, identifying new risks arising in the course of the project, taking action to reduce and avoid risk. , Договорена стойност: 149 720.09 , Отчетена стойност: 173 808.27
  • Дейност: Improvement of conditions for the target group and activities scope through infrastructure expansion: The International Youth Centre in Stara Zagora is reknown on a local, national and European level with successful practices in the implementation of social inclusion of young people at risk with a focus on ethnic minorities. In this regard, Stara Zagora Municipality aims to extend the activities of the Youth Centre through the renovation and furnishing of an adjacent 120 m2 multi-purpose building. By creating an alternative place with appropriate furnishing at the youth centre, where young people can meet and interact freely, conditions will be provided for interactive activities according to the interests of the target group, which will create prerequisites for attracting and retaining more young people at the centre. The expansion of the infrastructure is based, on the one hand, on the needs of the target group and, on the other, on the recommendation of a Council of Europe expert team for obtaining a Quality Label for youth centres, highlighting the need for a multifunctional room offering the opportunity for implementing a wide range of training and leisure activities. In order to successfully integrate the premises to the existing building, the conceptual design was entrusted to the architect who designed the Youth Centre in its present state. The reasons for choosing a contractor for the conceptual project are related to the fact that architect Vasilev is a proven professional in his field. He is the author of the current vision of the Youth Centre building (awarded with a prize from the National Building of the Year 2015 competition). The main objective of the implementation will be to successfully integrate the new space from a visual and functional point of view of the already existing infrastructure. In the extended period of the project, additional activities will be implemented as follows: - equipment and furnishing of a new music room /studio/, including sound isolation - art equipment and consumables for art activities - civil works for establishing a photo-voltaic /PV/ system for clean solar power - The PV system will consist of PV panels, battery storage, PV invertor, mounting construction and smart management system which will prioratize the consumption of direct sun radiation and battery stored power before using grid energy. The guarantee for the subsequent maintenance and sustainability of the renovated premise should be the decision of the local municipal council, which will commit itself to the managing authority for good and quality management. , Договорена стойност: 549 532.42 , Отчетена стойност: 382 234.42
  • Дейност: Information, publicity and audit: The purpose and target groups, strategy, means and content of the information and publicity measures, including activities, communication tools and timetable for their implementation, are detailed in the enclosed "Information and Communication Plan" of the project “International Youth Centre - Think locally, act globally". The document also describes the evaluation indicators for information and communication measures, as well as the beneficiary's commitment. The main task of information, publicity and audit activities is the information for the project and the project activities to reach out to the widest possible range of people, organizations and institutions, as well as representatives of the target groups on a regional, national and international level. It targets at least 1,650 children, young and elderly people, of whom approximately 50% are female and 50% male. Within the framework of information, publicity and audit activities, information campaigns and activities will also be implemented in the community in order to reach the information on the activity of the centre to all stakeholders. Community awareness campaigns and activities cover both educational institutions and places where young people gather. Within the campaigns, the youth centre team liaises with both the main target group and all stakeholders - parents, relatives, teachers, mediators, social workers and others. Through community activities, a trusting relationship is formed and initial contacts with the target group are built. In view of the heterogeneous ethnic composition and the target group socio-cultural specificities, the experience of the youth centre team shows that a successful practice is the visit on spot and organisation of campaign activities in the community. In order to attract a target group, it relies on recreational activities (sports, art activities, discussions, workshops on current topics, consultations, etc.), and then in the already established relations with the target group, it is gradually attracted and engages in educational activities at the centre. Community information campaigns and activities aim not only to inform, but also to explore the interests and needs of young people from vulnerable groups. The audit involves actions to collect and analyses financial and non-financial information to evaluate budgetary management and transparency in spending funds. , Договорена стойност: 63 776.58 , Отчетена стойност: 35 973.51
  • Дейност: Developing bilateral relations, exchanging experience and good practices: Activities for developing bilateral relationships, exchanging experience and good practices include expanding partnerships with organizations from the donor countries and other EU countries, as well as on a national level with existing and newly established youth centres within the National Network of Youth Centres. With regard to bilateral relations, Stara Zagora Municipality received a letter of intent from a Norwegian organization - Glemmen videregående skole. The school is one of the largest vocational education and training schools in Norway. It has about 1400 students and approximately 280 employees. The students are mostly aged between 16-19, but there are also adults. The institution offers various trainings - health and social care, food and beverages, electronics, mechanics and arts and crafts. The district on which the school is located is one of the poorest in the country and has one of the highest dropout rates from the education system on a national