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Programme: Transport and Transport Infrastructure

Planning region: All


Total count of contracts 80
Total amount of grant 3 595 016 037.97 BGN
Total amount 6 251 876 061.62 BGN
Total count of beneficiaries 8

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Programme Beneficiary Company type Company legal type Company legal status Address Location Project proposal number Project Name Total Grant Self-financing by the Beneficiary Duration (months) Status of Implementation of the Contract/Order of the Grant
2014BG16M1OP001 Transport and transport infrastructure 000695388 Ministry of Transport and Communications, Coordination of Programmes and Projects Directorate-MA of Operational Programme Transport and Transport Infrastructure 2014-2020 State administration ACM/ ministry Public Bulgaria, Sofia, 1000, улица "Дякон Игнатий" 9
BG16M1OP001-5.002-0003 "Technical assistance for ensuring the performance of administrative and technical services and other costs associated with the implementation of the Operational Programme "Transport and Transport Infrastructure 2014-2020" 1 156 062.04 1 156 062.04 0.00 108 Closed (completion date)
2014BG16M1OP001 Transport and transport infrastructure 000695089 ROAD INFRASTRUCTURE AGENCY State administration Executive agency/ administrative structure established by legal act Public Bulgaria, Sofia, 1606, бул. МАКЕДОНИЯ № 3
BG16M1OP001-5.001-0019 "Organization and maintenance of existing archive projects under OPT 2007 - 2013 of "Road Infrastructure Agency" 144 276.00 144 276.00 0.00 42 Closed (completion date)
2014BG16M1OP001 Transport and transport infrastructure 000695089 ROAD INFRASTRUCTURE AGENCY State administration Executive agency/ administrative structure established by legal act Public Bulgaria, Sofia, 1606, бул. МАКЕДОНИЯ № 3
BG16M1OP001-2.001-0001 Struma Motorway – Lot 3.1, Lot 3.3 and Zheleznitsa Tunnel 762 454 803.61 753 998 719.71 8 456 083.90 100 In execution (starting date)
2014BG16M1OP001 Transport and transport infrastructure 000695089 Road infrastructure agency State administration State agency/ state commission Public Bulgaria, Sofia, 1606, бул. МАКЕДОНИЯ № 3
  • Sofia
BG16M1OP001-2.002-0001 Preparation for Completion of Black Sea Motorway 2 592 000.00 2 592 000.00 0.00 43 Terminated (termination date)
2014BG16M1OP001 Transport and transport infrastructure 000695089 Road Infrastructure Agency State administration Executive agency/ administrative structure established by legal act Public Bulgaria, Sofia, 1606, бул. МАКЕДОНИЯ № 3
  • Sofia Cap.
BG16M1OP001-5.001-0005 Providing financing for the payment of monthly salaries of employees in the Agency "Road Infrastructure" that perform functions related to the preparation, implementation and monitoring of the projects under Operational Programme "Transport and transport infrastructure" 2014-2020 and the successful completion of the Operational Programme "Transport 2007-2013 2 495 808.00 2 495 808.00 0.00 57 Closed (completion date)
2014BG16M1OP001 Transport and transport infrastructure 000695089 Road Infrastructure Agency State administration Executive agency/ administrative structure established by legal act Public Bulgaria, Sofia, 1606, бул. МАКЕДОНИЯ № 3
BG16M1OP001-2.001-0002 Construction of "Kalotina-Sofia" Motorway - Lot 1 "Western arc of Sofia Ring Road (SRR)" , phase 2 99 445 521.25 94 289 017.04 5 156 504.21 96 Closed (completion date)
2014BG16M1OP001 Transport and transport infrastructure 000695089 Road Infrastructure Agency State administration Executive agency/ administrative structure established by legal act Public Bulgaria, Sofia, 1606, бул. МАКЕДОНИЯ № 3
BG16M1OP001-5.001-0009 Preparation of project: Road I-1 (E-79) Vidin-Montana-Vratsa 1 932 103.09 1 932 103.09 0.00 96 Closed (completion date)
2014BG16M1OP001 Transport and transport infrastructure 000695089 Road Infrastructure Agency State administration Executive agency/ administrative structure established by legal act Public Bulgaria, Sofia, 1606, бул. МАКЕДОНИЯ № 3
BG16M1OP001-5.001-0012 Providing financing for trainings and trips abroad and work meetings in the country for employees of Agency "Road Infrastructure" whose functions are directly related to the preparation, implementation and monitoring of projects under OP "Transport and Transport infrastructure "2014 - 2020 685 529.45 685 529.45 0.00 72 In execution (starting date)
2014BG16M1OP001 Transport and transport infrastructure 000695089 Road Infrastructure Agency State administration State agency/ state commission Public Bulgaria, Sofia, 1606, бул. Македония 3
BG16M1OP001-4.001-0002 Development and implementation of intelligent transport system within the "Trakia" highway 0.00 0.00 0.00 36 Terminated (termination date)
2014BG16M1OP001 Transport and transport infrastructure 000695089 Road Infrastructure Agency State administration Executive agency/ administrative structure established by legal act Public Bulgaria, Sofia, 1606, бул. Македония № 3
  • Sofia Cap.
