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Благодарение на потребителите на ИСУН бяха спасени 56 781 дървета

Програма: Добро управление

Район за планиране: Всички


In Bulgaria, on average, about 200 children in the age between 0 and 18 have cancer.The chances of complete healing are between 65 and 85%. Treatment is long and difficult. Every child undergoing cancer treatment is a child at risk and there is a huge need for a period of mental recovery. Prolonged treatment, hair loss, frequent changes in appearance and limited social contacts lead to many psychological problems. Other children in the family experience no less stress than a sick child. They feel guilty and afraid of illness. As a result of the diagnosis, life in the family changes suddenly. These factors determine the target groups of the project - children and young people/survivors with onco-hematological diseases, their parents, siblings, and families who have lost a child in the battle with cancer. The purpose of the activities at the center is for the children and their families to regain their self-esteem, to overcome post-hospital parental control in a safe environment through specially prepared therapeutic programs and support groups. In addition to restoring normal communication between the child and the parent, the former patients' confidence in communicating with their peers will be worked on. Strategic games will help children learn to collaborate and understand each other's perspectives. Comprehensive work with children and their families will lead to a significant improvement in mental health, facilitation of re-socialization, easier adaptation to return to school, and consequently the elimination of the risk to the child. The stay in the center will be of different duration and will be organized in different ways - only children/young people; children and siblings; children with one companion (when they cannot be alone); whole families; families who have lost their child. The Recovery Center service is innovative. The main activities of the project are: study of good practices, preparation of methodology and work programs, provision of the service.
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Forming a project management team: This activity aims at ensuring good organization, coordination of project activities, ensuring effective management, as well as achieving the set indicators. The organization and management team will include a manager, coordinator, technical assistant and accountant. The organization and management of the project "Recovery Center for Children with Oncohematologic Diseases" will start as soon as the grant contract is signed. A project management team is planned to be set up by beneficiary employees. The team will be formed during the first month of project implementation and will be active throughout the project period. It will plan, organize, coordinate, control and report on the implementation of individual project activities. The main responsibilities of the members of the organization and management team will be related to - Organizing the overall implementation of the project activities; - Implementation and compliance with the agreed deadlines; - Achieving set performance indicators; - Adequate spending of funds; - Holding monthly team meetings; - Preparation and implementation of procedures for selection of contractors; - Implementation of direct monitoring and control; - Maintaining and storing necessary documentation as required and making available documentation upon request; - Reporting of activities completed The implementation of the activity is based on the principle of "good program and project management". The municipality of Kostinbrod has many years of experience in the implementation of social projects and an effective social policy in its territory. The planning and implementation of this project will be based on past experience and good practices in the field of social activities, which in turn will be a prerequisite for its successful implementation. 123 223.05 123 223.05
Study of good practices and exchange of experience with rehabilitation centers for children with various diseases, including cancer, in Norway and Italy: The implementation of this activity will be entrusted to a contractor as part of the implementation of the social service. The purpose of this activity is to explore good practices that will serve to develop the methodology. Two centers will be visited, one in Norway, the other in Italy. The activity will be assigned to a contractor as part of the implementation of the social service. The contractor will be responsible for organizing and carrying out both trips to the Catosenteret Center in Norway and the Dynamo Camp Center in Italy. A team of experts will be seconded to both countries, who will prepare a detailed written report based on a pre-prepared schedule and visit plan. The report will serve to report the performance of the activity to the Beneficiary, accompanied by the prepared schedules, plans, supporting documents, proofs of the trips made, photographic material and other documents required by the Beneficiary to the Contractor submitted with a bilaterally signed Receiving and Transmission Protocol. Catosenteret is a rehabilitation center for people with various illnesses. It is located in Son, Norway, 50 km from the capital Oslo. The center opened in 1988 and since 2006 has provided rehabilitation services for children and adolescents. Services for children are school lessons, discussion groups, outdoor activities, exercise groups, relaxation, swimming