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Благодарение на потребителите на ИСУН бяха спасени 56 779 дървета

Програма: Добро управление

Район за планиране: Всички


Според данни на ВКБООН и Уницеф България от началото на военен конфликт в Украйна 450 000 украински бежанци са пристигнали в България, 124 489 са регистрирани за временна закрила, а 87 000 са останали на територията на страната към юли 2023 г. 40% от украинците, получили временна закрила в България са деца.
Интеграционен център “Отворени Обятия” е насочен към бежанци, гражданите на трети държави търсещи/ получили закрила като основна целева група са разселените лица от Украйна и местната общност. С оглед нуждите ще предоставим по-широк спектър от социални, консултативни, правни и социални услуги. както и да продължим да работим усилено за интеграцията им в обществото и гарантирането им на достоен и нормален живот в България.
Интеграционният център цели да създаде защитена среда като предостави безплатни програми за интеграция в обществения живот, осигуряване на информационни, образователна и културни дейностти, създаване на учебни програми, провеждане на уроци по български език и други.
Интеграционният център предвижда да работи целенасочено и устойчиво за изграждането на безопасна среда за общуване, развитие на личностни, социални и професионални умения в различни области. Дейностите се планират, изготвят и ще бъдат водени от редица експерти с опит в своята сфера на работа с цел създаване на работеща и актуална програма за целевите групи на проекта.
Център ще отвори врати на територията на Район "Оборище" на комуникативно място като ключовите фактори за достигане до по-голям брой хора и възможност те да се чувстват в безопасна среда. В проекта са включени редица експерти, а партньора ни от Норвегия ще повиши капацитета на учителите и обучителите, които ще осъществяват дейностите.
Дейност Договорена стойност Отчетена стойност
Project Management : This activity creates the prerequisites for the quality implementation of the project activities and will be implemented throughout the lifetime of the project. Project management consists of (1) Project initiation; (2) Planning and implementation of activities; (3) Selection of external contractors to implement project activities; and (4) Project closure. Activity 1 creates the necessary preconditions for the implementation of the other project activities and the achievement of the project objectives. Its successful implementation depends to a large extent on the ability of the team to organise its work, as well as to select the appropriate external contractors, experts who are expected to have high qualifications, extensive experience and the necessary capacity. The organisation and management of the project will be carried out by a dedicated Project Management Team (PMT) including: a project manager, a coordinator, an accountant and a technical assistant. 67 536.10 0.00
Information and publicity : The activity complies with the requirements for information and publicity in Annex 3 to the Regulation on the implementation of the NFM 2014-2021, in connection with Article 3.3, paragraph 3 of the Regulation; Communication plan of the Internal Affairs Program of Bulgaria 2014-2020; Information and Publicity Guidelines 2014-2021; Communication and Design Guide, EEC-Norway Financial Mechanism 2014-2021; Systems for management and control of the implementation of the Internal Affairs program of the NFM 2014-2021. The current activity includes measures for visual identification, information, publicity, communication and transparency in relation to the promotion of the project, its objectives and results. It contains: - Conducting opening and closing press conferences and holding a closing conference. An event will also be held to launch the social service. - Production of advertising materials, including a notebook with complete information about the project, a bag for materials with an advertising logo, t-shirts, folders, pens, etc. - Internet site of the project - after the signing of the BFP contract, concluded between the beneficiary and the Program Operator, SO - Region "Oborishte" will inform the public about the received support on a special sub-site of the project. It will present information on the implementation of the project and will publish reports on its achievements. - Ensuring visualization on the delivered equipment and the places where it is delivered - in order to ensure visual identification of the delivered and installed equipment, as well as the financial support from the NFM 2014-2021, the contractor under Activity 1 puts on a visible place stickers, tailored with the size of the surface of the items, and provides information boards/billboards according to the location of the project activities. Signs and roll banners will be made for the beneficiary and partners (3 pcs. in total). - informational materials for those accommodated in the service (adaptation and printing); All information and communication measures will be planned and implemented with the aim to timely meet the identified needs of the target groups, as well as the specific situation in which they are implemented. The principle of partnership will also be respected, according to which the measures will be implemented in open dialogue and interaction with all interested parties included in the target groups of the project, as well as with the partners under the current project proposal. The activity will present the intermediate and final results achieved by the project. 21 999.18 0.00