level. The school is therefore focused on preventing dropouts and motivating students to finish with good results. The unemployment rate in the district is quite high as the education level of the population is low. The school has a focus on adapting to the 21st century skills. Within the project the aim is to exchange good practices, both at staff level and with the participation of young people. With a view to expanding its affiliate network and participating in a number of international youth networks, the International Youth Centre team aims to implement activities to exchange experiences and good practices with other European organizations eligible under the EEA Financial Mechanism Regulation and the Guidelines for Applicants. These will include visits by the project management team and the Youth Centre team to organizations with similar vision, mission, goals and activities. Within the activities of the National Network of Youth Centres an exchange of experience and good practices will be effected with representatives of already existing and newly established centres. In addition to the youth centre team, the target groups will be included in the activities as well. The main objective of the activities of the National Network of Youth Centres is to increase the confidence and affirmation of NNYC as representative for the organizations, to attract new youth centres in the network and to involve them in joint initiatives and sharing good practices on a national level. National Meeting "Youth Participation in Action" The meeting aims to increase participants' understanding of youth inclusion and empowerment and to present a model for local youth policies that promote youth participation. During the meeting, it`s expected the participants to generate ideas for the practical application of the recommendations for youth participation. It comes out from the Revised European Charter for young people involvement in the life of municipalities and regions; The meeting will gather participants for a 4-day event in Stara Zagora. The target group of attendees will consist of representatives of youth organizations, youth workers, representatives of local youth councils and parliaments, representatives of local authorities, experts on youth policies. The expected outcome of the meeting is the creation of new partnerships between NGOs and institutions/local authorities, as well as the planning of specific proposals for local youth policies to be implemented by 2030 – the term of action of the national youth strategy. Another result of the meeting will be a document with practical guidelines for youth participation at the local level and in support of the target groups for youth participation at local level. , Договорена стойност: 434 184.07 , Отчетена стойност: 179 545.28
  • Дейност: Educational activities: Educational activities include several main areas: Non-formal education in support of formal education. The format aims at organizing activities based on non-formal education and supporting the formal educational system. By organizing hourly classes at the youth centre and at schools, support and assistance will be provided in the acquisition of new knowledge and skills, and young people at school age who for one reason or another do not find their place in the school environment will be included and socialized. The topics of the activities will be tailored and based on the syllabus and curriculum of the educational institutions. The activities will enable sharing of good practices between the youth centre team and pedagogical specialists and improving the interaction between them. Youth camps. It is envisaged to organize camps inside and outside the youth centre with a diverse target group - children, young people, parents and other stakeholders with the aim of training and learning new knowledge and skills, personal development and strengthening the intergenerational connection. The target group will include both young people from the core of the target group and their parents and families, who will be able to interact with each other in a different and unfamiliar environment. The purpose of the out-of-site training sessions is to get the participants out of their comfort zone, to learn and interact with their peers within the framework of not only the training but also the daily duties and responsibilities. The organization of out-of-site youth camps enables the centre team to establish a trusting connection with the target group, to promote the values of the Council of Europe in an informal environment, to involve parents and teachers in the learning process. In their program, the camps will focus mainly on building practical, craftsmanship, artistic skills, in-depth knowledge and soft skills formation, teamwork, leadership, emotional intelligence, empathy, communication and presentation skills. - Regional visits - Through regional visits and trainings, the aim is to reach young people, children and adults from vulnerable groups permanently residing in towns and villages distant from the regional centre. Expanding the network of activities through support, information and consultation will enable the expansion of the target group and facilitate the access of vulnerable groups to the activities of IYC. The focus of regional visits is not only informing, but also educating young people through trainings and workshops. The target group will mainly include young people of school age. The organization of regional visits and trainings enables the youth centre team to reach a target group that does not have or has limited opportunities to participate in the regular activities of IYC. This will not only affect the students, but also create new partnerships with schools, culture centers and social organizations, promote non-formal educational approaches to work and form a core of volunteers sharing the vision and values of the youth center. In the future, these young people will play the role of multipliers locally in the activities of the youth centre. Locally based trainings and workshops will cover a variety of topics, such as reflecting the interests and needs of young people and students in small settlements Budget for consumables and supplies for the implementation of the educational activities is planned. , Договорена стойност: 120 774.05 , Отчетена стойност: 102 747.65