pool, climbing, social activities. The center specializes in the rehabilitation of cancer patients and provides services for adults as well as children and adolescents. The Dynamo Camp Center is the first camp in Italy for rehabilitation and recreational therapy that accepts sick children and their families. Established in 2007 under a project by the Dynamo Foundation, the center is located in Limestre (Province of Pistoia) in the Tuscan Apennines and has an area of ​​over 900 hectares. Dynamo Camp offers free rehabilitation programs for children and adolescents affected by about 70 diseases (cancer, hematology, neurology, spina bifida, diabetes, rare diseases, etc.), during treatment and after hospitalization, to healthy siblings and their families. Through the programs at the center, children build confidence in themselves and in their own abilities, participating in a wide range of activities ranging from sports, to animal play, from creative workshops, to expressive activities such as circus and theater. The opportunity that this project offers for visiting the Catosenteret and Dynamo Camp is invaluable, given that learning about and learning from the rich years of experience at these centers will greatly help to come up with an adequate strategy, working methodology and innovative programs for a whole new type of rehabilitation and social rehabilitation caring for children with cancer hematology. A visit to the Catosenteret will be another step in establishing mutual assistance and good cooperation between Bulgaria and Norway as a donor country. 8 800.00 8 800.00
Elaboration of strategy, methodology and programs for the provision of the service "Rehabilitation center for children with onco-hematological diseases": The implementation of this activity will be entrusted to a contractor as part of the implementation of the social service. The purpose of the activity is to develop a strategy, methodology and programs for working with children, teenagers, with the whole family and with siblings on the basis of the report with a detailed description of the best practices studied at the centers visited in Norway and Italy, of the workers currently employed social services in Bulgaria, as well as in compliance with the applicable national legislation, including the Law on Social Assistance, the Rules for the Implementation of the Law on Social Assistance, the Regulation on the Criteria and Standards for Social Services for Children, etc. The main purpose of developing a strategy and methodology for the new Rehabilitation Center service is to become a State Delegated Activity after its successful pilot launch on this project. Programs to be developed under the project will be structured carefully and in accordance with the needs of the target groups and the principles of therapeutic recovery. The need for psychological help and support for children with oncohematologic disorders is conditioned by the extreme stress caused by diagnosis, prolonged and severe treatment, accompanied by severe physical pain and malaise, the side effects of certain medications that lead to physiological changes ( overweight, hair loss, movement difficulties) and changes in children's behavior and moods. Making a psychological assessment involves examining the processes and structure of the individual, and leads to the definition of needs. When designing programs for work at the recovery center, it will be appreciated that children and young people should be able to choose the pace and boundaries they want to reach. For example, whether they want to "play on stage" or prefer to help "behind the scenes." Each goal must be achieved according to their personal desire and with the assistance of the group - mutual encouragement, teamwork and more. In a group discussion or individually, they should be able to reflect on the goals they have set and how far they have achieved them. This multifaceted process should lead children and young people to the discovery that they can succeed in many new things. This will raise their self-esteem, which in turn will help them cope with future difficulties. Through leisure programs, children and young people will be more inclined to try new challenges, succeed, unleash their own potential. The disease does not affect only the sick child, but every family member. In addition to working with children and adolescents surviving cancer, programs will be developed to work with the whole family, as well as to work with the siblings of cancer patients. Programs for the whole family should be designed to contribute to the restoration of the usual home atmosphere from from pre-illness, to the restoration of relationships between parents and children, and between the parents themselves, to accept the fact that the child has already been healed and life must return to normal. The prolonged and severe treatment of childhood cancers causes parents too much care and control over their children. This behavior is often maintained even after the end of treatment, leading to adverse reactions by children. One of the specific goals of the family program is to overcome this over-concern. Programs for other children in the family should pay special attention to encouraging them to share their concerns about the other child's illness so that they can cope with feelings of guilt and fears that arise. 3 245.00 3 245.00
