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Благодарение на потребителите на ИСУН бяха спасени 56 779 дървета

Програма: Всички

Район за планиране: Бургас


Осигуряване на функционалност за обмен на данни между Информационни системи управление на Програмите за трансгранично сътрудничество, както и уеб порталите на програмите;
Надграждане и развитие на web-порталите на ИНТЕРРЕГ-ИПП програмите с модули за отразяване на степента на достигане на специфичните индикатори , степента на въздействие на програмите върху включените региони, избраните области за сътрудничество и целевите групи, както и за визуализиране на резултати от анкети и публични консултации във връзка със предстоящия програмен период и възможност за свързване и предоставяне на данни към база данни (http://www.patchworkbalkan.org/) създаден в рамките на проект „Български трансграничен диалог – разработване на регионална база данни за трансгранично сътрудничество“, финансиран по Програма BG 11 “Изграждане на капацитет и институционално сътрудничество” на Норвежкия финансов механизъм 2009-2014 г. 
Създаване на трайни партньорски отношения, насърчаване на диалога и обмяна и разпространение на добри практики в областта на управлението и изпълнението на програмите за Европейското териториално сътрудничество.
Обмяна и споделяне на опит по отношение на механизми за осигуряване на синергия между програмите за териториално сътрудничество и приложимите макрорегионални стратегии на ЕС
Дейност Договорена стойност Отчетена стойност
WP1 Capacity building - Data visualization tools and practices: The aim of the module is to collect information and technologies on possible tools/instruments and software in the field of data visualization and its possible implications in CBC programmes. This activity will lay down the possibilities for development and implementation of appropriate and useful tools in the websites and information systems of the programmes. The activity will include study and training visits in Norway including their statistics office which is one of the leading in visualization of regional data for public purposes. Additionally a training/study visit in INTERACT Turku, Finland will be made to enable the team to learn and understand the new requirements in the coming programming period and also to get better knowledge on the hardware and software requirements for a large data bases developed in EU – Database KEEP v2. The Barents secretariat will elaborate a methodology for data visualization with the help of their extensive previous experience and their connections to Jefferson Institute which is one of the leading organizations in this field. Additionally the joint methodology for data visualization tool will be developed in the later stages of the project with the participation of relevant external software companies. 255 123.84 64 079.21
WP 2 Capacity building - Analysis of the regional requirements for data visualization: The aim of the module is to collect further information and create a transnational network of experts and involved stakeholders about the regional and local requirement in data visualization and programmes presentation to the wider public. Communication officer of the Directorate will help keep contact with local media and local and regional authorities about their needs and requirements for representation of the programmes and their results. The project will use the supplied equipment under Activity 4 for distant communication and arrangement of meetings and video conferences to establish the local requirements for data visualization. The project promoter will elaborate a technical specification based on the data from WP 1 and WP 2 and conduct a tender procedure to ensure the sound implementation of the defined requirements in to the websites and information systems. In lights of COVID-19 pandemic and increased requirements for information security, the project promoter will elaborate tender specification for enhancing of the implemented information security measures under the Programmes with respect to the demands of GDPR. 211 000.81 8 437.96
WP 3 Delivery of communication and IT hardware: The aim of the module is provide the needed hardware for the proper implementation of the communication activities for implementation of WP4 and WP2 which will provide the additional local and regional requirements defined in WP2. In lights of COVID-19 pandemic and increased requirements for information security, the project promoter will implement proper tender procedure for delivery of IT and communication equipment for enhancing of the implemented information security measures under the Programmes with respect to the demands of GDPR. The equipment will be used to bolster the capacity of both partners to communicate and establish stable and secure relations with other organizations and stakeholders involved in WP2. 144 103.60 35 331.23
WP4 Information and Publicity Events: Two online Annual conferences will be organized during the project implementation. Under this activity it is foreseen also participation of representatives of the involved institutions in these events in order to foster capacity building and exchange of experience and best practices. The conferences will be organized as video conference with a host and prior notice participants and will be streamed online. The Project partner will elaborate, prepare and execute a tender for promotional materials under the project. 703 042.65 9 687.39


Елемент в светло синьо позволява показване на детайли при избирането му
Всички суми са в български лева (BGN) /1 EUR = 1,95583 BGN
Проектът се финансира от Оперативна програма „Добро управление”, съфинансирана от Европейския съюз чрез Европейския социален фонд.
В изпълнение на проект BG05SFOP001-4.002-0003 „Повишаване на ефективността и ефикасността на Централното координационно звено“.