BG16M1OP001-5.001-0034 Providing financing for the payment of monthly salaries of employees in the Agency "Road Infrastructure" that perform functions related to the preparation, implementation and monitoring of the projects under Operational Programme "Transport and transport infrastructure" 2014-2020 2 399 139.64 2 360 342.96 38 796.68 30 Closed (completion date)
2014BG16M1OP001 Transport and transport infrastructure 000695089 Road Infrastructure Agency State administration Executive agency/ administrative structure established by legal act Public Bulgaria, Sofia, 1606, бул. "Македония" №3
  • Burgas
BG16M1OP001-2.001-0006 „Burgas bypass road“ („Burgas bypass road from km 230+700 of road I-9 Sarafovo-Burgas to km 493+550 of road I-6 Vetren-Burgas and local lanes“) 79 450 324.62 79 450 324.62 0.00 62 Closed (completion date)
2014BG16M1OP001 Transport and transport infrastructure 000695089 Road Infrastructure Agency (RIA) State administration State agency/ state commission Public Bulgaria, Sofia, 1606, Площад Македония № 3, София 1606, България
  • Bulgaria
BG16M1OP001-2.001-0005 Europa Motorway from km 15+500 to km 48+903 278 586 072.43 276 783 190.03 1 802 882.40 94 In execution (starting date)
2014BG16M1OP001 Transport and transport infrastructure 000695089 Road Infrastructure Agency State administration Executive agency/ administrative structure established by legal act Public Bulgaria, Sofia, 1606, бул. МАКЕДОНИЯ № 3
BG16M1OP001-2.002-0003 Preparation of project AM Ruse - Veliko Turnovo 1 180 588.98 1 134 544.93 46 044.05 81 Closed (completion date)
2014BG16M1OP001 Transport and transport infrastructure 000695388 Coordination of Programmes and Projects Directorate in Ministry of Transport and Communications - MA of Operational Programme Transport and Transport Infrastructure 2014-2020 State administration ACM/ ministry Public Bulgaria, Sofia, 1080, ул. ДЯКОН ИГНАТИЙ № 7-9
BG16M1OP001-5.002-0004 Technical assistance financing the expenses for delivery, installation and technical supply of office and technical equipment for OPPTI Managing Authority 556 641.50 556 184.58 456.92 92 Closed (completion date)
2014BG16M1OP001 Transport and transport infrastructure 000695388 Coordination of Programmes and Projects Directorate-Managing Authority of Operational Programme Transport and Transport Infrastructure, Ministry of Transport, Information Technology and Communications State administration ACM/ ministry Public Bulgaria, Sofia, 1000, улица "Генерал Йосиф В. Гурко" №6
  • Sofia
BG16M1OP001-5.001-0027 Elaboration of a draft National Plan for the Development of the Combined Transport in the Republic of Bulgaria until 2030 421 200.00 421 200.00 0.00 17 Closed (completion date)
2014BG16M1OP001 Transport and transport infrastructure 000695388 Coordination of Programmes and Projects Directorate-Managing Authority of Operational Programme Transport and Transport Infrastructure, Ministry of Transport, Information Technology and Communications State administration ACM/ ministry Public Bulgaria, Sofia, 1000, улица "Дякон Игнатий" 9-11
  • Sofia
BG16M1OP001-5.002-0009 "Verification of project expenditure with beneficiary Managing Authority of OP "Transport" 2007-2013 and OP "Transport and Transport Infrastructure" 2014-2020 " 47 558.88 47 558.88 0.00 100 Closed (completion date)
2014BG16M1OP001 Transport and transport infrastructure 000695388 “Coordination of programmes and projects” Directorate at Ministry of transport, Information technology and Communication State administration ACM/ ministry Public Bulgaria, Sofia, 1000, ул. „Дякон Игнатий” 9
BG16M1OP001-5.002-0007 "Promoting OPTTI for the general public throughout cooperation with electronic media (TV and radio stations) and conducting sociological surveys" 972 507.44 972 507.44 0.00 66 Closed (completion date)
2014BG16M1OP001 Transport and transport infrastructure 130823243 State Enterprise National Railway Infrastructure Company (SE NRIC) Company Other companies Public Bulgaria, Sofia, 1233, бул. Княгина Мария Луиза, номер 110
  • Sofia (BG412)