Curriculum development: Development of a special program for the teaching staff with a detailed plan for teaching the Bulgarian language to each age group. The curriculum will be tailored, on the one hand, to the school programs of the Ministry of Education and Science, and on the other hand, to the specific needs and needs of the target group. After the first six months of implementation of the activity, there will be an opportunity for evaluation based on the classes conducted and the feedback received. The programs will be developed for teachers of Bulgarian and Ukrainian origin with the necessary level of expertise, who will take part in a detailed five-day training with the experts in this activity The programs will be divided into the following age groups: Group 1 - 6-7 years old Group 2 - 8-9 years old Group 3 - 10-11 year olds Group 4 - 12-13 year olds Group 5 - 14-16 year olds 25 816.95 0.00
Teacher training: The trainings will be developed and conducted by the partner organization from Norway Training of trainers, teachers and youth workers will consist of online trainings with emphasis on the following topics: - How to plan, develop training/teaching/course - Analysis of needs, understanding the needs of students - Link between curriculum (if any) and training - Creating learning objectives - Understand different methods for learning activities - Ideas for creating a study plan - Evaluation of training Teachers, educators, trainers, youth workers and others, who will work with the target group of the project, have to deal with more than the content of their traditional professions in order to support children and young people's learning processes. This includes the ability to deal with various challenges that each person brings to the classroom in a good way. To enable teachers, educators, youth workers and others to succeed with their students, the project will develop a theoretical and practical framework for addressing the special needs of students. In-service training will focus on how to deal with and support learners who struggle with - Mental health problems - health issues - Social problems - problems with the foreign language 45 883.77 0.00
Renovation and construction of an integration center : The Municipality of "Oborishte" will provide municipal property for free use in order to build a sustainable integration center in the heart of Sofia. The apartment to be provided is currently vacant but is in a very poor condition. Stains of moisture were found on the walls, as a result of which mold, mildew, peeling plaster and a completely unusable wooden floor were found. The floor structure initially needs revision and subsequently strengthening. The plaster is crumbling and cracked everywhere. Its cleaning and sanitizing is imperative from a hygienic point of view, in order to ensure a normally healthy living environment. The existing installations in the home - electrical, water supply and sewage, as well as heating and ventilation - need to be completely replaced with new ones. The woodwork available in the home should be replaced, as well as the interior doors and windows and the front door. In practice, in all rooms, the joinery is unusable - the windows and doors cannot be opened and closed 150 598.91 0.00
Creative workshops, art therapy classes and psychological support : The activity provides a creative workshop and professional classes in music and vocal singing, classical and modern dances, fine and applied art, psychotherapy through movement. The target audience is 90% children aged 3 to 15 years. The remaining 10% are young people and adults who want to do it professionally or as an amateur. Classes are extremely important for people under stress and mental trauma. Types of creative workshops: 1. Vocal training, for example, strengthens the heart muscle and has a positive effect on the body as a whole. Singing stimulates the production of endorphins - the hormone of joy. People who sing a lot and properly improve their mood and concentration. The psychological aspect is also important. Also, singing can help in the treatment of diseases such as depression. One of the main activities in music workshops is playing an instrument. The school should be equipped with good musical instruments. It will hold a recital where each student can perform in front of an audience and demonstrate the acquired musical skills. It is desirable to have two concerts a year, attended by teachers and parents, their acquaintances and relatives. These concerts are the so-called accountable. If the child is ready - he participates, if he is not ready, he continues to study and prepare until the next concert. 2. Fine art and the history of art with the practical part: Preparatory group for students who want to enter a profiled educational institution in arts. Each topic contains a theoretical part. At the end of the course, children will have knowledge of various techniques and materials and will have the necessary knowledge to enter art schools. Drawings and paintings will include open air outdoors, outside of the classroom, whenever possible. These are studies and sketches in museums, parks and city streets. Sculpture - we will continue to model simple objects and vases. A theoretical part will be added to the lesson, in which the basics of the anatomy of animals and human figures will be studied (in simple words about proportions and understanding the skeleton of objects). Composition - work in different techniques with different materials (watercolor, tempera, acrylic, colored pencils, pastels and mixing materials in one work). 3. Dance school Psychologically, dance movements and physical activity have a positive effect on children and their condition. They help relieve the stress and feel safe among peers, which lays the foundations for emotional stability. 100 518.09 0.00