Staff Training - Initial and Upgrading: The purpose of this activity is to carry out trainings of employees in connection with the implementation of the project. The trainings will be conducted according to a pre-prepared program and aims to familiarize the staff with the specifics of the services that will be provided and to familiarize them with the newly introduced strategy, methodology and programs prepared and approved within the project. The trainings will be four - one introductory and three upgrading. The Rehabilitation Center for Children with Oncohematologic Diseases is an innovative social service for Bulgaria. The staff who will be directly involved in providing the service to children and young people and their families will be carefully selected. The management and proper functioning of the center will be carried out by a manager, an administrator and an accountant. The children and parents will be looked after by a social worker, two psychologists, two art therapists, a sports activities organizer / trainer, an animator and two nurses. The support staff will be a host / calculator, driver / supplier, two cooks, two kitchen assistants, two hygienists, a general worker / gardener. An employment contract will be signed with each of them. All center staff, specialists and support staff should know well: - the specificity of the oncohematologic diseases in children, the ways of treatment, the side effects of chemo and radiation, from the use of certain medicines - the duration of treatment for the different types of cancer and the limitations it places on children and their families - the reasons for which long-term isolation is required - the risks to children who have undergone cancer treatment - long-term effects - physical and psychological, manifested after childhood cancer treatment - the psychological effects of diagnosis - normative acts concerning work with children - Law on Social Assistance, Ordinance on the Criteria and Standards for Social Services for Children, etc. - the service strategy and methodology developed for the project - the specific programs developed for the project to work with children with oncohematologic diseases and their families Introductory training includes all staff at the center. Commencement of the activity - the third month from the start of the project. The effectiveness of the methodology and the programs prepared will be monitored during the implementation of the project. Gaps and errors will be taken into account during the work, which will be corrected in a timely manner. These factors determine the need for periodic, up-to-date training for staff directly involved in working with children and families. Three such trainings are foreseen - in the 8th, 13th and 19th months from the launch of the project The funds pledged under the project for the implementation of this activity amount to BGN 3813.81. 3 813.81 3 771.60
Provision of the Rehabilitation Center for Children with Oncohematologic Diseases service: The Rehabilitation Center for Children with Oncohematologic Diseases is an innovative service for Bulgaria. The programs provided at the recovery center will benefit children with cancer, their families (parents / guardians, siblings, grandparents), adolescents with cancer before the age of 18, but treatment and their rehabilitation continues beyond the age of this age, as well as adolescents who have undergone childhood cancer treatment (surgery). All children and young people with oncohematologic diseases and their families, Bulgarian citizens from all over the Republic of Bulgaria, will have access to the services provided at the center. The Kostinbrod Municipality will be guided by the provisions of the Public Procurement Act for the implementation of the "Recovery Center for Children with Oncohematologic Diseases" service.A contractor will be selected, who in turn will appoint a team of experts in various fields who will organize, coordinate and provide the service as well as support staff. The total number of people to be recruited is 21.The programs run at the center will be of different duration - from 5 to 7 days, with overnights and four meals a day for all users. The food will be cooked on site in an equipped kitchen that complies with all permits.The cook together with the nurse / nutritionist and the host / calculator will prepare menus on the basis of which applications will be submitted to the food vendor. Through the specially designed programs, children and young people will be offered a lot of creative, fun and exciting activities, carefully structured in accordance with the principles of therapeutic recovery. Entertainment at the center will offer special dinners and theatrical performances, arts and crafts, music, photography, swimming, horseback riding, boat trips, pet therapy and many other surprises. There will be time for sports games and competitions. The rehabilitation center will also offer programs for recreational therapy for families of children and young people who have undergone cancer treatment. It will be a family-friendly program, but there will also be a special space for parents only where they will be able to talk freely about their concerns, voice their feelings and share their experiences while the kids are having fun or creating under the care of qualified professionals. Special programs and support groups for families who have lost their child in the battle with cancer will help to restore suffering and restore hope for the future. Not only do sick children have serious illnesses like cancer, but they also have a profound effect on their siblings. To provide a concrete answer to this problem, programs for working with healthy siblings will implement the same activities as those for recreational therapy programs for children and adolescents affected by cancer, so