BG16M1OP001-1.001-0006 Modernization of Sofia – Dragoman – Serbian border Railway line: section Voluyak – Dragoman phase 1 582 641 110.07 156 291 800.67 426 349 309.40 55 In execution (starting date)
2014BG16M1OP001 Transport and transport infrastructure 130823243 STATE ENTERPRISE NATIONAL RAILWAY INFRASTRUCTURE COMPANY Company Other companies Public Bulgaria, Sofia, 1233, КНЯГИНЯ МАРИЯ ЛУИЗА, номер 110
  • Razgrad (BG324)
  • Ruse (BG323)
  • Varna (BG331)
BG16M1OP001-1.001-0007 Rehabilitation, overhaul and modernization of Varna and Razgrad Traction Power Stations, and construction of Ruse Traction Power Station and introduction of a system for remote control and telesignaling - SCADA, Phase 1. 43 945 717.58 19 996 587.82 23 949 129.76 55 In execution (starting date)
2014BG16M1OP001 Transport and transport infrastructure 130823243 STATE ENTERPRISE NATIONAL RAILWAY INFRASTRUCTURE COMPANY Company Other companies Public Bulgaria, Sofia, 1233, бул. "Княгиня Мария Луиза" № 110
  • South Central (BG42)
BG16M1OP001-1.001-0002 Modernization of the railway section Septemvri-Plovdiv – part of the Trans-European railway network – construction of four overpasses” 19 726 024.18 15 937 900.60 3 788 123.58 21 Closed (completion date)
2014BG16M1OP001 Transport and transport infrastructure 130823243 National Railway Infrastructure Company Company Other companies Public Bulgaria, Sofia, 1233, Бул. "Княгиня Мария Луиза" № 110
BG16M1OP001-3.001-0006 Reconstruction of Poduyane, Iskar and Kazichene Railway Station Complexes 7 395 396.81 5 639 090.99 1 756 305.82 92 Closed (completion date)
2014BG16M1OP001 Transport and transport infrastructure 130823243 National Railway Infrastructure Company Company Other companies Public Bulgaria, Sofia, 1233, Бул. "Княгиня Мария Луиза" № 110
BG16M1OP001-3.001-0008 Reconstruction of Karnobat Railway Station Complex 6 266 520.67 5 158 475.36 1 108 045.31 86 Closed (completion date)
2014BG16M1OP001 Transport and transport infrastructure 130823243 State Enterprise "National Railway Infrastructure Company" - NRIC Company Other companies Public Bulgaria, Sofia, 1233, бул. "Кн. Мария Луиза" № 110
  • Sofia
BG16M1OP001-5.001-0032 Support to the administrative capacity of NRIC SDIP Directorate in relation to its duties for programming, preparation, implementation, monitoring and control of the OPTTI 2014-2020 co-financed railway projects and for the preparation of OPTC 2 706 036.25 2 705 792.38 243.87 31 Closed (completion date)
2014BG16M1OP001 Transport and transport infrastructure 130823243 State Enterprise "National Railway Infrastructure Company" Company Other companies Public Bulgaria, Sofia, 1233, бул. "Кн. Мария Луиза" № 110
  • Bulgaria
BG16M1OP001-5.001-0040 Support for SDIP Directorate at NRIC related to the management and implementation of the railway projects financed by OPTTI 2014-2020 1 597 586.88 1 597 586.88 0.00 12 Closed (completion date)
2014BG16M1OP001 Transport and transport infrastructure 130823243 State Enterprise "National Railway Infrastructure Company" Company Other companies Public Bulgaria, Sofia, 1233, бул. "Княгиня Мария Луиза" 110
  • Burgas
BG16M1OP001-1.001-0005 From East2West - 2. Access to OEM Corridor through the Core Port of Burgas: Rehabilitation of the rail connections towards the Trans-European Transport Network. 7 667 450.77 6 369 305.76 1 298 145.01 36 Closed (completion date)
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Elements in light blue allow detailed view when selected
All amounts are in Bulgarian lev (BGN) / 1 EUR = 1,95583 BGN
Project cost information in the regions based on the latest update of the Grant contract
The information about the actually paid project amounts is not related to the respective region, but is for the whole project. It is visible when accessing each individual project, and for all projects in the sample - when exporting the data.
The project is financed by the Operational Programme "Technical Assistance" and co-financed by the European Union through the European Regional Development Fund.
In implementing the project № 0115-CCU-2.1 "Information system for management and monitoring of EU funds in 2014-2020 - UMIS 2020" (BG161PO002-2.1.01-0007-C0001).