  • Дейност: Non-formal youth trainings: Non-formal training for young people includes several main areas: Workshops and discussions. Workshops and discussions are an integral part of the activities of the youth center and reflect the current problems and interests of the target group. The activities cover topics from a wide variety of fields - social and youth work, policy development and implementation, health, education and economic issues, employment opportunities and professional realization. The broad format of the activity allows for constructive dialogue and confidence building between the youth centre team, potential target groups and the official and informal partners of the centre. Workshop topics are structured around the needs of the target group and provide an opportunity to involve both young people and parents, teachers and other stakeholders. Workshops and discussions will enhance the general culture of the target group on current and important topics, enable seminar activities that will be led by specialists in the specific field, rise discussions and dialogue with experts that young people identify as interesting and helpful interlocutors Long-term training courses. These activities form the training and educational sphere of the activity of the youth centre. In view of the practice so far, the youth centre team will retain some of the approved formats, complementing them with new, attractive trainings, provoked by the interests and needs of young people and adapted to their needs. The training will be based on a modular system to cover more and more diverse topics. The training courses will cover a target group of at least 20% of participants from vulnerable groups (including parents and adolescents under the age of 15). The basis of the training is to create social and emotional abilities, leadership, oratorical and personal competences, as well as to provoke the process of social inclusion and activation of socially passive young people. For the successful organization and conduct of the trainings, the youth centre team will use the available resource from volunteers and its network of partners on a local level. The frequency of trainings will be tailored to the target group's workload and commitment. In terms of timing and frequency of training, the youth center team is flexible and able to respond adequately to the needs of the target group Training seminars and conferences. Training seminars and conferences are an opportunity to improve the competences of the youth centre staff and the target group on various topics. They also include a number of local, national and international partners and are an excellent basis for developing local youth policy as a reflection of the European agenda in this area. Sharing experiences and good practices gives rise to new priorities and approaches in the work of youth workers and mediators. Such formats also allow youth leaders appointed by the centre team to be present. , Договорена стойност: 53 325.61 , Отчетена стойност: 28 277.78
  • Дейност: Activities for expanding the scope of project activities: Activities for expanding the youth centre scope include several areas, including innovative initiatives for IYC. Regular interest clubs - Regular interest clubs are a proven way of attracting and retaining, at the youth centre, a target group of young people at risk of social exclusion. Under the guidance of a specialist in the field, and through the methods of non-formal education, interactive activities are conducted at a frequency specified (once - twice a week). In the long run, as a result of organizing regular clubs, sustainable attendance of activities by the young people is achieved and new knowledge and skills are acquired in the respective field. The specific topics of club activities are formed on the basis of the interests and needs of the target group and range from leisure and sports activities to training and specialized ones. In view of the diverse ethnic composition and socio-cultural specifics of the participants in the activities of the centre, regular interest clubs are a prerequisite for the formation of groups of young people with similar interests, for the socialization and adaptation of new visitors to the youth centre. Intergeneration meetings are an innovative activity for the youth centre. Intergeneration meetings include formats that expand the age range of the youth centre activities. These include lectures, seminars, and workshops and informal meetings on various topics. The informal and entertaining element of the meetings will be the exchange of culinary practices, games, storytelling, and hands-on activities in various fields. The training element of the meetings will be implemented in the form of lectures, discussions, discussions between specialists, parents, teachers, young people and children. Special focus will be future parents and those experiencing problems in raising and communicating with their children. To implement the format, the youth centre team is expected to act as a mediator and moderator of the meetings and the youth centre building to serve as an attraction place to foster and build relationships of trust and understanding between different generations. Entertainment activities - include all activities that are of a larger scope and are intended to attract and enrich the centre target group. These include concerts, festivals, balls, as well as sporadic sports activities, competitions and activities. The entertainment activities organized by the team of the Centre, will aim to fill in the free time after young people's classes after 2020, when the students in Bulgaria are expected to switch to a one-shift studies. By organizing entertainment activities, the risk target group will be engaged at the youth centre, which will create conditions for the prevention of deviant and delinquent behavior. The organization of activities will attract young people from the centre target group who will be empowered by specific tasks and commitments. In this way, the fun and entertainment element is combined with the formation of responsibility skills. Project team includes youth workers, Roma educational mediators, educational staff, etc. Expanding the scope of activities increases the workload of all staff at the youth centre, which is why additional budgetary remuneration for the staff is allocated. , Договорена стойност: 499 673.91 , Отчетена стойност: 340 343.85