that children can share experiences at home and then have a basis for dealing with future experiences from a different perspective.The services provided at the center will be free of charge for children and their families. Sign in to the service is by: - Referral from the Center for Social Rehabilitation and Integration for Children with Oncohematologic Diseases - Referral from a physician and / or clinical psychologist; - Referral from CPD and child protection departments across the country; - Self-declaration by a parent or guardian of the child. The service will be provided according to a pre-approved schedule. A register of users participating in the programs will be drawn up and all information contained therein will be processed and stored in accordance with the accepted data protection policy. This register will provide information on the calculation of one of the project indicators - the number of families using the services in the center.In March 2022, an activity will be launched to prepare an analysis and assess the need for the innovative Recovery Center for Children with Oncohematological Diseases service 2 400 019.46 2 400 019.46
Publicity and awareness: Within the project implementation deadline will be organized: - one conference at the beginning of the project - to inform the public about the launch of the project and its main purpose - one mid-term conference - to get acquainted with the prepared strategy, methodology and programs and the interim results of the project - a final conference to familiarize stakeholders with the results achieved with the implementation of the project. A web site will be developed that will contain news and current information on the activities carried out and the results achieved, as well as information on the EEA Financial Mechanism and the Norwegian Financial Mechanism. 5000 leaflets with information about the project and the center will be developed and printed A marking plate will be prepared and placed prominently in the center Three publications in print and / or electronic media will be created to inform the public about the goals and results of the project. Information on the contribution of the EEA Financial Mechanism and the Norwegian Financial Mechanism to the achievement of the objectives and results of the project implementation will be disseminated through all information channels. Start of activity - the first month of the project start. 12 000.79 11 880.00
Audit of the project Recovery Center for Children with Onco-Hematological Diseases: For the implementation of the activity "Audit of the project Recovery Center for Children with Oncohematologic Diseases" the project budget corresponds to item III. Costs of accompanying measures, item 7. Audit expense, item 7.1. Project audit costs - BGN 12,000 incl. VAT. The implementation of project audits is carried out in order to express an independent auditor's opinion on the legality and appropriateness of the costs incurred and the procedures for selecting contractors for the respective project. The costs of the projects are subject to audit according to the Bulgarian legislation. All projects worth over € 500,000, financed through project selection schemes, are subject to external audit. The main objective of the audit is to establish findings (confirmations) that the costs reported by the Beneficiary, described in the financial statements under the Contract, (interim and final) are actually completed, accurate and eligible and to provide the Beneficiary with factual findings. Eligibility of costs in this case is defined as the correct and correct disbursement of the grant in accordance with the terms, conditions and requirements laid down in the Grant Agreement, national and European legislation. Following the best practices in the field, the audit is required to be a continuous process that is carried out throughout the project lifecycle, with a "on-going" and a "final" audit. The term "on-going audit" refers to the audit reports presented by the beneficiary with the interim requests for funds. The term "Final audit" refers to the audit report that the beneficiary presents with the final request for funds. The auditor should ensure that: - The beneficiary maintains accurate and regular documentation and accounting records reflecting the implementation of the project using an appropriate and adequate electronic system. - The Beneficiary has implemented chronological, two-sided synthetic and analytical accounting records and prepared the financial statements in accordance with the requirements and basic accounting principles set out in the Accounting Act. The accounting system should be an integral part of, or supplement to, the Beneficiary's current accounting system. Project accounting should allow for the collection of the necessary data for financial management, monitoring, cost verification, audit and evaluation; - The Beneficiary maintains detailed analytical accounts sufficient to establish and track the recoverable and non-recoverable value added tax of the specific project / contract; - The Beneficiary complies with the Contracting Authority's instructions regarding the organization of the accounting process from the date of receipt (if issued); - The data reported in the progress reports is identical to that in the Beneficiary's accounting system (and the corresponding documentary justification); - The auditor has received assurance that the costs of the audited project are not subject to double financing - double financing verification 24 000.00 22 200.00


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