Summer school : Summer School Arms Wide Open is an integration program that aims to create a safe environment for communication and socialization during the summer vacation 68 293.40 0.00
Information meetings about protection, accommodation, school enrollment and finding and/or starting a job: This activity will be carried out throughout the project and will consist of conducting information meetings with the help of invited experts in the fields together with representatives of the project team. The meetings will be in an open format and will be advertised through social networks. The main task of these meetings will be to provide accessible and up-to-date information on the following topics Financial literacy; Professional realization and career development in Bulgaria; Labor rights and relations; Health Insurance; Legal issues Education - opportunities for children and students Opportunity to start your own business 1. Informational meetings about opportunities for Ukrainians with refugee status/people under temporary protection in Bulgaria in companies from the high tech sector, 2. Information meetings and training seminars on ways to start a business in Bulgaria 3. Information meetings related to protection, accommodation, school enrollment and administrative assistance Way of implementation The meetings will be held live, divided into three sessions: - submitting the information - discussion section for questions and answers and discussion of specific cases of the participants - practical part for direct help in searching and applying for positions in the sector 23 469.96 0.00
Conducting Bulgarian language courses: By its very nature, the activity is small group (up to 10-15 participants) activities under the guidance of a teacher, with the goal that at the end of the course, the students will master practical basic skills for oral communication - listening with understanding and composing short texts related to everyday life . They are ready to move on to learning the Bulgarian language through a structured program. The activity envisages holding Bulgarian courses in separate subgroups as follows: Conducting a Bulgarian language course for group 1 (6-7-year-olds) Conducting a Bulgarian language course for group 2 (8-9 year olds) Conducting a Bulgarian language course for group 3 (10-11-year-olds) Conducting a Bulgarian language course for group 4 (12-13-year-olds) Conducting a Bulgarian language course for group 5 (14-16-year-olds) Possibility of training from the initial level (A1--A2 according to the European language framework) in the Bulgarian language, but categorically directed efforts to upgrade the acquired knowledge by the time the program will start. We provide a program in Bulgarian, which, in addition to studying it as a language for foreigners, will also include additional lessons for the preparation of the students who are facing a national external assessment. The groups will have to perform tasks for listening and speaking, reading and writing: listening and reproducing in oral form basic vocabulary from the sphere of everyday life; legal discourse; listening and reproducing in oral form basic vocabulary from the field of the initial stage of primary education; legal discourse; listening comprehension of word combinations, short sentences and short texts; independent use of basic vocabulary in word combinations, short sentences and short texts reading and understanding of sentences and short texts; writing words and sentences; writing short sentences. The tasks are interactive in the form of play, song, description, storytelling and will use interactive methods. 117 226.13 0.00
Youth program: The youth program will be mainly focused on persons in the age group 15-29 (according to the Youth Act in Bulgaria). The program will aim to develop the personal and social skills of young people and provide a safe space for their development. As part of the program will be included - Weekly meetings with young people between the ages of 15 and 29 and conducting various trainings on the methodology of informal learning. The focus of this type of activity will be oriented towards the needs and interests of the young people we work with. Part of these activities aim to include Bulgarian students in order to increase the level of socialization and integration of our target group. - An English language course with classes held twice a week for young people between 13 and 18 years old and for a target group over 18 years old. The improved level of English language proficiency will increase the competitiveness of refugees and asylum seekers both in Bulgaria and in third countries. - Visiting cultural events, concerts and urban spaces. The program will be led and implemented by youth workers who have experience in conducting the activities. Training sessions will include methods related to non-formal education and experiential learning. The focus will be the development of personal and social skills and 21st century skills in order to successfully and quickly integrate into society. Withn the activities, there will be an opportunity to include young Bulgarian peers. The topics will be determined after conducting a poll among the young people who have expressed interest. In parallel with the youth program, English language courses will be held, with classes held twice a week for young people between 13 and 18 years and for a target group over 18 years of age. The program will aim to develop the personal and social skills of young people and provide a safe space for their development. 113 567.28 0.00


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В изпълнение на проект BG05SFOP001-4.002-0003 „Повишаване на ефективността и ефикасността на Централното координационно звено“.