Участващи организации

  • Партньор: Glemmen videregående skole , Договорена стойност по проекта*: 0.00 , Отчетена стойност: 0.00
  • Изпълнител: "Калисто Турс" ЕООД, Договорена стойност по проекта*: 382 886.40 , Отчетена стойност**: 225 829.87
  • Изпълнител: "ТРАНС КО 04" ЕООД , Договорена стойност по проекта*: 16 507.34 , Отчетена стойност**: 16 283.06
  • Изпълнител: „ОДИТ КОНСУЛТ КОЛЕВИ” ООД, Договорена стойност по проекта*: 8 000.00 , Отчетена стойност**: 0.00
  • Изпълнител: "Д4 Къмпани" ЕООД, Договорена стойност по проекта*: 216 807.56 , Отчетена стойност**: 68 901.00
  • Изпълнител: КЛАС - БОЙЧЕВ ЕООД, Договорена стойност по проекта*: 134 020.13 , Отчетена стойност**: 0.00
  • Изпълнител: "Експрес" ООД, Договорена стойност по проекта*: 137 427.60 , Отчетена стойност**: 21 394.32
  • Изпълнител: Издателска къща "Св. Георги Победоносец" ЕООД, Договорена стойност по проекта*: 31 482.00 , Отчетена стойност**: 25 995.60
  • Изпълнител: "Пламен Петров - П" ООД, Договорена стойност по проекта*: 54 271.52 , Отчетена стойност**: 34 217.28
  • Изпълнител: "ВТ ТРЕЙД" ЕООД, Договорена стойност по проекта*: 168.00 , Отчетена стойност**: 168.00
  • Изпълнител: "РОНОС" ООД, Договорена стойност по проекта*: 4 444.61 , Отчетена стойност**: 4 444.61
  • Изпълнител: "БАГИРА" ООД, Договорена стойност по проекта*: 23 486.84 , Отчетена стойност**: 27 348.38
  • Изпълнител: ЗАСТРАХОВАТЕЛНО АКЦИОНЕРНО ДРУЖЕСТВО "ОЗК - ЗАСТРАХОВАНЕ " АД, Договорена стойност по проекта*: 679.99 , Отчетена стойност**: 0.00
  • Изпълнител: ЖЕС ГРУП ООД, Договорена стойност по проекта*: 6 203.13 , Отчетена стойност**: 0.00
  • Изпълнител: СОЛАР 8 ЕООД, Договорена стойност по проекта*: 34 920.00 , Отчетена стойност**: 0.00
  • Изпълнител: ЕФИР ЕООД, Договорена стойност по проекта*: 30 000.00 , Отчетена стойност**: 30 000.00
  • Изпълнител: „ЕКИП-МГ” ООД , Договорена стойност по проекта*: 4 380.00 , Отчетена стойност**: 4 380.00
  • Изпълнител: ВА ООД, Договорена стойност по проекта*: 18 120.00 , Отчетена стойност**: 15 240.00
  • Изпълнител: "ГЛАВ-Проектинвест София" ЕООД, Договорена стойност по проекта*: 223 202.07 , Отчетена стойност**: 204 556.71
  • Изпълнител: "КЛУБФЕРБАНД - ИТА" ООД, Договорена стойност по проекта*: 22 018.80 , Отчетена стойност**: 22 018.80
Подизпълнители Няма
Членове на обединение Няма


* Договорената стойност по проекта може да е по-ниска от отчетената поради някоя от следните причини:

  • За физически лица договорената стойност не включва разходите за сметка на работодателя, които са допустим разход и се отчитат по проекта
  • Бенефициентът е отчел разход само с фактура без да е сключен договор с избрания изпълнител
  • Бенефициентът е отчел повторно разходи към УО

** Колоната представя размерът на заявените от бенефициента разходи


Индикатор 1 Number of youth centres supported, Мерна единица: Брой, Базова стойност: 0.00 , Целева стойност: 1.00 , Достигната стойност: 1.00
Индикатор 2 Number of staff from Donor states participating in exchanges with Bulgarian projects (disaggregated by gender, Donor state), Мерна единица: Брой, Базова стойност: 0.00 , Целева стойност: 10.00 , Достигната стойност: 0.00
Индикатор 3 Number of staff from Bulgaria participating in exchanges with Donor States (disaggregated by gender, Donor State), Мерна единица: Брой, Базова стойност: 0.00 , Целева стойност: 20.00 , Достигната стойност: 0.00
Индикатор 4 Брой нови младежки инициативи в целевите общности, Мерна единица: Брой, Базова стойност: 10.00 , Целева стойност: 50.00 , Достигната стойност: 44.00
Индикатор 5 Level of satisfaction with the partnership, Мерна единица: Скала 1-7, Базова стойност: 0.00 , Целева стойност: 5.50 , Достигната стойност: 0.00
Индикатор 6 Level of trust between the cooperating entities in Bulgaria and the donor countries, Мерна единица: Скала 1-7, Базова стойност: 0.00 , Целева стойност: 5.50 , Достигната стойност: 0.00
Индикатор 7 Number of youth reached by project activities, Мерна единица: Брой, Базова стойност: 1 000.00 , Целева стойност: 2 200.00 , Достигната стойност: 3 629.00
Индикатор 8 Number of people (non-youth) reached by project activities, Мерна единица: Брой, Базова стойност: 0.00 , Целева стойност: 375.00 , Достигната стойност: 2 269.00

Финансова информация

Обща стойност на проекта 1 870 986.73 BGN
БФП 1 870 986.73 BGN
Собствено финансиране 0.00 BGN
Общо реално изплатени суми 1 679 976.57 BGN
Процент на съфинансиране от ЕС 85.00 %

Финансови корекции



1 Посочената стойност представлява максималния размер на наложената финансова корекция. В зависимост от изпълнението на съответния договор реалният размер на удържаната финансова корекция може да е на по-ниска стойност.

2 Финансова корекция с нулева обща стойност означава, че същата е отменена вследствие на съдебно решение.

Тръжни процедури

Процедура 1 Предмет на предвидената процедура: „Избор на изпълнител за извършване на застрахователна услуга за сключване на Имуществена застраховка на имоти, собственост на Община Стара Загора“, Прогнозна стойност: 200 000.00
  • Обособена позиция 1: Избор на изпълнител за извършване на застрахователна услуга
    Обща стойност на договора, финансирана по проекта: 679.99
Процедура 2 Предмет на предвидената процедура: Audit, Прогнозна стойност: 10 000.00
Процедура 3 Предмет на предвидената процедура: Author supervision, Прогнозна стойност: 4 000.00
Процедура 4 Предмет на предвидената процедура: Catering and coffee breaks, Прогнозна стойност: 54 272.00
  • Обособена позиция 1: Catering and coffee breaks
    Изпълнител: "Пламен Петров - П" ООД
    Обща стойност на договора, финансирана по проекта: 54 271.52
Процедура 5 Предмет на предвидената процедура: Construction supervision, Прогнозна стойност: 5 000.00
  • Обособена позиция 1: Construction supervision
    Изпълнител: „ЕКИП-МГ” ООД
    Обща стойност на договора, финансирана по проекта: 4 380.00
Процедура 6 Предмет на предвидената процедура: Construction works, Прогнозна стойност: 420 000.00
  • Обособена позиция 1: Construction works
    Изпълнител: "Д4 Къмпани" ЕООД
    Обща стойност на договора, финансирана по проекта: 216 807.56
Процедура 7 Предмет на предвидената процедура: Construction works 1 - „Преустройство на част от съществуваща сграда в мултифункционална зала за занимания и свободно време при Международен младежки център – Стара Загора“ в УПИ І-505, кв. 298, по плана на гр. Стара Загора с идентификатор по КККР 68850.503.9905.2“ по проект BGLD-1.003-0003 „Международен младежки център – мисли локално, действай глобално! по Финансовия механизъм на Европейското икономическо пространство 2014-2021”, Прогнозна стойност: 190 863.47
  • Обособена позиция 1: Construction works 1 - „Преустройство на част от съществуваща сграда в мултифункционална зала за занимания и свободно време при Международен младежки център – Стара Загора“ в УПИ І-505, кв. 298, по плана на гр. Стара Загора с идентификатор по КККР 68850.503.9905.2“ по проект BGLD-1.003-0003 „Международен младежки център – мисли локално, действай глобално! по Финансовия механизъм на Европейското икономическо пространство 2014-2021”
    Изпълнител: "ГЛАВ-Проектинвест София" ЕООД
    Обща стойност на договора, финансирана по проекта: 223 202.07
Процедура 8 Предмет на предвидената процедура: Costs for information and publicity, Прогнозна стойност: 62 774.40
  • Обособена позиция 1: Costs for information and publicity
    Изпълнител: Издателска къща "Св. Георги Победоносец" ЕООД
    Обща стойност на договора, финансирана по проекта: 31 482.00
Процедура 9 Предмет на предвидената процедура: Detailed design for reconstruction, Прогнозна стойност: 13 800.00
Процедура 10 Предмет на предвидената процедура: Developing bilateral relations, exchanging experience and good practices and youth camps , Прогнозна стойност: 416 531.84
  • Обособена позиция 1: Developing bilateral relations, exchanging experience and good practices and youth camps
    Изпълнител: "Калисто Турс" ЕООД
    Обща стойност на договора, финансирана по проекта: 382 886.40
Процедура 11 Предмет на предвидената процедура: Materials and supplies for the implementation of youth center activities , Прогнозна стойност: 0.00
  • Обособена позиция 1: "Доставка на канцеларски материали във връзка със списъка на стоките и услугите по чл. 12, ал. 1, т. 1 от ЗОП“
    Изпълнител: "ТРАНС КО 04" ЕООД
    Обща стойност на договора, финансирана по проекта: 1 886.24
  • Обособена позиция 2: «Доставка на други канцеларски материали»
    Изпълнител: "РОНОС" ООД
    Обща стойност на договора, финансирана по проекта: 4 444.61
Процедура 12 Предмет на предвидената процедура: Materials and supplies for the implementation of youth center activities - printer consumables, Прогнозна стойност: 0.00
  • Обособена позиция 1: Materials and supplies for the implementation of youth center activities - printer consumables
    Изпълнител: "ВТ ТРЕЙД" ЕООД
    Обща стойност на договора, финансирана по проекта: 168.00
Процедура 13 Предмет на предвидената процедура: Materials and supplies for the implementation of youth center activities - other supplies, Прогнозна стойност: 160 000.00
  • Обособена позиция 1: Обособена позиция № 2 "Доставка на други канцеларски материали»
    Изпълнител: "ТРАНС КО 04" ЕООД
    Обща стойност на договора, финансирана по проекта: 1 200.00
  • Обособена позиция 2: Обособена позиция 1 "Доставка на канцеларски материали във връзка със списъка на стоките и услугите по чл. 12, ал. 1, т. 1 от ЗОП"
    Изпълнител: "ТРАНС КО 04" ЕООД
    Обща стойност на договора, финансирана по проекта: 0.00
Процедура 14 Предмет на предвидената процедура: Materials and supplies for the implementation of youth center activities-different types, Прогнозна стойност: 0.00
  • Обособена позиция 1: Materials and supplies for the implementation of youth center activities - different types
    Изпълнител: "БАГИРА" ООД
    Обща стойност на договора, финансирана по проекта: 16 286.84
Процедура 15 Предмет на предвидената процедура: Materials and supplies for the implementation of youth initiatives-different types, Прогнозна стойност: 0.00
  • Обособена позиция 1: Materials and supplies for the implementation of youth initiatives-different types
    Изпълнител: "БАГИРА" ООД
    Обща стойност на договора, финансирана по проекта: 7 200.00
Процедура 16 Предмет на предвидената процедура: National youth policy meeting, Прогнозна стойност: 43 293.26
  • Обособена позиция 1: National youth policy meeting
    Изпълнител: СОЛАР 8 ЕООД
    Обща стойност на договора, финансирана по проекта: 34 920.00
Процедура 17 Предмет на предвидената процедура: Office equipment and furnishing and equipment for leisure time and entertainment hall , Прогнозна стойност: 51 960.00
  • Обособена позиция 1: Обособена позиция 2 Доставка и монтаж на компютърна техника, мултифункционален принтер и плейстейшън заедно с телевизор и преградна решетка за монтаж
    Изпълнител: "КЛУБФЕРБАНД - ИТА" ООД
    Обща стойност на договора, финансирана по проекта: 22 018.80
  • Обособена позиция 2: Обособена позиция 1 Доставка на мебели, офис мебели и щори за прозорци
    Изпълнител: "ТРАНС КО 04" ЕООД
    Обща стойност на договора, финансирана по проекта: 13 421.10
Процедура 18 Предмет на предвидената процедура: Photo voltaic /PV/ system and battery system , Прогнозна стойност: 129 144.00
  • Обособена позиция 1: Photo voltaic /PV/ system and battery system
    Изпълнител: КЛАС - БОЙЧЕВ ЕООД
    Обща стойност на договора, финансирана по проекта: 134 020.13
Процедура 19 Предмет на предвидената процедура: Translation services, Прогнозна стойност: 9 300.00
Процедура 20 Предмет на предвидената процедура: Transport services 2, Прогнозна стойност: 5 169.28
  • Обособена позиция 1: Transport services 2
    Изпълнител: ЖЕС ГРУП ООД
    Обща стойност на договора, финансирана по проекта: 6 203.13
Процедура 21 Предмет на предвидената процедура: Transport services , Прогнозна стойност: 114 523.00
  • Обособена позиция 1: Transport services
    Изпълнител: "Експрес" ООД
    Обща стойност на договора, финансирана по проекта: 137 427.60
Процедура 22 Предмет на предвидената процедура: Website of the project, Прогнозна стойност: 10 000.00


Всички суми са в български лева (BGN) /1 EUR = 1,95583 BGN